09-27-2017, 12:06 AM
A pose is MUCH different, and way more practical, than adding a minigame that may require a map overhaul or an area redesign to implement it.. Plus adding something that is static (ex: NPC scene) and repetitive (ex:every minigame on mnf) wouldn't make the game more social and then it will be boring after a while. I have nothing against the ideas, I just think we should've done a poll before this one to see what type of thing we wanted implemented first (ex: npc, mingame, finishing up an area, daily reward, etc). The sperm bank would probably be a premium only reward login, and we technically already have that right now since we can still create an avatar everyday for 1k, now imagine doing that 6x (per avatar), and the economy is back to being messed up with only premiums making daily money....