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  Job Security
Posted by: -J- - 08-04-2016, 04:54 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

Come in when you need to.
You won't be back tomorrow.
You're here at four. We asked for two.
Come in when you need to.
You made this about you.

We're dealing with enough sorrow.
Come in when you need to.
You won't be back tomorrow.

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  I forgot
Posted by: Drek - 08-02-2016, 11:38 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

I forgot....

I forgot the disgusting segment from the past... the detestable things, the blood,
the soul poured on the cheeks, left there to dry like a tissue...
I forgot the evil,
that was tearing apart my psycho-physical build,
somewhere back in time...
I forgot....
All those nightmares and madness, when the night kills in the dream, the anxiety
in the faintly morning opening the day,
I forgot the futility of the looks in the eyes,
the itch in the heart...
In all that gathered sadness,
on the heavy pounds of memory,
in 66 kilograms human, a pile of poison...
I forgot...
I forgot about my dead past, the clear end sight and the dead end 
of humanity...
I forgot to cry,
to grieve,
to curse and pray,
I forgot to kill myself...
I forgot to extinguish the emotions in countless bottles of alcohol,
I forgot to vomit what's inside, to disconnect and connect from the outside,
I forgot to hope about death...
I forgot the yearning after the cold kiss,
I forgot the stupid expression of human weakness,
on the other side of the mirror...
I forgot the disappointments,
the broken pieces of glass psyche,
the crushed emotions,
the ferocious core of life...
I forgot...
I forgot to sing about the darkness,
I deleted her face from the covers of the books,
I crossed-out the loneliness,
from every strophe marrow...
I forgot to caress the evil,
the first hour,
the first time i made love with your spirit... I forgot to count time
at the time i gifted you my soul, to keep it inside you, to be yours forever...
I forgot to hug the end,
at the first second of our beginning,
from our beginning,
in your heart,
in my heart...
At this our time,
I forget the misery,
i meet it and learn it,
THE LOVE... I enjoy the love, forgetting... 
Forgetting the shadows, 
horrors and miseries...
I'm not pitiful when I'm lonely,
I'm not suffering and weak,
I found more inside me,
I found more inside you,
for me,
for you,
for us... for our future... for the love.
There are more lives for us both...
I forgot to be alone with you,
for myself,
here with you... near you,
inside you...
I forgot...

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  The sky was burning
Posted by: Drek - 08-02-2016, 11:34 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

The night... Dry...
Dried from the memories...
Hungry silhouette,
watching the fire,
on the sky...
The arch was burning,
the clean space between the two worlds...
Stars were dying somewhere in the universe... 
Death was born...
The calm autumnal dream,
didn't had that harmony and secrecy,
massacred by the echo of your death...
You were dying...
That night,
my soul stole my eyes,
it ripped my heart from my chest,
in the dark humid earth it buried it...
The sky was burning for you,
the coldness was extinguishing the life in me...
Where the gods has gone astray with their souls,
where did their eyes have turned,
they don't have sense of what they are doing to us,
they don't care about us,
vainglorious bastards...
You are dying my  love,
in this twilight,
cold and dry,
this is the end of the deaf night,
the horror begins,
the screams, the howling's... the curses...
I cried all my soul,
and the blood,
I poured it on the concrete...
I tried to come to you,
but they stopped me... They patched me like the tired cotton doll,
that your grandma was patching it before 3-4 years...
I'm destroyed...
trying not to kill myself...
Those up and down, are keeping that pleasure  for themselves,
every new beginning,
alive without you,
to kill me...
And they raped my life tonight,
taking you away from me,
from this cracked hands,
they poisoned my heart,
and made a deep wound in it..
The sky was burning tonight,
the poison broke my bones,
and on the other world I will carry the pain with me... 
after death I'm destroyed...
It burned my soul,
goddamned hellish heaven...
The sky was burning tonight,
powerful light lit the planet,
but I,
I fell asleep in the darkness...
I fell asleep,
and never woke up.

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Posted by: -J- - 08-02-2016, 05:44 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (3)

(Tune in my head: Gene Severens - Scarecrow, Michael Severens arrangement)

With its arms outstretched towering
Imbued with a specter --
I see crows cowering
before this stone-faced protector.

Whose crops are these within the field below?
Do they belong to the farmer
who I will never know?
Mercurial and unforgiving
was the carpenter who built that scarecrow
clad in graven armor.

He never truly knew his subject
or the people he fed with this field's crops
sharecroppers mocking his object.
No -- it belongs to the aphid
whose feeding never truly stops
while untended crops go rancid.

You ask me to contort
in praise of an in absentia sculptor --
But what happens when I cannot support
this twisted crumbling Cristo Redentor?

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  Depressions (talk about it?)
Posted by: Willy_for_Boobies - 08-02-2016, 05:37 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (6)

Depression, darkness in mind.
Depression, nothing seems kind.

Even good feelings have a bittersweet taste;
feel other feelings and all seems like waste.
Every feeling is with sadness in touch;
simple bad things even hurt you so much.

You aviod big emotions, who fly high will fall deep;
but you miss this "adventure", no one dream did you keep.
"I will never get happy!" so you think and will shout;
but as mostly before you cry quiet and not loud.

Shielding your heart, what could hurt you preclude.
All other people from your thaughts you exclude.
Saying: "it's fine, .. all goes well, .. it is good."
No one of the "others" see's the cause of your mood.

Hopeless, alone at a deep well's ground
you seeing and feeling only darkness around.
Worthless your life, no hope who did stay;
Leaving this all, taking this easy way.


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  Where do ya come from?
Posted by: Cath - 07-31-2016, 05:33 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (51)

Hi! Cath's here for another Sunday's mini thread.

Today's topic is... Not really a topic, just a general survey.
It's an anonymous poll and quite vague. 

So where do you come from?

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  Movies and other stuff like that.
Posted by: Cath - 07-30-2016, 04:53 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (31)

Hello, Cath's here!

This isn't a small thread, or at least I don't want it to be like that. Since there was a  gaming discussion, it's obvious that films would be a topic.
Here, in this thread, we can speak about movies, films... (Duh...)

So, what's your favorite movie? Is there a movie you're looking for? Have you got a favorite and/or least favorite genre? Tell us.

Maybe I'll start with something.

I love World War II films, but as great as American movies are, my favorite isn't coming from the New World, but from Germany. The title is: Unsere Mütter, unser Vater. Or also known as Generation War. 
It's a three part movie which shows a German perspective of the war, both in the front than at the medical camp or at Berlin, there are no chosen one who will kill enemies by hundred. They're humans with hopes and fear.

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  I lay down with the devil
Posted by: Drek - 07-28-2016, 07:52 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

*This is an older poem*

We lay down... together... I thought it was from love...
I was young... inxeperinced... not that now I'm something 
more experienced... but...
We lay down...
The night was alright, like a shakepsearean scenario,
it was the dream of the summer night... At least for me...
I lay down with the devil and never woke up again...
Evil hounds swallowed me...
I lost myself inside of me... 
The most difficult is when you don't know yourself...
That's when you don't appreciate yourself, that's when you
kill yourself...
I didn't believe that devils ever existed,
I despised the darkness,
they are so mysterious,
so dark...
I met a devil,
I lay down with the devil...
And the dream becomes a day,
the day becomes a dream..
That wasn't me anymore...
I was something... I was... who knows what...
And you were alright,
watching... wating me to throw my soul
right in the heart of the dark... You were waiting for my 
And I fell... I fell worse than you wanted me to fall,
I fell on my kness before the same devil
that sealed the light of my soul...
I fell... I prayed... I begged...
I begged you... I begged to the devil...
And I sank, in your heart... I sank, in the abysses of 
your empty soul... in the black ink of your spirit, I drowned...
I waited...
Mornings... Suns... Moons...
And they were happening, but I wasn't watching them... 
I was blind, blinded... 
from your dark specter... I lost the light in my eyes...
I lay down with the devil...
before many summers,
and it still hurts me...
Damn it hurts...
There is no day for me,
Dead and silent, timless island... 
I wither away... on the cliffs...
I curse the saints and gods... I curse history, present, future...
I curse myself...
For being naive,
for my human weakness,
for the gift of the creator,
the sins...
When I lay down with the devil,
the universe collapsed.. my universe... in my head,
heart and soul...
I lay with the begining of my love's CURSE...
My shadow remained... Wandering, somewhere... sometimes...
IT DOESN'T MATTER... It has remained... THE SHADOW...
The memory... The memory died...

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Posted by: Drek - 07-27-2016, 06:50 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

*this soundtrack was in my mind

The sensation,
that feeds my soul,
when the evil demonic memories,
are draining the last drop of my strength
the sensation of time,
doesn't let me adrift in despair... 
there is so much love for us both...
So much hope for salvation of our souls...
I can't, leave you forever,
the day and night doesn't let me,
to sepparate from your core,
cruelly to bury myself in the cold...
The twilight doesn't let the winds,
to blow me under the cosmic sea,
the twilight is the moment of love... 
I learn to live... I swallow the tears,
and at the same time I open my soul,
for you to go inside...
Love doesn't let me go in the vain fields,
the twilight doesn't let,
the night to extinguish for me,
and the day to be born without you...
Flames carry me,
at the time I was writing this,
back and forth in time,
day and night taught me,
to caress the love,
more than life,
they teach me to love you,
even after death...
The half piece of death and half piece of life,
and all the sands of time,
carry me in your thoughts...
one transparent face,
familiar shadow that escapes it's own face,
now I know that the begining is close,
the end is vanishing,
love has banished it to the farthest angle of the future... 
I see a mirror in your eyes,
my eyes,
and my soul,
written on a thousand pages... 
my soul has written it,
with your handwriting,
on the thousand pages love...
The breath,
I feel it,
the twilight,
day and night are whispering,
your name,
my name,
written somewhere in time...
The twilight doesn't let me go,
without the day,
I am a naked night,
you are my day,
and I without you,
in heaven or hell,
I must not go...
I am the shadow in the twilight,
you are the face of love,
body of the shadow,
I'm listening,
So much hope for salvation of our souls...

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  Detailed Instructions
Posted by: -J- - 07-27-2016, 03:50 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

(Song in my head: Alias Conrad Coldwood - Front Gate, OFF Soundtrack)

After any storms
Please. Remember To turn ON
The Solar System!!

Take care of all those
tiny people -- tiny lives
all depend on you.

Did you remember
to feed the lobster?  It has
special importance.

Avoid kangaroos --
What they pull from their pouches
Cannot be unseen.

Wherever you go
It cannot be stressed enough --
Don't trust a streetlight.

But do not forget --
this is very important --

[Image: hCOIXGR.jpg?1]

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