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Restoring Deleted Avatars
Most of the avatars here couldn't be found.

Please, check again the SPELLING of the name! It's really strange that you couldn't remember the name of your avatar.

Also, the characters can't be recovered anymore if more than 15 days pass since their deletion.

So don't wait till the last day to request for a recover.
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
Lower case should not matter but other characters would: SissyVanessaBlack is not the same as Sissy_Vanessa_Black which is not the same as Sissy-Vanessa-Black.

I think that it is possible to forget an exact AV name: --John -Smith—for –John_Smith--.  But her name is correct:  it exists in the Bank.  Lilac skirt, dark hair, right?

Deleted AVs remain in the Bank listings long after they are deleted.  I have a premium account so delete/create on a daily basis.  On my PMs they are shown as deleted but still exist in Bank.

Maybe I transfer $100 and see what happens?
so this is unprofessional. usually when someone is unhappy and have spent a lot of money on a service and have made a mistake like i have there would be some compensation. i really dont think you cant find sissyvanessablack, but i know you can give me some kind of credit level wise or skill wise. this is unacceptable. you also havent restored my other chacarers even though ou said you did. is this all a lie? what kind of busineess are you running here?
are you in fact a legit business? doesnt seem like it. ]
Avatar name: dirty17
Hello! I deleted my avatar and I would like to know if it is possible to restore it.

Avatar name: Bishtea
I will remind you that if you deleted your avatar more than 15 days ago, it cannot be restored anymore!!

dirty17 has been restored

Bishtea couldn't be found

For those that the avatar couldn't be found, please send me a Private Message here on the forum, with your email address from which you made the avatar, so I could search it up by it.
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
Avtar name i want to restore is Mrs_Stone77

I have to remind you that if you keep asking for restoration in a short amount of days, you will get under a cooldown of 30 days. If you delete your avatar again in this 30 days period, it won't get restored anymore.

This function is not to be abused!!
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
Accidentally deleted account my username name is lil deezy

Please return it if you can thanks.
Pls restore Navid70 tnx alot

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