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Suggestions Mega Thread
(12-30-2016, 09:03 PM)carnacien Wrote: hello, new player here liking this game quite a bit, and here are some suggestions i got (sorry if its re-hashed,i wasnt gonna read the whole thread)

- avatar shouldnt face front automatically but remain turned towards last action (that really shouldnt be a hard one so i hope u do it)

- sex animations should have a background and u should be able to do it in other places than the motel bed. Bathroom, couch to start, and maybe add a few special places outside or in some buildings where u can initiate sex. U can even add a "get caught" feature and maybe a voyeur system

- missions. for example: girls night out. 2 (or more) ladies to launch it, they dance at the club and have 2guys add to the party, then go to a room for sex, but instead of the normal animations, u have 2 of them side by side. Persons who launch missions can add requirements (sex lvl ?, outfit, hair/color build) .
Other missions i can think of: on the prowl (sf looking for X guys, each guy control the sex for one scene then next), swinger (m/f looking for same), stag night, losing virginity (for lvl 1 unless u have a "virgin" flag for new players) .

- titles and achievements are always cool (succesfully picked up in each zone of the game, have sex with 10 diferent people in 1 hour, etc, the possibilities are unlimited here) In fact even if they give nothing gamewise, im pretty sure pple would still try get them all.

am not a developer myself so idk how much work those suggestions would be, but i think they d greatly improve thegame. Ty for reading and hope to catch u ingame

I do like the majority of these suggestions, so I'll try to talk about them individually.

First, while I understand what you're saying about the avatars always facing forward when standing still, I'm not sure that that would be an easy fix, based on how the walking is built, but it is a nice thought.

People have requested sex in other places, and if that did come, it would likely come with different backgrounds when you have sex in those places

Missions sound interesting, especially because they give people something extra to try to do in game, but I'm not sure exactly how interested the playerbase would be in them, or how much people would care about an update like that, when there are still so many things that have been "coming" for a while (ex. houses, spectator mode) that aren't available yet.

Achievements sound really cool (I'm one of those people who wants to collect everything possible in a game, and get all the achievements), and I'd like to see them implemented, especially because it could cause more people to be social with others, and spark more conversations among players.

Overall, strong suggestions, and I think it'd be cool to see some of them added, however, it would likely be a while as they are probably not working on many of these at the moment.
Fresh batch of suggestions after a few more days. Obviously ill admit that how much work those suggestions are depend on the way the game is coded so its really the devs call to see if they re worth it, i am just throwing things at the wall here

- able to interact with the decor more (just opening/closing bathroom door and working shower in motel would be nice, hiding ur char in bush and such can improve game a little i feel)

- little jokes here and there are fun and i feel the easter eggs are what makes a game stand out (i enjoyed the "sexappeal" joke in char creation page for woman) so i d like to see more like that. Sex lvl going from 7 to 11 for example, or put some joke posters as fake ads here and there (fake cinema movie titles are a blast and can be updated regularly)

-be able to give a like to another char (same ref system as lol for example, with stats for helpful/funny/dirty talk/rp) In fact i d love to see a sexy dnd type stat sheets where endurance means something slightly different and things like submissiveness and perversion may give a rp a heads up. I d also like the game to keep track of the diferent sex acts a char does (number of partners and acts), tough i understand that this would be pretty heavy strain on the servers.

- more 1v1 games (theres only the bullriding one atm and i dont like that one much), and possibilities to make assymetric bets on those ( both money or sex, as i ve read suggested elsewhere)

-a personal ads wall to be able to advertise specific demands/plan things. So far i feel that things are hard to organise if they include too many pple, so this would help, and also description is too short to really give much info about what u want ( This one i think would be my top request if i got one wish for the game)

-a netiquette page to make some unwritten rules specific to this game clear. I understand some rp pple feel unsolicited pm are bad for example, i feel its not intrusive and just means talking to u personnally so i d like to know what community thinks rather than having to make rules for myself (i personnally dont double pm for approach for example, so silence = no but a slightly negative answer from rper makes me scratch my head to figure if its a firm no or a try harder lead)

-specific server for lesbians. No hate but they dont want me around, and neither do i so making last server female only (server i ve never seen decently populated anyway, but maybe is at other hours) seems like a good move for everyone. Guess u can add gay one too (when theres mm scene maybe) , but i have no opinion on whether thats needed

-a list of top tip earners at the pole dance (maybe top tippers too ?) . Daily (?) updated. I can see some fun competition there

-ability to pm ur whole friend list in one time

alright thats it for today , ty for reading again
(edited coz i forgot one, and improved clarity)
Dunno if I'm the only one but female toes are a slight "issue", imo. Would love to see some art tweaks.
just 2 quick ones that i really feel would be big + for almost no work:

-green and blue skin option for avatars (u made elf ears so why not?)

- eve/adam suits as outfit to buy at the bath so u can wear it elsewhere . i guess if u re worried that it d tilt game too far into exhibitionists playground (the only negative i can see with it), u can make it premium only (u would have anyway but i guess in this case its really warranted) or put location restrictions on it (only allow it on rooms,cave and brothel ?).
Personally, I think the main problem is that the devs release one pose at a time, and once most people get that specific pose, after farming enough exp, they just use it up until it becomes like a regular pose... Possibly if they could release 3, but give us players a lvl cap at where you could only pick two at max or even have a super difficult pose (like irl), such as a stand and carry pose, that requires the majority of exp to obtain it, until the next batch of poses are released, so that people have opportunity costs. This way poses get less "boring"and people will have different skill sets of poses.
alright this is me again. So more suggestions

-be able to get on the stage in the cabaret

-a kneeled version of the idle avatar

-a poke system to check if a person is willing to interact wih u or not (as unintrusive as possible). I think a good chunk of the frustration in game would be gone if u had that kind of system to say "u have my attention" rather than having to pm/chat with avatars who may be af.k or doing smthing else .

- in the same idea, limit the amount of unsuccessfull invites per hour for non prem users, that way they ll get less liberal with them (1 hour room= 5 unsuccesfull invites max? successfull ones would not be limited)
(01-05-2017, 04:01 PM)carnacien Wrote: -green and blue skin option for avatars (u made elf ears so why not?)

Very much in favor of more fantasy-based skin color options.

(01-07-2017, 05:14 PM)carnacien Wrote: alright this is me again. So more suggestions

-be able to get on the stage in the cabaret

-a kneeled version of the idle avatar

- in the same idea, limit the amount of unsuccessfull invites per hour for non prem users, that way they ll get less liberal with them (1 hour room= 5 unsuccesfull invites max? successfull ones would not be limited)

And seconding all these too.
[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]
Hiya im Harley Q and here are two things I think should be in the game.


1. when ur pregnant for 9 game days and cant fuck while ur pregnant
2. When u get baby its a bay for 3 days then kid for 5 then teen or adult
3. U can sell ur baby and other players buy, u can pick from 1-500$ or keep and decide how much money it cost to fuck ur kid from 1-500$ again
4. if a player fucks ur kid they get 100 exp
5. the parent gets to decide how the child looks like
6. the mother gets the first two children first girl then boy then the father gets the third and fourth, girl first and boy last again.

Orgy in the Oasis Baths

There should be a orgy option in the Oasis Baths because when I got there I felt like it needed more instead of just being naked, the orgy option should let the player have sex publically in the Oasis Baths and the there should be threesomes too but free for non-premium users only there.

I hope these get added to the game it would be wounderful and make it much better!
We need more hairstyles!!!! Specifically a ponytail. Smile
(01-08-2017, 09:02 AM)xHarley_Quinnx Wrote: 3. U can sell ur baby and other players buy, u can pick from 1-500$ or keep and decide how much money it cost to fuck ur kid from 1-500$ again
4. if a player fucks ur kid they get 100 exp

Wait, we are talking about Pedophilia? I think this is going too far, it could bring a lot of dangerous people.
"Sometimes even when you get knocked down, you can still win."

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