12-02-2017, 02:36 PM
Being thinking about life, its rivers and lakes
What it means for something to end, for a river to be no more
How does it start, so far up in the mountains
And how it grows with each fall, how a river gets to be called a sea
How obstacles in its path may take a turn, like a river may twist
One way makes you stand still while everyone is moving, like a stagnated mass of water that slowly decays
The other makes you twist, speed up, slow down and sometimes leave you speechless, like a river leading to a waterfall
This will define you as a person, as it defines and classifies a river
But even in the worst cases where you stand still, where a river stalls
It goes over a transformation, a journey through the inner realm of the earth
Reaching its depths to be joined with the heated and liquified dirt, being released in a new form
Becoming new terrain for other rivers and such to flourish
What it means for something to end, for a river to be no more
How does it start, so far up in the mountains
And how it grows with each fall, how a river gets to be called a sea
How obstacles in its path may take a turn, like a river may twist
One way makes you stand still while everyone is moving, like a stagnated mass of water that slowly decays
The other makes you twist, speed up, slow down and sometimes leave you speechless, like a river leading to a waterfall
This will define you as a person, as it defines and classifies a river
But even in the worst cases where you stand still, where a river stalls
It goes over a transformation, a journey through the inner realm of the earth
Reaching its depths to be joined with the heated and liquified dirt, being released in a new form
Becoming new terrain for other rivers and such to flourish
"There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for"