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Suggestions Mega Thread
Have to say I am loving this game so far! Had a really fun couple of hours in there today ^^

Biggest thing for me would be much more avatar customisation. I'm sure that's hard to do, but loads of different body types - hips, waist, belly, shoulders, boobs, ass, feet, legs, face, hair... more more more! It would be amazing too to include some gender fluidity in those - futas, males with vaginas etc etc etc

It would also be amazing to have more kinky content in the bedroom... maybe it's just me but the more options, the more exciting... maybe bathroom play for watersports fans, BDSM rooms, more gay/lesbian abilities, and what's with not being able to get my pussy eaten!?

I know the game is REALLY new and I'm sure some of these are on the table already. Can't wait to see what updates come!
ummmm, you can get your pussy eaten. Find a nice premium guy and ask him to make you squirt.
Heart juicylucy
I want sound in the game Smile
I love your suggestions! One thing I'd like to see, and others have agreed, is an X-ray option during sex. Also maybe a groping minigame for avatars on an area. Of course, the Avatar getting groped could choose to say no or let it happen.
There are a few suggestions i might make after thinking for a while. 

If new poses are going to be released then i would like to see a pick bar where all poses bought by both people are available. you each pick one a turn till your full. This would future proof things like BDSM poses, where both parties might not want to experience it.

Avatar options, Make up (usable like accesories, where you buy the "lipstick colour you want" and can have it on or off as you like") eye shadow, blusher, Piercings, tattooes ETC.

An input area on friends, where you can write a small paragraph on why you know them or what they like.

An area where you can be safe from Invites, somewhere to chat in peace! Might have to be a big place LOL
Probably wont say what somebody else didnt say here yet but:

1.New poses for f/f (even tho i dont use them still)

2.Short Descr on Profile possibly with preference too

3.yes i agree on friend notes

4.More jobs possibly or way of ppl transfering money coz they do it anyway and with rodeo its silly(i mean selling themslves not the glitch)

5.Maybe way for free players to get positions even if temporary or just some way to use xp even for premium maybe

6.Well idk some sort of party or group system could be cool since u can see ppl grouping anyway just writing betwen is either public or messy

7.The spectate mod which i know is comming but i rly hope it will have customisation like u can enable/disable if ppl can talk to it etc or talk about it separated in group while watching with others Smile

8.More random items but not too much to keep ppl feel like they can buy smth

9.Deffinitely scroll option coz on parties its rly easy to miss smth

10.Maybe more minor customization on clothes unlockable with either lvl gold or only for premium if for lvl ofc u would need to pay gold

11.Well i would suggest ppl not spamming chats in diff languages then english but well cant do much about it also some page to post events would be great!

Sorry for long post have a great day ,also sorry if i made too much mistakes its 5am and i didnt sleep yet >.<

-Edit:Talked with one guy online and Notice Board in front of Motel/Hotel to write events/parties etc on would be great addition i think Smile
i was just in the main page when i saw the surgeon that makes changes in your body, you know, the one with the blonde nurse and the viagra thing... well, in that moment i remember the FUTA's that are in the game, so i though maybe that adition would be great... a transgender option for the people who want it too... even better if you could pick when you create your character...

i agree with most of the suggestions of Tera Smile

waiting Big Grin
I'm a dom, who likes roleplay and creative encounters Big Grin
Ur right i completely forgot about that and also group scenes ! :3
yeah Big Grin

it will be good to have also different ways to change the bodytypes, like tall or short girls/boys ^^
I'm a dom, who likes roleplay and creative encounters Big Grin
Short description in characters' profiles should arrive shortly, and as for multi-language chat they should find a way to have separate chats at the same time (and you pick the one you're most interested in). This way people who don't speak English very well would speak apart and not interfere with other languages. This of course with a scrollbar.
In game name: Benny87
Language: French (native) English (fluent)
Server: Big Bang (mainly)
When do I play: when I have the time, and it's very hard to find >_<
One last thing to say?: They say French do it better... Feel free to check it [Image: napo.gif]

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