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Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - Printable Version

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Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - IvanXLIV - 05-10-2016

Hello people,

The following text is a collaborative effort between misslanni - my dear beloved Heart  - and I... She wrote this lovely reflection in prose to me, which in turn inspired me to answer with a poem of my own; at her suggestion, we blended together the two texts, yielding the following "dialogue". Her stanzas will appear in lavender, and mine in blue - we hope you'll enjoy it.

(notes on the heavy editing of November 20th, 2016: With great sadness and reluctance, but ultimately out of respect for mislanni's request, I have redacted out her contribution to this poem. Her departure is keenly felt. I miss her deeply Sad )

Guilty pleasures ...shared

   You shared with me one of the most precious treasures,
   Letting me glimpse once more your soul’s shining radiance
   By revealing to my heart your guilty pleasures
   So beautifully wrought in prose; a dreamlike trance
   Captivates my mind whenever I read those lines
   And transports me to dreamland fields lying yonder,
   Where those fancies of yours await, of such designs
   As to overwhelm us with deep, lustful wonder…
   Gladly would I join you in that room with a view
   Of breathtaking natural vistas, completely
   Offered to your passionate desires, ‘til you
   And I achieve the sweet release of ecstasy.
   Goaded by your seductive titillation,
   Pressing you against the wall you described aptly,
   I would boldly answer your passive submission
   With mouth, hand and cock ‘til you climax noisily…
   Diving skyclad in the tranquil, flowing waters
   Under that moonlit mountainside, we would entwine
   Limbs and join lips lustily, carnal explorers
   Bound to partake of love’s most delectable wine.
   Whether making tender love on a remote beach
   Or having raunchy, steamy sex in the shower,
   I shall gladly join your dreams, my love, sharing each
   And every guilty pleasures you have to offer.

Cheers, Ivan

RE: Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - Simple Tania - 05-10-2016

wow...*STANDING OVATION* that is....superb, amazing...I cant adjective more...WOW, WOW, WOW

RE: Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - RP_RICK - 05-10-2016

Great read indeed Smile

RE: Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - Sate - 05-10-2016

Beautiful piece. This is what the first story "Meant" I posted was originally but I cut her parts out. Bravo!

RE: Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - IvanXLIV - 05-10-2016

(05-10-2016, 07:07 PM)misslanni Wrote: I really don't mean to brag but I love how this piece flowed for both of us without planning or putting a lot of effort into it. Thanks to everyone for their lovely comments and for reading, it means a lot. Blush Heart

I think you are perfecty entitled to brag, my dear... Tongue  *pokes misslanni teasingly*

On a less whimsical note, allow me to add my heartfelt thanks to misslanni's - your support and kind comments are always appreciated!

RE: Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) - Seiryu - 05-30-2016

Congratulations misslanni and IvavXLIV.  A delightful collaborative effort.