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Forum Rules |
Posted by: Emmie - 08-05-2016, 05:05 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help
- Replies (16)
Welcome to the MnF Club Forums. Thanks for joining us!
If you're new to this forum, then know that you are joining lots of free-spirited, creative, intelligent, funny, and of course sexy people. Also, even though there isn't a lot taken too seriously here, the one thing we all do take seriously is the idea that everyone deserves a chance to be heard and contribute. These rules, based on the MnF Club Terms of Service, are meant to allow just that to happen.
Forum Rules
First, please read the forum FAQ as it answers several in-game and forum questions.
Adults Only
You MUST be 18 years of age or older to participate here. If the moderators have any reason to believe that a user is underage, they reserve the right to place necessary restrictions to that account, up to and including permanent bans. Posting a reference to your age being under 18 that the moderators believe to be true is sufficient enough grounds for this.
The following are not permitted anywhere on this forum, including private messages:
- Photos or videos of anyone under 18 years of age (based on age when the picture was taken) of ANY kind.
- Visual depictions of anyone under 18 years of age, including (but not limited to) drawings, paintings, videos, cartoons, manga, hentai or anime.
- Textual references to any adult/sexual behavior for characters under 18 years of age whether fictional or real.
- Images or videos of illegal behavior, including (but not limited to) violence, bestiality, rape or pedophilia.
- Supporting, condoning or encouraging any illegal activity or behavior including the above.
General Conduct
We are generally very forgiving of newcomers as long as they aren't rude or disruptive. Again, we have a lot of free spirits here and that freedom has resulted in some amazing posts and threads. However, while free speech is indeed encouraged here, abuse is not. Therefore, we ask the following to keep things running smoothly:
- No spam or advertisements. Links to personal projects are permitted in your profile. Any other link postings MUST be cleared with a moderator first. In general, charitable and/or MnF-related projects will be permitted here, but this is left to the moderator team's discretion. Spammers/advertisers may be banned, and their posts removed, without warning.
- No trolling or other low-content posts. With over 5000 registered users on this forum, posts which contain only "lol", "hi", etc., can litter up the forums quickly. As a rule of thumb, write as if you were speaking in real life to another human being in front of you. Replies containing trolling or other intentionally inflammatory remarks do not belong here. Off-topic posts should be kept to a minimum, and consistent and deliberate off-topic posts also are considered low-content posts. This rule will be enforced more closely for older threads which are resurrected after a long-term hiatus, particularly events which have long since concluded.
- No racist, sexist, homophobic or other prejudicial language. A zero-tolerance policy for hate speech of any kind is in effect on this forum. Note that hate speech does not necessarily include profanity, so long as there is other relevant content in the post. MnF Club should be a place where BBC quad-horsecock futas are as welcome as anyone else. That said, no racial, ethnic, gendered or orientated slurs of any kind are permitted here, including usernames. The decision on what is offensive is left to the moderator reading it.
- Respect other forum users. We understand that not everyone here is going to like each other. You have a right to disagree with anyone you choose, but harassment is not allowed on this forum, whether through PMs, public posts or any other medium. Do not bring personal issues into public forum posts. Do not post another person's name, phone number, address, email, photograph, video or any other media. People on this forum have different boundaries between real life and the internet. Respect them all. If you believe a person crossed a line in interacting with you, it is best to click the "Report" button at the bottom of the offending post.
- Respect the MnF Club Team. This includes the forum mods, in-game mods and Vadim. Do not insult, harass or otherwise intentionally annoy them. All moderator instructions are to be followed in threads. In general, the posts of the in-game moderation team and mnf_vadim are NOT moderated. If they post something antagonistic or even offensive, the forum mods generally let the post stand. You may question any forum mod decision made by posting in the Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help subforum as long as you are civil, explain your point, and detail your opinion on it. We do not allow discussion of in-game warnings or bans on this forum. You may ask for more information on a ban in this thread. If you are unable to be civil, please do not post here.
- Do not hack or otherwise abuse this forum. You will be banned for posting malicious links (any URL with spyware or code designed to annoy people). Spamming negative (or positive) reputation is not allowed, and any reputation ratings deemed in violation of any of the rules may be deleted.
- All alternate accounts MUST be approved by the moderator team before using them. If a user is caught using multiple accounts en bloc to hijack conversations, harass forum users, or disrupt this forum in any way, the moderation team reserves the right to intervene, up to and including banning and identifying banned alts as such. Please notify staff immediately via the Support form if you believe your account has been hacked. Do not share your account, as you are responsible for the actions of any other person using your account.
- Can't post a thread yet and want to? Ask a moderator (or a friend). Due to issues with spammers, you cannot post threads until you reach 11 posts on this forum, and you are limited to 5 posts a day until then. However, with few exceptions, threads may be posted on your behalf by moderators or friends. Do NOT request this of forum users you are not already acquainted with.
- Do not use this forum to advertise/request real currency trades. This is not allowed in any form or shape. There is no way for the MnF team to refund or help you if a trade between two players, using real currency, goes wrong. Neither forum or game has any features to assist with such trades, They are not allowed. If you see someone attempting this, please report them.
- Other subforums and threads may have rules of their own. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all of these rules apply in all subforums and threads.
- Do not try to cleverly get around some rule listed here. These are general guidelines for behaving in a way that ensures as many people as possible are able to use this forum. The moderator team reserves the right to intervene for reasons not expressly stated above, and the rules above are subject to change without notice. In all cases, the spirit of the rule is enforced over the text.
What happens if a rule is broken?
- Minor breaches of forum rules may be met with forum warnings, which restrict access to this forum in various ways. These restrictions may be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity.
- Serious or consistent breaches of forum rules may be issued bans. Bans are permanent. Only 10 bans in the past year (at this writing) have occurred for non-spam reasons; this is not done often. Do not attempt to post on the forums or in private messages under a different account if you are banned. If you do anyway and are caught, that account will also be banned. If you have been banned and believe this was in error, please send a message to Support.
- Other interventions may be also be considered at the moderator team's discretion. These include (but are not limited to) requiring a user's posts to be approved by the moderation team before posting or revoking posting rights entirely.
- If you believe a forum user has violated one of the above rules, please click the "Report" button at the bottom of the offending post.
- As above, if you disagree with a forum moderator's decision, including closing threads, you may question it either in the Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help subforum or through Support if you are banned. Again, do not attempt to post on the forums or in private messages under a different account if you are banned, as this will guarantee your concerns will not be addressed.
- Once again, the moderator team reserves the right to intervene for reasons not expressly stated above, and all infractions are handled on a case-by-case basis.
This forum is blessed to have a diverse group of users from various countries and walks of life. These rules are meant to foster open communication between them all and include as many of them as possible in discussions on this forum.
Again, thank you for joining us. Enjoy your stay on the forums!
Steps |
Posted by: Drek - 08-05-2016, 05:02 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- No Replies
Steps in the dark.
Imagine a prodigal figure with no good word for it.
Life book,
street barbarian...
faint specter of that human being,
without any ideas walking in the night...
I give it the most valuable,
I give it my thoughts and words...
It's rigid steps are fascinating me,
There is some mystery,
attractive mystery for the poet's soul of the young sufferers.
The rythm of his feet reveal the darkness inside his soul.
His head bowed down,
body assambled,
reveal his deep suppressed sadness,
reveal his broken heart and his poor mind.
But he doesn't stop,
he keeps on going,
some evil, invisible hand is guiding him.
Every made step,
every approach to the street light,
reveals the evil on his face,
it reveals his morbidity,
However I feel sorry for him,
I feel sorry for his past and present,
I pray for his future.
Every step is a new story,
new chronicle,
new uproar at this deaf time.
The words are coming,
the steps louder and louder are tearing apart the silent night,
they destroy the peacfull dream,
leaving ripples in the human's peaceful soul...
And so on,
to the corner of the street,
I pray for him to hurry,
to disappear from my sight,
too much darkness,
too much burden he carries,
I can't stand him anymore,
Posted by: Emmie - 08-05-2016, 04:56 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help
- Replies (122)
Who are the current moderators, and how do I contact them?
The following are currently moderators in the game:
AllyBrat, AndreyS, BADGURL, Emmie, Marigold, MisterZero, Phoenix, -Scarlet and Vrook.
The following are currently moderators on the forum:
Emmie and Vrook.
To contact a forum moderator, simply click our names here and you will be directed to the PM page for Emmie and Vrook.
And if you want to reach the in-game moderators on the forum, you have Emmie and Vrook.
You can also reach us by mailing us at: moderators.mnfclub@gmail.com
If you want contact support instead, go HERE and send an email to the specified adress.
How are moderators chosen/recruited?
We look for integrity, language skills, social competence, keen eyes and and an understand of bias when we look for a new moderator. When someone applies, we also look into their activities on MnF. Anything that may help push our decision towards a yes or no. And based on all of that, we choose whether we want to let them try out for moderator or not.
We also require all moderators to verify that they are over 18.
How do I cancel premium?
1) Go HERE.
2) Follow the instructions to complete the cancellation.
You will not get refunded for any time remaining on your subscritption. Your premium membership will continue until the paid for time runs out.
I used a disposable email service to register for MnF Club and can't reply to Support's questions.
Disposable email services can be easily abused, and they are blacklisted from MnF Club. If your account was created after a site was blacklisted, you should be able to log in with it still. But if you have any problems with the account, and Support cannot communicate with you through that email address, then unfortunately, this may apply.
How do I tell how much time I have left after my premium begins? Can I add time with a premium certificate?
There is currently no in-game way to determine this. Subscriptions begin from the day they are purchased, and your CCBill email receipt will list that day as well as your account on CCBill. Certificates begin from the day they are redeemed. You cannot use a new certificate unless your current premium has expired.
I paid for a certificate/subscription and got an email receipt, but I never received my certificate code/subscription.
The payment may take up to 3 days to process and the email might also end up in your spam folder. However, if you have waited at least three days and still have not received a certificate code or your premium subscription, contact Support at team.mnfclub@gmail.com.
What will I lose/keep when my premium runs out?
All access to premium benefits will be lost when your premium membership expires. This includes: access to sex scenes with NPC's, premium clothes and accessories, premium sex poses, being able to rent 'VIP' suites in the hotel, and the ability to pole dance. You will not lose access to your petnis, apartment or other owned residences. If you have only premium clothes when your premium runs out, you will automatically receive a free outfit. Any premium skin or eye colors chosen at the Shaman Lair will revert to free options when premium lapses.
If you have more than one avatar on your account, you will still be able to access and play as these, but you will not be able to create any more.
How do I recover a deleted avatar?
Before doing anything, make sure you have an avatar slot available. Premium accounts have 6 available slots for avatars, while non-premium only have 1.
1) You can contact an in-game moderator either via the forum, in-game, or at: moderators.mnfclub@gmail.com
2) If you ask a moderator directly in-game, just give them the exact name of your deleted avatar. If you request it via the forum, go to the Restoring Deleted Avatars thread and make a post. Do not share your email or any other personal information on the thread. And if you do it via our email, make sure to do so from the email connected to your account, and give us the name of the avatar you wish to have restored.
3) Be patient.
(Note: deleted avatar names may not be available on restoration, and may have to be changed)
How do I change the name of my avatar?
1) Either contact a moderator in-game, post on the Name Changes thread, or at: moderators.mnfclub@gmail.com
2) We need your current avatar name, and the one you'd like. Adding a couple of backup names is good incase the name you want is taken.
3) Be patient.
How do I change my password?
For the forum, under your profile, there should be the option to "Change Password". If you wish to change your password in-game, at the login screen, there should be a "Forgot your password?" link, click it, enter the email that you use for your account, and a reset link for your password will be sent to that email adress.
Can I transfer a character from one account to another?
If you can prove they are both yours, yes. Special thanks to JohnSins for this: "You have to email support about it: team.mnfclub@gmail.com. Be very specific about the avatar you want to switch over to the new email account: the email account it’s from, user name, lvl. Then provide the email from the account you want the avatar to switch over to. Make sure you have enough slots available for the transfer. So if your prem you need to have 1 of the 6 slots open (5 avatars max), non prem your going to have to delete the current avatar (unless you don’t have one) to make room for the new avatar (0 avatars). Lastly, be patient. It could be done in a couple hours or a couple days, but your gonna have to expect a wait."
Will the level cap be raised?
The level cap is raised as new positions are released.
When will premium content be made available to free users?
For now, as new premium sex poses are added, sometimes old ones are made available to free users.
Why can’t I see the new/updated content?
If you are unable to see new and updated content, clear your browser cache or hard refresh the webpage (shift + F5).
My account has been (unfairly) banned/blocked; how can I get it back?
If you feel your account has been blocked or banned unfairly:
1) Send an extensive message directly to us at: moderators.mnfclub@gmail.com
2) If you were banned in-game, include the avatar name (or names, if it is a premium account), the email address the account is registered to, and any details you believe may be relevant. If you were banned on the forum, the same applies, but forum name instead of avatar name.
3) Wait patiently.
I'm not sure why I was warned/banned. What do I do?
1) Contact us at: moderators.mnfclub@gmail.com
2) Wait for a response, we respond as soon as we can.
How can I use the items I purchased (pills, flowers, dildo)?
The pills and the double-ended dildo (bought from the Street Hustler in the Alley) are used to unlock non-participatory sex scenes between NPC's. The pills can be given to the doctor at the beach, while the dildo is used by the rodeo sisters in the Saloon (this costs a further $500).
The flowers (bought from the gnomes in the cave) can only be used by premium players, in order to unlock a scene with the museum NPC. A petnis is required for this option to become available.
How do I gain sex exp?
The ways to gain sex exp is by fucking with other players. Currently you can do that in a bed, which can be found in rooms rented at the Motel in Wild West or the Hotel in MnF Metropolis, or your Apartment/House. And showers, at the Baths in Oasis, or your Apartment/House, and in the car in the garage.
Can I obtain a house?
Yes, you can purchase an Apartment in Southern MnF, and it costs $50,000. Then there's a 2 bedroom house in the Suburbs for $200,000. You also have a Yacht you can buy in Red Heat, that costs $300,000. And most recently a Garage in the Suburbs that costs $60,000. You must be premium to make the purchase, but you will keep them even if your premium lapses.
Can I log on with multiple avatars on the same premium account?
Do not do this. Logging on with multiple avatars at once means you might be stopping someone else from logging on. This might get you a temporary ban, particularly on higher-population servers.
Is there a way to play this on a mobile device?
Yes, it requires a browser app that has flash, one such browser is Dolphin or Puffin. It can easily be downloaded on the appstore for androids, I do not know if this applies to iphones/ipads.
How long does it take for uploaded pictures to show in the museum? And if it wasn't accepted, why?
Pictures appear on the server you uploaded them on, and usually within a day. It depends on when a moderator gets time to clear them. They check all the pictures before adding them and are trying to limit content to "own" images, so if your picture was watermarked, of pornstars or anything that might be considered "not your own", that might be the reason why it wasn't accepted.
Please contact Support, or a moderator, for any questions about pictures you have uploaded.
Why can't I post new threads here on the forum?
Due to spam bots, we decided to put in a few measures to protect the forum. Initially you can only post on already existing threads, and only up to 5 posts per day. There are also limits on what you can edit on your profile. But once you've hit your 11th post, you will be able to post threads yourself. And after having been registered for at least 7 days, combined with having posted at least 11 posts, you get the title Trusted Entourage and you can then post more than 5 times a day. In the meantime, please PM one of the moderators if you wish to post a thread. A reasonable request to post a thread will be honored.
Does the game have any sound at all?
No, the game has no sounds effects or music. You will find that a lot of people share videos and music depending on the conversation they're having or simply listen to music on their own (or multitask) while they play the game.
Is it possible to see the premium sex poses without purchasing premium?
Yes. You can either convince a premium player to show them to you, or you can find videos of them on various websites.
What ways are there to make money in the game?
Methods which do not require interaction from other players include:
- The Brothel in MnF Alley, where you can leave your avatar while offline, for others to have sex with you.
- The Rodeo in the Saloon, with the Sanders Sisters, where you can play a single player game or a multiplayer game.
- The Glory Hole minigame on the Lagoon Beach with Pamela Andrews.
- The Shooting Gallery minigame with Oksana, in Red Heat.
- The Slot Machines at the Casino, in Oasis.
- The Flappy Petnis minigame in Petnis Forest, with Lara Bubblebutt.
- The 3 Match minigame on the 2nd floor of the Saloon.
- The National Bank in Southern MnF allows you to purchase in-game money, for real money. The exchange rate is 1000 MnF Dollars per 1 US Dollar.
- As Premium, you can also get $1000 daily from making a new avatar.
How can I strip at the stripper poles?
Premium is required, then a female avatar must purchase a stripper outfit using the catalogue on the table below the dance floor at Bar Vodka, in Red Heat.
How do I get rid of my petnis after buying it?
You cannot sell your petnis after purchasing it, but there is an option to hide it from other players.
How do I change my avatar's features?
- You may change your hairstyle, chest hair style (for men), pubic hair style, hair color and makeup at the Hair Salon at the MnF Alley.
- You may change your abdomen/breasts and facial features at Dr. Boobige's Clinic at Lagoon Beach.
- You may change your skin and eye color at the Shaman Lair atop the Shaman's Tower.
All the above require MnF dollars, and some features require premium to use. Any premium options chosen at the Shaman's Hut will revert to free options when premium expires.
How is the exp reward calculated for having sex?
Some research has been done in >> this thread << -- note that more research needs to be done.
How do I refer people to this forum? Do I get any rewards for this?
To refer someone to this forum, give them the link and ask them to put your name in the "Referrer" section on registration.
Your reward for doing this is a higher number of members referred than was listed before, which offers no forum benefits whatsoever.
I have the automatic login with facebook, but if I try to login normally with the facebook email, it doesn't work. If I wanna use a certificate, what email am I supposed to use?
Use your Facebook email for certificates. It will work.
Are people allowed to use MnF (game/forum) to trade stuff using real currency?
No, this is not allowed. Worst case scenario, attempting this will get you banned.
Are there any rules for the game/forum?
Yes, you can read up on the forum rules here, and the Terms of Service for the game here.
Can MnF be found on any social media?
We can! We have a Twitter account that you can follow! @ClubMnF
This is not a general discussion thread. Only post on here if you are asking a question, need more detail on something, or feel you can offer extra information to an answer. Non-relevant posts will be removed.
Forum Rules |
Posted by: Emmie - 08-05-2016, 03:52 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (9)
Rules for the Creative Writing forum.
All entries here must be your own original works. Anything that is not your own must be clearly credited to the original author and/or posting location. Any attempt to pass another person’s work off as your own will result in the post's removal and potential warning or even ban in the case that it's done continously.
If you have posted your work elsewhere (for example on Literotica, or a poetry sharing site) then make a clear mention of this. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then credit the name you originally posted under. If we have reason to believe you are attempting to take credit for another person’s work, you will be asked to provide evidence of ownership. Failure or refusal to do so will see the post removed.
If you as a reader believe that somebody is passing off another’s work as their own, please raise concerns privately with that user (but do so respectfully) or with a forum moderator. Do not make accusations in public.
Any work that contains one or more of the following themes will require a clear disclaimer at the top of the post:
- Rape
- Bestiality
- Extreme or graphic violence / murder
- Necrophilia
- Incest
- Scat
- Abuse (physical or emotional)
- Characters under 18 years of age
- Fictional works containing non-fictional characters
Any work containing the following is not permitted:
- Characters under 16 years of age
- This applies to any ‘adult’ behaviour – drinking, smoking, sexual activity, or the above themes
- Child characters are permitted as long as they are not involved in any of these
- Racial, homophobic or sexist language/themes
- If used as a part of a narrative, this is allowable with a clear disclaimer
- It must not be used in any way to cause harm, bully or troll
If you post any work that breaches these rules then you will be asked to edit the offending post. Refusal to do so will see the post removed, and the possibility of further action being taken.
The Creative Writing forum is not a discussion forum. Please keep any posts restricted to critical reviews (positive or negative – just be polite and constructive) or in line with any rules expressed for that particular thread. Respect the thread owner.
Finding Roleplay Partners |
Posted by: Emmie - 08-05-2016, 01:15 PM - Forum: RP
- Replies (95)
As the old one is gone, I saw fit to add a new one! This is where you can tell people you are looking for roleplay partners, and what you're looking for in said partners. I wish you all great fun in-game!
Update: Please remember that our terms of service and forum rules say the following is not allowed:
"Textual references to any adult/sexual behavior for characters under 18 years of age whether fictional or real."
In other words: No shota/loli/underage characters in this thread, period. If you're looking for a daughter/mom/dad/son, that's fine. But leave any characters under 18 out of this thread.
What happened to us? |
Posted by: Altaria - 08-05-2016, 12:58 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (8)
This one is inspired in everything that happened and is happening all around the world, just a thought I had in the back of my mind.
What to do when the world seems lost
What to think when the people mistrust each other
What to say when you don't know the suffering of your next
Where is the world we dreamed about
The world we were told we could build
Where wars weren't needed
When we all worked together as we are supposed to
Lately it seems all dreams, all causes, all hope is lost or broken
What happened to that little kid who dreamed about standing against all evil
Where are those kids
What as become of them?
We became corrupted, even if we don't want to admited
We did, we tried to be heard, we tried to teach
But we saw the ugly truth
We saw and couldn't fight it properly
So to the ones next to us, learn from us, don't make the same mistake we did. No matter the odds, fight it
Job Security |
Posted by: -J- - 08-04-2016, 04:54 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- No Replies
Come in when you need to.
You won't be back tomorrow.
You're here at four. We asked for two.
Come in when you need to.
You made this about you.
We're dealing with enough sorrow.
Come in when you need to.
You won't be back tomorrow.
I forgot |
Posted by: Drek - 08-02-2016, 11:38 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- No Replies
I forgot....
I forgot the disgusting segment from the past... the detestable things, the blood,
the soul poured on the cheeks, left there to dry like a tissue...
I forgot the evil,
that was tearing apart my psycho-physical build,
somewhere back in time...
I forgot....
All those nightmares and madness, when the night kills in the dream, the anxiety
in the faintly morning opening the day,
I forgot the futility of the looks in the eyes,
the itch in the heart...
In all that gathered sadness,
on the heavy pounds of memory,
in 66 kilograms human, a pile of poison...
I forgot...
I forgot about my dead past, the clear end sight and the dead end
of humanity...
I forgot to cry,
to grieve,
to curse and pray,
I forgot to kill myself...
I forgot to extinguish the emotions in countless bottles of alcohol,
I forgot to vomit what's inside, to disconnect and connect from the outside,
I forgot to hope about death...
I forgot the yearning after the cold kiss,
I forgot the stupid expression of human weakness,
on the other side of the mirror...
I forgot the disappointments,
the broken pieces of glass psyche,
the crushed emotions,
the ferocious core of life...
I forgot...
I forgot to sing about the darkness,
I deleted her face from the covers of the books,
I crossed-out the loneliness,
from every strophe marrow...
I forgot to caress the evil,
the first hour,
the first time i made love with your spirit... I forgot to count time
at the time i gifted you my soul, to keep it inside you, to be yours forever...
I forgot to hug the end,
at the first second of our beginning,
from our beginning,
in your heart,
in my heart...
At this our time,
I forget the misery,
i meet it and learn it,
THE LOVE... I enjoy the love, forgetting...
Forgetting the shadows,
horrors and miseries...
I'm not pitiful when I'm lonely,
I'm not suffering and weak,
I found more inside me,
I found more inside you,
for me,
for you,
for us... for our future... for the love.
There are more lives for us both...
I forgot to be alone with you,
for myself,
here with you... near you,
inside you...
I forgot...