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Gaming! Discussion
Getting away from all the tech I've been searching online for yugioh cards to buy. I've been getting back into it hard. I play it with a couple of friends and I'm trying to get another into it. Buying bulk second hand cards online and adding them to your deck is so satisfying. Since I'm the sort of person that always has a million things started and zero things finished I'm currently working on about 4 decks. My Bujin's are my strongest, but I also have a Battling boxer/baby raccoon deck that I'm going to split into two and an unfinished mecha phantom beast deck.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
Nostalgia, isn't it? Oh boy I miss those days.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Me and some friends in Highschool basically had a moment of "Oh man yugioh was so cool but we could never afford the cards as a kid.


We're adults now

We can do what we want"

And we started buying second hand off trademe for a dollar.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
Hello Everyone
did anybody of you tried the new Resident Evil 7 ?
and if you did, did you tried it with VR ??


and speaking of Yu-gi-oh
did anybody tried the ps1 game ?
it was soo good it was exactly what we want from a yu-gi-oh game
RE7 looks pretty cool to me, seen a few gameplay videos. Some scenes are pretty insane. :P
[Image: ZPbMs5.gif]
(02-02-2017, 05:28 PM)EroticUdyr Wrote: RE7 looks pretty cool to me, seen a few gameplay videos. Some scenes are pretty insane. Tongue

yeah it really looks scary 
i just excited on how it will look like on VR
I'm not a resident evil fan and I probably wont play it, but I definitely support it. Although it's pretty wild looking at the course that resident evil took since the first game. Starts out as survival horror for 1 and 2, turns into a parody of itself by 4, turns into a bad action adventure for 5 and 6, brief trip into episodic game land then massive gear shift into first person horror like the love child of Outlast and...well...Outlast.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
Outlast! Ready for the third?!
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
I just played TellTale's Batman. You can play the first episode for free, which I only found out today and it's half price on steam riht now. The thing is thou that lately TellTalle has been a bit less consistent than they used to be. Back when they were putting out The Wolf Among Us or the first season on The Walkng Dead you could be sure that everything they were doing was super high quality. Batman although has been alot more controversial...

Don't get me wrong, I still finished it and I thought it was wórht the $15 I spent on it, but the new engine is sometimes buggy and unreliable, and acts up in weird ways. People will often shut their eyes for minutes at a time. I had a conversation with a woman who didnt open her mouth at all.

Really, releasing the first episode for free was probably a good move by Telltale. It's worth getting, just to see if you like it or if it runs on your machine. Some people criticised the writing but I found it very solid. Telltale has set them self a really high standard so even if the writing was fantastic it doesn't mean it's "TellTale fantastic".

Also, last thing,it totally fucks the Batman Canon. I'm not a diehard Batman fan to begin with, I only really know the big juicy bits so this didnt bother me at all.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
For Dark Souls fans out there
you guys should try Nioh

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