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Such Roleplay!
*I start flouting by, and stop to look at the Gold and pink statues* *suddenly I pull out a red marker and start drawing things on the faces*
Reply got more empty liquor bottles?

after we beam our music into space..let's go huck bottles at stuff.
Nooo! Red marker! A statue's one weakness! *I say as my face is drawn on.*
*wonders if there is life on earth and if it is would it be sustained* hmmmmm
*a dead leaf flies by* What have I done...
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
*jams out so that all in the universe have to hear these sweet guitar licks*
*while blah sends the music to outer space I get started throwing empty liquor bottles at stuff* * also start reforming the statues into strange poses, and putting liquor bottles into their hands as well*
*I let the poses happen, but don't hold the bottles being a liquor free statue.*
*watches as the empty bottle smash to the floor* *puts another in the statues hand*
Will... *puts a hand on his shoulder* What are you doing to her?
Let's see the bright sight of this world!

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