10-03-2016, 12:58 AM
Heya folks, just wanted to add this from the recently closed "Most Wanted Features" thread.
Thanks to Vrook for the compilation and Brandon for the commentary:
Thanks to Vrook for the compilation and Brandon for the commentary:
(10-02-2016, 05:23 PM)brandon1op Wrote: POSES:
Same-sex poses (FF implemented);
Spectator mode; Yes
More sex locations; Probably
Threesome (MMF implemented);
Petnis pose (implemented);
Ability to extend room time while in bed; Hmm....maybe?
Body modifications (ass, hips, belly, tighs, muscles, dick size); Probably not given to just change or add something would require them to edit all clothes and poses..and the pole..and the walking animation etc etc
Piercings and tattoos; Feel its the same as above
Ability to change sex; Most likely not
Possibility to change skin tone; Should be possible
Possibility to change eye colour; Definitly possible
Lingerie; sure
Clothes usable in bed; probably not
Separate piece of clothing; Maybe but it would require a completle overhall of the clothes system
Ability to combine different piece of clothing; same as above
Fur/leather piece of clothing; Possible
Pirate Clothing; Halloween maybe?
Better friend management system; Yes
Sound effects and music; no
Possibility of a player bio; Yes
Scrollbar for chat; Yes
Better ways of earning money; Yes
Payment methods; Like microtransactions then no
More pets (Petnis like); Id say no
Jobs (bartender, player controlled glory-hole, etc. ); like more minigames then yes
Possibility to store PM's; Take a screenshot xD
Casino; is coming
S&M Clubs; Maybe?
Dungeons; same as above
Pirate Cave/Bay; Would require an overhall to the map
Jungle; Where?
Houses; Future update
P.S. List, subject to change in the future.
This is...as a Moderator who has talked to the Devs for almost 5 months my way of saying whether or not these are possible..and why they wont/can be added
![[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]](http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif)