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Can gambling make money?

Ahh the Oasis slot machines. Ask anyone playing in late 2016 and they'll tell you that the slots used to be great money for the first week or so, untill the odds were fixed and now it's a bit more even (I guess the house really does always win). Since then you might only go to play slots to see some sexy girls holding giant fruit. But can the slots really still be profitable? 

Experiment. Begin the week with $5000. I will spend half an hour every day for a whole week at the slot machines, each time betting $50, and record here where I get each day. If I run out of cash, the experiment ends early.

Day 1: Start:$5000
Early start looked promising, with two 25x's close together, but lost half of it in the second half. Kept drifting between the high 3000's to 5000, then ran out of
time $700 in the hole.

Day 2: Start:$4300
Profit: $2000
Had a hard time breaking out of the 3000's today after losing a grand fast. Things looked bleak when I hit an all time low of $1950 but managed to land triple lucky 7's, giving a sweet payout of $3750, followed by a x25 putting us at our best of $7750. Scary to think that if we hadn't gotten lucky when things looked bad the experiment might have met an untimely end.

Day 3: Start:$6300
Unexciting day today lads. Biggest payout was a measly X25 once, then everything else drifted between 6000 to 8000. Surprisingly never dropped below the starting kitty, and ended on a small profit, so can't complain today boys.

Day 4: Start:$6750
Mixed bag today, no massive losses but did land x50's twice, which trickled out. Things hung around the 6000-8000 mark again, and did end up losing a bit by the end, but all in all today wasn't too bad.

Day 5: Start:$6500
If these numbers look bad, it's because they are. Today was a total mess, losing the most I've lost so far in the experiment and never making a profit. Three times I dropped between $3500-$4000 then claw my way back up with a lucky X25, but it would at most only put us back to our original $5000, which would loudly gurgle down the drain. Bad day.

Day 6: Start:$2600
So uhhh...Yeah....

Conclusion: Can gambling make money? The answer is a solid maybe. While we had some great streaks and made some impressive dough, when we started the downhill slope we rode it all the way to the bottom. The main thing about playing slots is that x2, x5, x10, and cherries are only there to make you break even. You only really profit from hitting anything 25x or above. The rest of the time is just a slow grind downwards.

If you want to make money playing slots, I have some advice.
First, know how much you're prepared to lose. Between one and two thousand is fair, but it's really up to you.
Second, quit while you're ahead. Day 3/4 saw us top out around the mid 8000's, which if I hadn't been playing to my own rules I would have walked away at.
Third, You're not guaranteed anything. If I hadn't hit a x75 in the second day, I might have lost it all straight at the start. But just because I got l lucky when things were heading south doesn't mean you will. It's totally possible you'll hit 3 x100's in a row. It's also possible you'll never get any payouts at all and lose everything in the first 20 minutes. Don't fall for gamblers logic, or you'll end up picking pennies off the sidewalk.

Thanks everyone for being interested in the journey. I'd love to repeat the experiment again if I come into some money, but who knows when that might be. Maybe if someone would be interested in financing another go around, but I'm not going to start begging for money through the forums.

EDIT FROM 2024: Because of the nature of this post it has started to attract alot of spam accounts that have posted links to external gambling websites. Please remember DO NOT CLICK THESE LINKS. Just report them as spam and move on. I know I don't post that much now but this thread was one of my favorites, but if it continues to attract spam I may remove it. It was posted in 2019, I'm okay to say its run its course. Stay safe online.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
Good luck
good luck. Sounds like a interesting experiment. i was never really lucky at the casino.
Wow nice
Wow, dad day 5, hope you do better, on day 6.
Where is day 6, hope you made a ton of money.

(06-23-2019, 02:42 AM)Sasso Wrote: Ahh the Oasis slot machines. Ask anyone playing in late 2016 and they'll tell you that the slots used to be great money for the first week or so, untill the odds were fixed and now it's a bit more even (I guess the house really does always win). Since then you might only go to play slots to see some sexy girls holding giant fruit. But can the slots really still be profitable? 

Experiment. Begin the week with $5000. I will spend half an hour every day for a whole week at the slot machines, each time betting $50, and record here where I get each day. If I run out of cash, the experiment ends early.

Day 1: Start:$5000
         Early start looked promising, with two 25x's close together, but lost half of it in the second half. Kept drifting between the high 3000's to 5000, then ran out of
         time $700 in the hole.

Day 2: Start:$4300
         Profit: $2000
         Had a hard time breaking out of the 3000's today after losing a grand fast. Things looked bleak when I hit an all time low of $1950 but managed to land triple lucky 7's, giving a sweet payout of $3750, followed by a x25 putting us at our best of $7750. Scary to think that if we hadn't gotten lucky when things looked bad the experiment might have met an untimely end.

Day 3: Start:$6300
         Unexciting day today lads. Biggest payout was a measly X25 once, then everything else drifted between 6000 to 8000. Surprisingly never dropped below the starting kitty, and ended on a small profit, so can't complain today boys.

Day 4: Start:$6750
Mixed bag today, no massive losses but did land x50's twice, which trickled out. Things hung around the 6000-8000 mark again, and did end up losing a bit by the end, but all in all today wasn't too bad.

Day 5: Start:$6500
If these numbers look bad, it's because they are. Today was a total mess, losing the most I've lost so far in the experiment and never making a profit. Three times I dropped between $3500-$4000 then claw my way back up with a lucky X25, but it would at most only put us back to our original $5000, which would loudly gurgle down the drain. Bad day.

Day 6: Start:$2600
So uhhh...Yeah....

Conclusion: Can gambling make money? The answer is a solid maybe. While we had some great streaks and made some impressive dough, when we started the downhill slope we rode it all the way to the bottom. The main thing about playing slots is that x2, x5, x10, and cherries are only there to make you break even. You only really profit from hitting anything 25x or above. The rest of the time is just a slow grind downwards.

If you want to make money playing slots, I have some advice.
First, know how much you're prepared to lose. Between one and two thousand is fair, but it's really up to you.
Second, quit while you're ahead. Day 3/4 saw us top out around the mid 8000's, which if I hadn't been playing to my own rules I would have walked away at.
Third, You're not guaranteed anything. If I hadn't hit a x75 in the second day, I might have lost it all straight at the start. But just because I got l lucky when things were heading south doesn't mean you will. It's totally possible you'll hit 3 x100's in a row. It's also possible you'll never get any payouts at all and lose everything in the first 20 minutes. Don't fall for gamblers logic, or you'll end up picking pennies off the sidewalk.

Thanks everyone for being interested in the journey. I'd love to repeat the experiment again if I come into some money, but who knows when that might be. Maybe if someone would be interested in financing another go around, but I'm not going to start begging for money through the forums.

Sad, I have won 5000, twice, and quit, but as you said, be prepared to lose everything, if you keep playing.

Sad, I have won 5000, twice, and quit, but always be prepared to lose everything if you keep playing.
If it makes you feel any better... i have a net loss of 37k from the slots alone... though over a long period of time of only betting 1k a day and seeing if it amounts to anything...
I made a 150% profit 1 year ago and tried again thinking I would win again.

Oh boy was I wrong.. lost it all in a day lol
Good experiment good luck about it. I actually earned 50.000$ but it wasn`t too easy.

-At first I went to play the flappy petnis game and I made 5.500 $ ish money. ( I knew that I was gonna gamble so good gamble means more investment)

-Then I went up to 10.000$ and stopped playing it. Because I was thinking that *Yeah I think just used all of my luck*. So I made 2000$ more at shooting gallery then I went to gallery again because I didn`t want to lose all the money that I have earned.

I just kept doing this and it actually works. ^^

Keep up the good work!
*takes a drag off a butt* take it from me don't wanna go down this route. it seems glamorous like you're gonna be a high roller in vegas...*snorts and hocks a wad of phlem* but next thing you know, you're betting on awful shit like who makes it out of the stalls in the bathroom first and you live in a back seat of a 1980's buik.

You wake up, wash your mouth out with a shot of whiskey, rub your five 'o clock shadow then shamble back into the casino to serve your false idol: Gamblor.

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