May I offer a word of caution on about allowing users to pay each other for sex. It May expose the game to abuse of that ability making it hard for players to have sex without paying. I have been asked to pay for sex a number of times even as a cold invite and during sex. It has killed the fun of the game. A better alternative would be to provide enough legitimate ways to make money so prostitution doesnt get abused. Also males need a fair alternative to make money. may be good to give them a strip club of there own just to make it fair.
Please provide the ability to play the game on other browers supported by Android phones in addition to Puffin. I have encountered incompatibility issues with trying to install Puffin. If the game supported another browser that would help.
Please provide the ability to play the game on other browers supported by Android phones in addition to Puffin. I have encountered incompatibility issues with trying to install Puffin. If the game supported another browser that would help.