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Everything you always wanted to know about seXP*
I've been working on it as well and my suggestion to you is don't look at in terms of percentages but in terms of fractions. The pattern will be much more clear that way
I started a new account just for this
Hi, thanks for replying.  But isn’t it much the same?  ½ = 0.5 = 50%.  Anyway, I have already used %.

3 way poses (and 4 way) do not give the EXP expected as in M-F poses.  Two ways of looking at this.  A 3 way pose has a value of 1125 or it gives 45% of 750.  For a 4 way pose it is 60% of 750.  Some poses seem to be worth 1000.  I looked at it as a % as it could be related back to the % given between various levels M-F.

My initial confusion about randomness was because of the various different levels.  Top levels get 0 EXP, levels >=5 get 0 EXP and low levels may get enhanced EXP.  I first looked only at 5 minute, 1 round Double Penetrations to avoid other variables and came up with the following theory.

Player 1 (P1) got half their EXP from P2 and half from P3; likewise P2 & P3.  Using the values from M-F I adjusted the % each would get and halved it.  That seemed to work and for 4 ways add an extra level and divide by 3 not 2.

I did have a round that did not fit but thought that I had made a mistake in recording EXP or levels.  I did not think that previous 3 ways made a difference as in M-F but looked: that is when my theory unravelled.  I do think that it is basically correct but maybe there are other adjustments that also need to be taken into account.

Try to paste numbers.
Could you make a spreadsheet for the 3 and 4 ways with the inputs being the levels of the players like I did for the 1-1 ?
Also I mean the denominator of the fraction isn't always 10 or its integer multiple.

Just give some time, I'll tell you what I mean ;D
(01-05-2022, 10:49 PM)St_Jimmy Wrote: Could you make a spreadsheet for the 3 and 4 ways with the inputs being the levels of the players like I did for the 1-1 ?
Also I mean the denominator of the fraction isn't always 10 or its integer multiple.

Just give some time, I'll tell you what I mean ;D

I have a spreadsheet but could not post the results here as the numbers ran together and were hard to read.  Tell me how to do it as you previously did and I will.
What does it matter if the denominator of the fraction isn't always 10 or its integer multiple?
I finally finished researching the XP loss from not knowing previous poses. It took so long because I was doing this systematically and with help from other people for the poses.
Thanks everyone who gave their time into finishing this study!

Before I get into my results, I'd just like to point out to Zephyr that the total XP earned by the two players is not conserved if the level difference is more than 5. That's why your results were a little weird.

So first we have to get the pose coefficients by dividing the pose values by 75 which gives

Pose Name           Pose Value    Pose Value / 75
Pirate's Bounty        225                    3
Doggy Style            225                    3
Spooning                225                    3
Climbing the tree     300                    4
Muff Diving             375                    5
Full Nelson              450                    6
Pile Driver               600                    8
Banana Milkshake    750                   10
Reverse Entry          750                   10
Bum Bum                855                 11.4
Under Heat             900                   12
Against the Wall     1050                  14

This is the table I made by dividing the XP i got with XP I should have got if I knew the previous poses
I've written it in terms of fractions so it's easier to see what's going on with the ratios (This is why you don't use percentages haha)

1 Pirate's Bounty             1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1           1/1
2 Doggy Style                 2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2           2/2
3 Spooning                                                                                                                                                          3/3
4 Climbing the tree                                                                                                                                3/4          4/4
5 Muff Diving                                                                                                                         3/5          4/5           5/5
6 Full Nelson                                                                                                           3/6          4/6          5/6           6/6
7 Pile Driver                                                                                             3/8          4/8          5/8          6/8           8/8
8 Banana Milkshake                                                                  3/10         4/10        5/10         6/10        8/10        10/10
9 Reverse Entry                                                        3/10         4/10         5/10        6/10         8/10       10/10        10/10
10 Bum Bum                                              3/11.4    4/11.4      5/11.4      6/11.4      8/11.4     10/11.4    10/11.4   11.4/11.4
11 Under Heat                              3/12       4/12       5/12         6/12         8/12        10/12       10/12      11.4/12     12/12
12 Against the Wall        3/14         4/14       5/14        6/14        8/14         10/14       10/14      11.4/14     12/14       14/14

(For those who are mobile phones, I've attached a picture of the table)

I first learned Against The Wall and tried all three poses I had (First column)
Then I learnt Under Heat and tried all four poses (Second column)
Then I learnt the poses in the decreasing order and made the other columns.

So what can we say from this chart:
  • Specific poses don't matter. Only the number of poses known before the given pose.
  • Poses that come after the given pose don't matter either.
  • The programmer behind the XP is a cunning MoFo
  • Finally a little trivia: Reverse Entry is the only pose that can give its maximum XP even without knowing one of the previous poses.
Knowing this, it would be easy to deduce this table for the female poses and the group poses.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Before I get into my results, I'd just like to point out to Zephyr that the total XP earned by the two players is not conserved if the level difference is more than 5. That's why your results were a little weird.

I think that I pointed out that level differences above 5 could give erroneous results.  A level 5 going with a level 11 gives no EXP but receives 33% of pose value.  A top level, 21 now, receives no EXP from a level 20 but is only 1 level different.  I did specifically point this out in respect to 2 rounds done with a level 20 and gave an adjustment.  All other rounds were less than 5 levels different.

I assumed that Wall was the 10th Pose, ignoring the 2 given poses.  But why are my results weird?

Why are you dividing by 75?  Just to get more manageable numbers?

So, 11.4/12 is more understandable than a %?  And using % can relate back to EXP given at different levels.

Your results with Wall are, with increasing poses gained:
3/14         4/14       5/14        6/14        8/14         10/14       10/14      11.4/14     12/14       14/14
Those fractions can be converted to %.
21% 29% 36% 43% 57% 71% 71% 81% 86% 100%
And my results?
22% 29% 36% 43% 57% 71% 71% 82% Not Done 100%

So weird my results.

So what can we say from this chart:
Specific poses don't matter. Only the number of poses known before the given pose.    Think that I said that.
Poses that come after the given pose don't matter either.    Think that I said that too.
The programmer behind the XP is a cunning MoFo    It was done a long time ago.

Finally a little trivia: Reverse Entry is the only pose that can give its maximum XP even without knowing one of the previous poses.
Maybe/probably true.  It is same EXP as Milkshake that I think that came first.

Knowing this, it would be easy to deduce this table for the female poses and the group poses.
I am sure Female poses would work the same way.  But not Group poses i.e. 3 and 4 way.

I don’t think that you need the previous group poses at all.  Furthermore, the relationship between levels as in M-F seems to break down
I feel like I made you mad somehow. Anyway, let me explain myself
  • When the level difference is more than 5, it does not give an erroneous result. The XP is distributed as I showed in post #42
  • I divide the pose values by 75 to get a sequence: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 10, 11.4, 14
  • The reasons the fractions are better than using %:
  1. It's more accurate. Doing approximations during the calculation process can deviate the XP prediction by 1 which is wrong. The game only approximates after the calculations are done 
  2. If you look at my second table in post #55, you can see a very systematic arrangement of the sequence you get by dividing the pose values by 75. Using this you can develop a better understanding of the game code than just using %
  • Once you see the pattern, you can definitely say that the little trivia I posted is true.
  • To get the girl poses table, now we don't need to do all the poses with different combinations. We can simply deduce it. I'll do it right now:
Pose Name           Pose Value    Pose Value / 75
Oral Therapy             225                 3
Rodeo                      225                 3
Boob Job                  225                 3
Get on Top                300                 4
Sixty Nine                  375                5
Reverse Cowgirl         450                6
Split Poundage           450                6
Side Roller                 450                6
Foot Job                    750                10
Face Sitting                750                10

1 Oral Therapy                                            1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1          1/1           1/1
2 Rodeo                                                      2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2          2/2           2/2
3 Boobjob                                                                                                                                                            3/3
4 Get on Top                                                                                                                                         3/4          4/4
5 Sixty Nine                                                                                                                           3/5          4/5           5/5
6 Reverse Cowgirl                                                                                                    3/6          4/6          5/6           6/6
7 Split Poundage                                                                                       3/6          4/6          5/6          6/6           6/6
8 Side Roller                                                                            3/6           4/6           5/6          6/6          6/6           6/6
9 Footjob                                                                  3/10        4/10         5/10        6/10         6/10        6/10        10/10
10 Face Sitting                                           3/10         4/10         5/10        6/10         6/10        6/10       10/10        10/10

This is the beauty of using fractions instead of using percentages
I feel like I made you mad somehow.

Yes you have: slight unnecessary criticisms.  7th December 2021 for example.
What you said about XP and level is a little wrong, the "difference between the the XP" to reach levels increases by 500, not the XP itself.
Level X-1 to level X needs 5,000 EXP.  To reach level X+1 from level X you need 5,500.  So the EXP itself does increase by 500.
Last post: “That's why your results were a little weird.”  My results were the same as yours.  And all less than 5 levels difference or explained.

But let’s move on.

The point I was making about erroneous results related to the premise that combined EXP was equal to 30% of pose value. Up to 5 levels of difference it is split 15%:15% up to 30%:0%.  Above 5 levels the lower gets 33%, 36% etc.  And a top level to 1 level below would give 18% but get 0%.

I don’t understand 75; could another number have been used?  I think that we agree that the actual pose, and therefore its EXP, does not matter; only if it is a pose below or above that being considered.  So I don’t understand the reason to divide by 75.  Each new pose seemed to have a higher EXP value so date and value order would be the same.  I think that Bum Bum predated Reverse but same EXP.

I don’t have figures for girl poses.  If I do look I think that I have to include the 2 free poses.

So, Group Poses?

PS Tell me how to post Spreadsheet and I will.
I'm sorry I was just fixing the things I thought were incorrect in your posts.

For example in the XP to Level equation, if the difference between the XP for 2 levels was the same as you say, it would be a linear relation which it is not
The equation is XP = 250 (Level -1)^2 + 750 (Level -1)  This is a quadratic equation and hence the difference between XP between two levels is not constant.

Your results were described in percentages and also for the first value you had 22% whereas I got 3/14 which is about but not exactly 21.4285714286%. This is the erroneous result I was referring to. Your results were similar, not equal to mine and that is what I've been trying to explain to you. There are no approximations in my results unlike yours.

Let me give you an example of your first test. You were level 7, your partner was level 20 and you were doing Against the Wall only knowing that and the 2 basic poses.
The ratio of the pose value that the lower level player gets is given by (level difference/10) + 0.5
The ratio you would have gotten is (20-7)/10 + 0.5 = 1.8 
Pose Value for Against the Wall is 1050 so the XP you should have gotten was 1050*1.8 = 1890
Instead, what you got was 405. If we divide what you got by what you should have gotten, you'll get 405/1890 = 3/14 

But in your post, you'd written this fraction as 39% calling it a boost for having a level difference of 5+ with no explanation of how that works. I hope you see where you went wrong.

When I was making the table, I saw that the denominators for certain poses were the same and when I related it to their pose value, I got the number 75.
It's also the highest common multiple you can take out from every single fraction when you divide the XP without knowing previous poses to the max XP.

I've made the table for the girl poses and I'm very confident that it is correct. Feel free to confirm it if you have the time (Or maybe someone else could)

I've not properly worked on the group poses yet but I will soon.

To post an excel sheet, make it on Google sheets. You can find it in your Google Drive and then paste the link here.
Hi, I hope we can still be friendly and chat but you do seem to like pointing out other people’s mistakes.

I won’t go through all of your post now but just the girl poses.

You seem to give a value based on 30% of the pose cost/value and divide by 75. So for first paid for pose, that is Boobjob, 750x30% ( sorry, 3/10) which is 225.
For Split Poundage you say 450 which gives a pose value of 1500; Side Roller the same; Face Sitting 750 and 2,500
But Split Poundage is 2,000; Side Roller 2,500; Face Sitting 2,850.

“I've made the table for the girl poses and I'm very confident that it is correct."

I Look to posting Excel.

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