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How long are you online for
personally I like coming on twice a day once when I get up, and again when I'm going to bed. Mostly so I can see if many friends are on, and if I got any messages (from the previous night) from people I had been PMing with.
Same here W1LL, I always log on in the morning and at night once, totalling to 3-4 hours. Sometimes more when things get interesting Smile
A wise man always say: 
"Make Love, Not War"
Used to do about 4+ hours a It's closer to 10 minutes a week.
Beta player:
Shey - lvl 5 Female  Tongue
used to log in daily and stay online a lot.. definitely 4+ hours.. lately.. depends.. sometimes I log in just to check who's online and see from there.. maybe I'll try picking up a girl if I'm into it Smile sometimes I stay on a lot, sometimes I'm barely there ;p
Though I regularly visit the forums, I'm in game far less frequently nowadays (due to a busier schedule). When I do go online once or twice a week, I can easily lose track of time and spend 2-6 hours if I'm enjoying my company, whether chatting or roleplaying. Room sessions will almost always guarantee at least four hours.
"Each night has one sound I know: the moon against the water like your cheek across mine in another life." – Sara Eliza Johnson
I spend a fair amount of time logged in, although not always looking at the screen. If I am online at the same time as certain people I have been known to just stay online until I pass out. I tend to just be logged in most of the time I'm at home.

So when I'm not logged in (like yesterday) it tends to mean I have other, RL plans.
I usually come in here everyday. How long i stay logged on will depend greatly on what is going on in the game, who of my friends are online, and if anything else IRL is requiring my attention. But the normal time would be something like, 4 or 5h a day, not much more.
all day mostly but it gets boring cause no one to talk to you try and they either leave or just ignore you.
That wasn't my case, but it's probably some people in deep pm session lol! Or they just want to waste some space for the active players.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
On MnF, around one or two hours daily. Online, generally, hooours and hours on end.

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