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The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users
I have various categories in mind and I will add them in this thread during the next days.

The category that surprises me the most is the dreaded:


In short: The NWNR

Every option you will try to approach them will end up with rejection and despise. They come into a game that is made to HELP communication and sex and if you try to communicate with them (without knowing them in advance and having so few clues about the way they work inside), you will be considered as ridiculous or worse, a pathetic monster, an egotistical bastard. Let's not talk about the fact that you could seem to want sex because they have a sexy appearance.

They have a secret agenda, a very complex diagram of approach that only them know. This diagram is quite conscious and clear in their mind. Do not count on them to help you for that, or to expect that they could be "comprehensive". The simple fact that you could expect (only a little) "comprehension" will make you fall in the category of "Pathetic".

Statistically, the chance you have to satisfy their expectations, to find the right words to start something (anything) with them is about 0,01%. Probably much more less.

Why do they come here? What do they do while they wait, unmoving, in some area, during hours?... Eliminating 99,99% of all those who DARE (those bastards) try to send them a message. A complete mystery... And after the first message (if it is accepted), there will be a second one where you can also fail dramatically, a third, a fourth...

You must understand that the first sentences you send them that could be accepted are about 3 or 4 amongst 1 million possibilities. It's like playing at the lottery or at the casino and receiving a letter -because you failed to find the right numbers at your first bet- telling you that you're a little piece of mud.

Psychoanalytic explanation of the NWNR: probably a confusion between what they think and what the world is, to think that their specific way to see the contact with other people is the only possibility, and to think that people should be telepaths.

The solution to approach them? Maybe some kind of tongue-in-the-cheek joke (less than 1% chance that your joke will work) and do not forget that you will be tested after that.. You will have to obey to a very narrow range of options and type of reactions. First, DO NOT SHOW THAT YOU COULD APPRECIATE SEX.... Even if the game is called: "Meet and Fuck".

The only exception is that the NWNR have some kind of bastard that they like (but that they will not reveal): one who asks sex from them but in a VERY narrow range. It could be a macho calling them "byatch", one who asks bondage with pink silk ropes in RP, a girl with pointed ears who hates the world, one who has sex "only for XP", without any kind of sentimental involvement, etc... Good luck if you expect to fit in this very selective range of choice.

AND: a question that they will NEVER answer you: "How would you like to be approached?"... (if 99,99% of the way to approach them is rejected).

"Stop to whine!"
"I do what I want"
"You have to be at the level"

...will be their answer. It's their right...

But, you wonder: "Why do they come here?". The answer is: "To say No!"

(12-31-2018, 04:09 AM)hankypanky Wrote: I've experienced a few main ones:

1. Immediately start an RP
2. Hey how are you *these are the worst*
3. Start with discussing/acting on your bio
4. Have a conversation about common interests
5. Exp help

Mmm.. I have nothing against you. But when I read what you wrote... you seem not to appreciate those 5 categories. But...what options would people have to approach you? Your 5 options have eliminated 99% (and more) of the possibilities to speak to someone that you don't know at first, in this game.

You don't like the common rules of politeness that are used in real life. You write a bio, but you don't like if people react to it. You don't like if people are direct. You don't like if they're indirect. You don't like direct RP or XP. What, for example, would be the kind of approach you would like? I'm like a scientist, wondering what would be the kind of sentences that could be accepted by you at first contact.

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RE: The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users - by Boris327 - 12-31-2018, 03:42 PM

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