1. will the apartments have the ability to share between avatars of the same user? Like a family. this might be a great feature for premium users.
2. Also will the bank allow for money transfers between avatars of the same premium user?
3. Will we earn interest income on money held in the bank? It would be a great addition to income earning methods in the game, even if interest is small. Also it provides incentive to use the bank. If interest can be earned on a rising scale based on the size of the balance held that would be really cool.
2. Also will the bank allow for money transfers between avatars of the same premium user?
3. Will we earn interest income on money held in the bank? It would be a great addition to income earning methods in the game, even if interest is small. Also it provides incentive to use the bank. If interest can be earned on a rising scale based on the size of the balance held that would be really cool.