Hello everyone,
This newest addition is a very personal one... the lady who inspired it has grown very dear to me. She's in my heart and soul always.
How long and far I wandered, stumbling in the dark, I know not;
Endless night surrounded me, and my slow, faltering steps seemed
To lead at oblivion’s release, my mortal coil left to rot,
Never quite attaining it, my sins and mistakes unredeemed.
Forlorn, incomplete, missing… the better half of my essence.
I was separated from… what? Feeling keenly this absence,
Alone was I, utterly…
Caught in that tenebrous void, I groped blindly, looking for signs,
A dim memory of light filtering through the gloom, stray beam
Of hope glittering tantalizingly before me, lay lines
Strewn at the bottom of my mind like shards of a broken dream.
And yet, something… someone was calling to me, stirring my heart,
Thawing the icy numbness glazing my soul, crumbling apart
As I stood up, finally…
Real was the light, a pearlescent shimmer bisecting the dark;
Hope washed over me, like a gentle rain over barren soil;
Dawn was rising, lavender-hued, bringing a precious life spark,
Banishing despair away, subduing my inner turmoil.
…And you appeared then, illuminating my whole Universe,
Angel dazzling and bright, beautiful beyond prose, song or verse;
I see you now, so clearly…
I am now whole, mended; basking in rapturous ecstasy
Together, reunited, at peace with the world overall,
Let me enter your light, join our inner songs in harmony…
True soulmate, eternal mistress, fairest lady of them all,
Beyond the clearest summer sky, beyond the deepest ocean,
I want you… and I am yours in everlasting devotion;
I love you so…completely.
This newest addition is a very personal one... the lady who inspired it has grown very dear to me. She's in my heart and soul always.

How long and far I wandered, stumbling in the dark, I know not;
Endless night surrounded me, and my slow, faltering steps seemed
To lead at oblivion’s release, my mortal coil left to rot,
Never quite attaining it, my sins and mistakes unredeemed.
Forlorn, incomplete, missing… the better half of my essence.
I was separated from… what? Feeling keenly this absence,
Alone was I, utterly…
Caught in that tenebrous void, I groped blindly, looking for signs,
A dim memory of light filtering through the gloom, stray beam
Of hope glittering tantalizingly before me, lay lines
Strewn at the bottom of my mind like shards of a broken dream.
And yet, something… someone was calling to me, stirring my heart,
Thawing the icy numbness glazing my soul, crumbling apart
As I stood up, finally…
Real was the light, a pearlescent shimmer bisecting the dark;
Hope washed over me, like a gentle rain over barren soil;
Dawn was rising, lavender-hued, bringing a precious life spark,
Banishing despair away, subduing my inner turmoil.
…And you appeared then, illuminating my whole Universe,
Angel dazzling and bright, beautiful beyond prose, song or verse;
I see you now, so clearly…
I am now whole, mended; basking in rapturous ecstasy
Together, reunited, at peace with the world overall,
Let me enter your light, join our inner songs in harmony…
True soulmate, eternal mistress, fairest lady of them all,
Beyond the clearest summer sky, beyond the deepest ocean,
I want you… and I am yours in everlasting devotion;
I love you so…completely.
"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
- The Goddess -
- The Goddess -