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Limits of acceptability
The way I see it, what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. If both parties are happy with the RP, go ahead, do what you want. If it's illegal or immoral, nobody's going to know, so go nuts.

I have no issue with public RP until it gets in the way. If people are trying to have a chat in public, it's common courtesy to let them do that. If there are people around but nobody's talking, fuck it, knock yourself out, but in the event of a conversation breaking out nearby, don't get angry if you're asked to go somewhere more private. Personally I'll never do anything more than kiss and fondle in public, but that's simply my preference.

This is only my own opinion, and I know some will share it while others won't.
It's a fine opinion and one everyone should be more accepting of. We are all consenting adults here, granted - a lot of people are barely in their 20's but legally at least they are adults. With that in mind whatever goes between two consenting adults - it just goes. There is not a person on earth that has the right to judge or bully anyone into whatever their own personal beliefs of "socially acceptable" are. You feel voyeuristic and want to do stuff in public? Go for it. Just at least try to make it quality, please? Big Grin Is it something controversial or not so socially acceptable? Then use that common sense you hopefully have and keep it in private, avoid any unpleasantries for yourself or anyone else. 

As far as underage people using this site.. there is no discussion to be had on whether it is moral or not, because it's simply illegal. If for no other reason then we should combat it simply for self preservation. Sure, maybe you yourself won't get in trouble - but the site / game definitely could.
Leave your shame and your doubts at the door. 
Yes, going back on topic, as long as no one takes offense or is harmed by the experience, go bananas.
[Image: xpXEtwW.gif?noredirect]
(01-01-2016, 02:05 AM)Strapon_Goddess Wrote: Do we think there should be any limits on roleplay in the game? Would your view differ it the RP was private / public?  

You could argue that we have a safe environment, where any consensual kinky acts can be explored fully.  But, for example, names aren't private and could cause offense if they cross the line (wherever that line is drawn).

So I guess I'm only wondering whether people think a line should be drawn at all, rather than where it is...

I dont agreed with you, for one simple reason, this is a sex game for under age people, so if we are all adults, and we join this game, and play this game, we must accept and respect what other people, no, nothing that other people do shock me, but i might not like, in that case is very simple for me, i just go elsewhere....
(01-06-2016, 02:05 PM)Tantrum Wrote: [quote pid='2377' dateline='1451613931']
.. "so if we are all adults, and we join this game, and play this game, we must accept and respect what other people do..." ..

The problem lies, Tantrum, in the impact certain things have on others. Public RP, however vanilla, can prevent people from holding conversations. Even if this is not the case, I do think people need to be considerate of others. Master/pet RP can make me feel slightly uncomfortable in public, especially if the pet sounds convincingly forced. Also, I think RPing anything illegal, such as underage or rape, should definitely not take place in public. My opinion though, of course, and others will see it differently.

It's all about being considerate of other players; I accept people like to get frisky in public, and typically if I have a problem with it, I will leave the area. But if the RP involves anything illegal (fortunately I have not encountered this yet) I would politely ask those involved to take it elsewhere, ideally somewhere private. Also if they are preventing others from holding a conversation I believe it totally fair to ask them to either leave or at least ease off a little bit.
(01-06-2016, 02:53 PM)Sharpey Wrote: [quote pid='2606' dateline='1452089148']

It's all about being considerate of other players; I accept people like to get frisky in public, and typically if I have a problem with it, I will leave the area. But if the RP involves anything illegal (fortunately I have not encountered this yet) I would politely ask those involved to take it elsewhere, ideally somewhere private. Also if they are preventing others from holding a conversation I believe it totally fair to ask them to either leave or at least ease off a little bit.


Sure, i accept that, but there are many things that hold conversations, kids playing games that dont say nothing to me, or conversations about computers, something i dont appreciate, and so many others...and no one put that in cause, why?, because people have rights to be and to talk whatever wants...when that thing happen, i do what other people who doesn't appreciate do, move somewhere that so diferent?, sorry for me is not...more RP'ing in public makes alot more sense to me, that 2 kids playing dragons...the point is, no matter what the subject is, there are thoes who like and thoes who dont like...
NO, NO, NO, no limits please...thats the most exciting this game have to offer...I JUST LOVE TEASING IN PUBLIC, when im feeling in the right mood of course, I DID A LAP DANCE, I DID GUYS AND GIRLS, I EVEN HAVE IN AN ORGY, for those who dont like that, two words MOVE and AWAY
Well, if only things were that simple. If people are having a chat in an area, and people come there trying to start an orgie or something, maybe those people should consider going somewhere else instead. The world does not revolve around any one person, and it's kinda disrespectful to act like it. Then again, maybe that's just me, but I feel like we should try and make this place enjoyable for everyone, and not just ourselves.

If I come to an area where people are openly making sex in the chat, I just move along to another area. So I don't mind moving along, but if I'm already in a place, I'd prefer not to get kicked out. ^^
[Image: xpXEtwW.gif?noredirect]
What's the point to argue xd
you can all do whatever you want ha.

one first side, yeah, when you're having a conversation, and irrelevant stuff (for you) pops up, you're not gonna like it. but imagine it's a different conversation.
e.x if you're discussing how tasty cakes are and some people start discussion how fluffy bears are, you're not gonna tell them to shut it and go away, are you?

secondly, some people wanna RP in certain areas. e.x I wanna RP near waterfall not in the god damn desert, doesnt mean I should go away..

and thirdly, use ignore button? I dont use that button at all, so im not quite sure if it blocks peoples messages in general chat, but afaik it does. so use it whenever someone starts RPing. and boom problem's gone.
(01-12-2016, 10:47 PM)Bor Wrote: What's the point to argue xd
you can all do whatever you want ha.

one first side, yeah, when you're having a conversation, and irrelevant stuff (for you) pops up, you're not gonna like it. but imagine it's a different conversation.
e.x if you're discussing how tasty cakes are and  some people start discussion how fluffy bears are, you're not gonna tell them to shut it and go away, are you?

secondly, some people wanna RP in certain areas. e.x I wanna RP near waterfall not in the god damn desert, doesnt mean I should go away..

and thirdly, use ignore button? I dont use that button at all, so im not quite sure if it blocks peoples messages in general chat, but afaik it does. so use it whenever someone starts RPing. and boom problem's gone.

I don't see it as an argument, really. Just a matter of balancing personal preference with public courtesy, and that's easier said than done. Just to reiterate Sharpey's point because I share the same opinion:
Quote:I have no issue with public RP until it gets in the way. If people are trying to have a chat in public, it's common courtesy to let them do that. If there are people around but nobody's talking, fuck it, knock yourself out, but in the event of a conversation breaking out nearby, don't get angry if you're asked to go somewhere more private. Personally I'll never do anything more than kiss and fondle in public, but that's simply my preference.

Mutual consent is important - and the problem with a lot of public RP is including other people into a scene that they might not necessarily want to be a part of. Whether it's a matter of sexual preference or not, it breaks the immersion for other people who are having their own conversations. I'd say it's much easier to put a conversation about fluffy cakes and bears on the back burner than, I don't know, being made to be a voyeur (especially to something that might turn me off)  Confused 

You did bring up a good point about location though, Bor. I think this public/private thing is more of an issue in places where lots of different people gather (Wild West, Alley, Lagoon). I wonder if it'd be easier to designate new areas in the future to be "themed" (BDSM, public RP, etc.) - unofficially, maybe, to keep it inclusive and fun to explore.

(Edit: Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong. Does ignoring someone only apply privately? I thought I still saw someone I ignored talk in the general chat, but I'm not sure.)
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