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Why Didnt you get a warning
So an issue has been brought to me "Help I just got banned and never got a warning"

Heres the Deal...ALOT of the bans we do deserve no warnings no "please stop or ill ban you" etc etc Like if your just being a dick to someone like a HUGGGGE dick..dont be surprised if an hour later you log back in and find your account was banned with no warning or talk

This is even comparable to irl issues like..if your just killed someone the Cop wont slap you on the hand and say dont do it again..bitch your ass is going to jail for like...years 

Now other times...Whether it deserves a warning or not depends on whos its aimed Talk alot shit about the Devs for example..and your gone Talk shit or Harass a Moderator and odds are depending on who it is ..wont take your shit and will ban you right there on the spot 

Understand that warnings are given for justified reason hm....Cussing someone out odds are you will either get a warning to not do it again..or your went full Crazy mode all caps and just blew the chat up leading to your ban

So understand..that we DO give warnings..if its really neccesary(or we can now just jail; your butt)

Brandon1op The Best Mod #2017 #420BlazeIt
but what about those that didnt do anything like talk bad about the moderators or spam or something like that, since i dont recall ever doing anything against the moderators or even being an issue in the game today yet ive been banned without a warning or anything hench why i am confused i dont know about anyone else though
I have a theory that just like in the forum, in-game also has a warning level for each user. And I believe every time you get reported, your level increases until you reach 100%. Then your automatically banned for 24hrs or so... This is just a THEORY, and I may or may not be right(most likely wrong), but it can explain why people get banned without given a warning, especially for light trolling....
P.S. Don't be mad at mods for doing their jobs, it takes a lot for a person to get banned in-game.
(02-17-2017, 03:16 AM)JohnSins Wrote: I have a theory that just like in the forum, in-game also has a warning level for each user. And I believe every time you get reported, your level increases until you reach 100%. Then your automatically banned for 24hrs or so... This is just a THEORY, and I may or may not be right(most likely wrong), but it can explain why people get banned without given a warning, especially for light trolling....
P.S. Don't be mad at mods for doing their jobs, it takes a lot for a person to get banned in-game.

Big no no on the automatic part, its way too easily manipulated and hopefully devs know that.
But the problem for mods is that they dont have a log of all things said/avatars movements in an argument, so they only rely on one sided reports, and those will never be impartial. Also the trolls are very good at singling one line on a conversation to make u look bad, so i m sure there ll still be quite a few undeserved ban, but its not like theres other ways to do it. 
Thats why i feel the jail is a good addition, the punishment is smaller and fits lots of "crimes" better that a 24 hour ban.
The jail idea is a good idea i agree since it puts you in a cell for an hour but if the warning level increases each time your reported then anyone can just report you for anything you havent done, which would just get you banned for no reason i dont know how long my ban is for but i hope it isnt perm because i enjoy playing the game
Regarding forum warning levels, John... we use these here as a low-level deterrent, and they rarely last longer than a week. We don't have a set limit on how many warnings are needed before we just ban someone; that decision's up to the mod based on prior history, severity of the offense, etc. From my conversations with Brandon, Emmie and other IG mods over the past year, I believe that the same holds true for in-game mods. A system that rigid would indeed lead to its own set of problems.

However, because bans are permanent here, in general we discuss with at least one other forum mod whether or not a ban's really necessary or if there's some way to settle things with just a warning or a discussion in PMs.
[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]
(02-17-2017, 03:23 PM)JCF Wrote: Regarding forum warning levels, John... we use these here as a low-level deterrent, and they rarely last longer than a week. We don't have a set limit on how many warnings are needed before we just ban someone; that decision's up to the mod. From my conversations with Brandon, BADGURL, Emmie and other IG mods over the past year, I believe that the same holds true for in-game mods. A system that rigid would indeed lead to its own set of problems.

However, because bans are permanent here, in general we discuss with at least one other forum mod whether or not a ban's really necessary or if there's some way to settle things with just a warning or a discussion in PMs.

thats the thing though this is my first ban, no warning from any mods, no reason mentioned and the support email wont repsond to me asking why ive been banned or for how long which is upsetting since i dont know what ive done to be banned unless someones reported me for a troll or to just get on my nerves
(02-17-2017, 03:28 PM)--Torva-Messor-- Wrote: thats the thing though this is my first ban, no warning from any mods, no reason mentioned and the support email wont repsond to me asking why ive been banned or for how long which is upsetting since i dont know what ive done to be banned unless someones reported me for a troll or to just get on my nerves

Okay. First, read this.

Second, go to this thread and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS THERE.

You may ask for information, and it will be provided. However, this is not the appropriate place for you to discuss the details of your ban. The rules for discussion of in-game bans on this forum exist for a reason. Please respect them.
[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]
You will get a message when you're banned. And also, we won't always warn. Depending on the things you say and such. But lets face it. A 24h ban is a warning and timeout bundled up into one.
[Image: xpXEtwW.gif?noredirect]
Darn, I thought I was onto something, no Scooby snacks for me... At least now I know the inner workings of the warning lvl.

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