As it is now, we have one passive job and it only work, if we're offline and we might even not get paid for it.
Yes I'm talking about Madame Olivia and her brothel.
There are two problems with brothel.
First we have to be offline and we can max "work" 5 hours.
Secund and worst, we "take" money from other players and in that progress half of money disapear.
I played with an idea for some time (and other have mention it as well).
There are shops and places allover, who could hire us for passive work, even when we are online.
Some places would only hire female, some would only hire male and some would hire both gender. Premium can get work everywhere, while nonpremium only have some places to work.
Any premium avatar can have 1 job. When avatar reach level 6, avatar can have 2 jobs and finally 3 jobs at level 9. A premium account with 6 level 9 avatars could have a total of 18 jobs. Finally will all avatars on same premium account work either they are online or offline and also work on all servers with those jobs they decided to have.
Let us take me as exsample. I'm a level 9 premium female, so I can have 3 jobs.
I like to strip, so I figure to take a job as waitress at "Bar Vodka", so I earn some money, when I don't strip, but owner refuse to hire me and tell me that I have to give him a fee of 10% of tips, I get when I strip, so premium males can get a payment for bodyguarding me (and other stripers). Bummer.....
Next stop is "Tuxedo & Evening Dress Shop" and I'm in luck here. Maneger tell me, that every time a girl on every server buy something here, I get 20$ for my work. Maneger also tell me, that only premium is hired. (Had I been a male, I would have got 20$, every time a boy on any server bought something here). I take a job there.
Then I visit "Hair Salon" an ask, if there is a job for me. There is and she will only employee females and offer me 10$ for every time I help her with any costumers (male and female). (Had I been a nonprem female, payment was 5$ for every costumers). I leave and have now 2 jobs.
I want to transfer some money so I rush to bank and when I get there I ask if they hire there. They do, male as guards and female as bank tellers, but only if they are premium. Payment is 2$ every time 1K tranfered is reached (but only from other accounts) and 5$ every time 1K is bought (including own account). I have my 3. job.
Between midnight and 1 AM game time, I get my payment for those three jobs and I get a msg, that show me, what I get from where. Now, when I read msg about my payment, would be a good time to change one or more jobs, since every new progress on jobs would be lost, whenever I quit and take a new job. In other word, an avatar can only be paid for max three jobs every day.
Difference between Premium and nonprem:
Premium get payment when online and offline, while nonprem only do, when they are online.
Premium get payment from all servers, while nonprem only get from server they are on.
Premium can have a job as level 1 and three as level 9, while nonprem need to be level 3 before they can have a job and when they reach level 9, they can have 2 jobs.
Premium only have restictions between male and female, while nonprem also need to be able to buy a service on a specific place to be able to have a job there (they can't work at "Toxedo & Evening Dress Shop, since they can't buy anything there) and there are a few exceptions more :
Nonprem male can't work as bodyguards at "Bar Vodka", since a nonprem female can't strip there.
Nonprem can't work at bank, since they can't transfer (for now).
Nonprem can't work at Hotel, since they can't rent suite there.
There are flaws in this and payment might need to be adjusted too.
I also think, that some jobs only could be occupied once in each Premium account. (Max one bodyguard at "Bar Vodka" and either one guard or one bank teller at bank, but it would be ok to have a male and a female working at "Toxedo & Evening Dress Shop", since they got payment from different sources).
Yes I'm talking about Madame Olivia and her brothel.
There are two problems with brothel.
First we have to be offline and we can max "work" 5 hours.
Secund and worst, we "take" money from other players and in that progress half of money disapear.
I played with an idea for some time (and other have mention it as well).
There are shops and places allover, who could hire us for passive work, even when we are online.
Some places would only hire female, some would only hire male and some would hire both gender. Premium can get work everywhere, while nonpremium only have some places to work.
Any premium avatar can have 1 job. When avatar reach level 6, avatar can have 2 jobs and finally 3 jobs at level 9. A premium account with 6 level 9 avatars could have a total of 18 jobs. Finally will all avatars on same premium account work either they are online or offline and also work on all servers with those jobs they decided to have.
Let us take me as exsample. I'm a level 9 premium female, so I can have 3 jobs.
I like to strip, so I figure to take a job as waitress at "Bar Vodka", so I earn some money, when I don't strip, but owner refuse to hire me and tell me that I have to give him a fee of 10% of tips, I get when I strip, so premium males can get a payment for bodyguarding me (and other stripers). Bummer.....
Next stop is "Tuxedo & Evening Dress Shop" and I'm in luck here. Maneger tell me, that every time a girl on every server buy something here, I get 20$ for my work. Maneger also tell me, that only premium is hired. (Had I been a male, I would have got 20$, every time a boy on any server bought something here). I take a job there.
Then I visit "Hair Salon" an ask, if there is a job for me. There is and she will only employee females and offer me 10$ for every time I help her with any costumers (male and female). (Had I been a nonprem female, payment was 5$ for every costumers). I leave and have now 2 jobs.
I want to transfer some money so I rush to bank and when I get there I ask if they hire there. They do, male as guards and female as bank tellers, but only if they are premium. Payment is 2$ every time 1K tranfered is reached (but only from other accounts) and 5$ every time 1K is bought (including own account). I have my 3. job.
Between midnight and 1 AM game time, I get my payment for those three jobs and I get a msg, that show me, what I get from where. Now, when I read msg about my payment, would be a good time to change one or more jobs, since every new progress on jobs would be lost, whenever I quit and take a new job. In other word, an avatar can only be paid for max three jobs every day.
Difference between Premium and nonprem:
Premium get payment when online and offline, while nonprem only do, when they are online.
Premium get payment from all servers, while nonprem only get from server they are on.
Premium can have a job as level 1 and three as level 9, while nonprem need to be level 3 before they can have a job and when they reach level 9, they can have 2 jobs.
Premium only have restictions between male and female, while nonprem also need to be able to buy a service on a specific place to be able to have a job there (they can't work at "Toxedo & Evening Dress Shop, since they can't buy anything there) and there are a few exceptions more :
Nonprem male can't work as bodyguards at "Bar Vodka", since a nonprem female can't strip there.
Nonprem can't work at bank, since they can't transfer (for now).
Nonprem can't work at Hotel, since they can't rent suite there.
There are flaws in this and payment might need to be adjusted too.
I also think, that some jobs only could be occupied once in each Premium account. (Max one bodyguard at "Bar Vodka" and either one guard or one bank teller at bank, but it would be ok to have a male and a female working at "Toxedo & Evening Dress Shop", since they got payment from different sources).