03-20-2016, 09:59 AM
wen I 1st saw her I knew she was going 2 be the love of my life, I 1st met her at the meadows I cud c she looked so lost and lonely, I was about 2 walk right on by , but she looked at me and smiled, that's wen I knew knew I had to talk to her. being a shy guy I did,nt know what 2 say , . as I approached her I picked up the courage to talk to her. we started to talk and we just walked and talked for quite a while. then came the time 4 her 2 leave, we arranged to meet up the next day ,my
was in flutters waiting at red vodka the next day , when she arrived I was amazed how beautiful she looked, my heart skip a beat as she walked up 2 me, I ordered some drinks and went and sat down. we seem to get on very well , as we talked about our interests , and about our families. we carried on to a restaurant to get a bite 2 eat, then came the time 4 her to leave. I picked up the courage to give her a kiss on the cheek. after I kissed her she smiled back at me as she got into a taxi to go home. the next day we arranged to go to the beach , as she turned up I knew she was for me , she looked radiant in her costume. we sat down on the beach and just gazed into each others eyes , that's when I knew I had 2 make her mine. as we talked I leaned forward to her and was about to kiss her on the cheek but as I was about to , she turned her head and our mouths met at 1st I did,nt know if to continue, but as our lips met ,it was like a electric shock, I just melted into her arms as we kissed . we stopped kissing and decided to go for a walk on the beach , as I got up I offered her my hand which she took and helped her to her feet, we walked hand in hand along the beach. I felt like a king with her on my arm. we just clicked . then came the time for her to leave once more , I bent towards her 2 kiss her and kissed me back, we kissed for quite a while , then she had to leave, she could,not c me the next day, I felt so lost not being to see her, but the thought of seeing her the next day made me think how much I had to keep her, when I picked her up the following day. she looked so beautiful. in her ball gown , she looked like a princess the sight of her was so intense my
was beating very fast. I just had to make her mine. as we sat in the restaurant, I reached over and held her hand which was so soft and smooth, we continued to hold hands for most of the night, when we left I took her home,and she invited me in for coffee , we sat on the sofa talking about various things , she fell asleep in my arms , it felt incredible to have her in my arms.as I gazed at her I felt like a million dollars. I gently lifted her up and took her upstairs to bed , layed her on it and covered her up with a blanket, then I went back down and just sat on the sofa , feeling pleased with myself, then I fell to sleep. I was woken up the next morning to the sound of her soft voice, gently whispering to me to wake up, she made me a coffee , then I had 2 leave her to go to work , as I left she kissed me and thanked me for being so nice to her. I. felt like I was on top of the world as I went 2 work . I could not stop thinking about her that day so I phoned her up just so I could hear her voice , it made me so happy as we chatted on the phone. I called round to hers that night and we stayed in and cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie , she fell asleep again this time though she was still holding my hand, I did, nt want to wake her so just sat there with her in my arms it felt incredible to hold her so softly. I just sat there feeling so good with myself. that's when I knew she was the only girl for me.