10-22-2018, 10:55 PM
(10-22-2018, 12:26 PM)helhatton Wrote: I would like to report a scam of a Premium code which I fell for unfortunately. Cost 200K for 3 months, is invalid and am blocked by the user who sold it who is using many profiles. I have proof of all of this saved but would like a mod help. I may not get the 200K back, I can accept this may be my own silliness but I'd like to stop others being scammed by this person and the ID's they use. Can a Mod please let me know what steps I need to take?
You should probably email support( team.mnfclub@gmail.com ) about your interaction in detail (time and date too), and also include those photos of proof as well if you want to start the investigation faster. However, you could also wait till a mod sees this here and they pm you... your choice really...