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Lesbian Story - Printable Version

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Lesbian Story - Phyllis - 02-24-2016

The Audition

I, like many young girls, had dreams of becoming the next great Marilyn Monroe and live a life of fame and luxury. After being in Los Angles for five years, however, I realized that it wasn't going to happen, at least not overnight. After a lot of hard work and thousands of auditions, I finally landed a role in a Sci-fi drama in the lead role as a "tough as nails stripper with a heart of gold." The only problem was that I had never stripped in my life.

Before I get into the "Trials and Tribulation" of my acting story, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Debra, but most people call me Deb. Like many girls here in "the land of stars," I grew up in far away in "Middle America." The small rural town where I was born was typical. The highlight of every weekend was to go to someone's farm, have a bonfire, drink beer and try to hook up with someone, preferably someone from the high school football team. I found the constant routine extremely boring.

I had always wanted more in my life than graduating from high school, going off to college and coming back to Hickville and work as a waitress or even worse, for my father. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad and I miss my family a lot but I didn't want to follow in my father's footsteps and work at the sawmill until I was a hundred years old with a raspy voice and emphysema. For me there was more to life and I was going to break the mold.

While I was at college, I saved every dime so that I could put my plan into action. The day after I graduated from college, I packed up my old pick-up truck, the last vestige of my small-town girl life, and drove west until I hit the glamorous city of Hollywood. When I arrived there at the "ripe old age" of 22, I had little more than a suitcase, my truck and a bag of dreams.

My desire to become a famous actress was so strong that I immediately tried out for every role I could and saved every penny out of my paycheck from the boring job I got at the local bank. When I could, I invested into myself and my skills as an actress. I attended seminars and took classes at night on how to be "frying bacon," which was the silliest thing I had ever done but I wanted to be an actress.

I even went as far to have some of my physical appearance altered, so I could better my chance to land a starring role. I spent a lot of money having my breasts enhanced to better suit my 5'6" slim frame, my teeth whiten a brow lift and a nose job. I was willing to do whatever it took to improve my chances of landing that perfect role that would launch me into stardom.

After five years, I was still working as a secretary at the same local bank and making just enough money to survive. Don't get me wrong, I still had my dreams, which were revived with every commercial role or a paying job for the local theater; it's just now a little a little more realistic.

It was Thursday afternoon and I was stuck in "rush hour" traffic behind an old Cadillac that had bluish smoke pouring out its tailpipe when I got the phone call changed my life forever.

"Hello?" I answered my cell phone.

"Deb, its Charlie," the gravelly voice said. "Can you be at Imaginations Plus studio on Saturday?" Charlie was my agent. He was a grumpy older man and smelt of cheap cigars all the time, but he was truly one of the nicest guys I'd met in Hollywood. I kept him around because he would find me a job now and then and didn't try to rob me blind with his agent fee. After working with him for the last four years, I thought of him like an uncle.

"Yea, I'm free. What's the role?"

"I got you an audition for one of those space movies. I think you would be perfect for the lead role," He said.

"Really? What's the story?"

"The story is about a woman who is down on her luck then makes it big with a sci-fi theme." "That is so cool! How long will the shoot take?" I asked.

"We are looking at five maybe six months." I thought to myself for a minute. I was going to have to quit my job but if I did really well I would get more roles. Who knows, I might become the star I always wanted to be. "So what time do I need to be there?" I asked. I could worry about my job at the bank after the interview.

"That's my girl. I really think this might be the one. I'll drop off the script later," Charlie answered. I could tell he was pleased with my answer.

After I signed in at the audition, I found a place to stand in the office waiting room. It was a typical waiting room with a gray carpet and off-white painted walls with a few pleasantly colored abstract paintings on the wall by some no-name artist. The cheap metal chairs lined the walls and there was a table in the middle covered with magazines. There wasn't enough room for all of us so many had to wait in the hall, though many were outside smoking cigarettes to help calm their nerves.

I found myself checking out the other girls as we waited. All of them were knockout gorgeous with perfect bodies and I just knew this was going to be another, "Thank you for your time. Someone will call you later," auditions and I would have to go back to work at the life-sucking bank.

I was number 79 and had been sitting on a metal chair for at least an hour, waiting for my inevitable horrible audition and subsequent rejection to happen. I tried to read the script but ended up nervously rolling and then tapping it on my leg then unrolling it and trying to read it again. The woman next to me glared at me every time I tapped it against my leg but I was too nervous to care.

When they called my number, I walked into a big conference room where there was at least a dozen people sitting around an oval shape table. I was a bit caught off guard as most interviews were done either on a set or in the director's office with four or five other key members of the staff.

I tried not to let it rattle me as I did the usual routine of providing them my portfolio and a headshot I'd paid too much money for two years ago and couldn't afford to update it. While they reviewed my stuff, I waited for someone to tell me to read a few lines of the script with a production assistant. Thankfully, they usually chose someone who was horrible so you at least had a chance to make a reasonable impression.

Normally after about 10 lines, someone, usually the director, would say, "Thank you, have a good day." This time it was different. I ended up reading almost a dozen pages of the script before a guy who I later found out was Ron James, the director, said cut.

He asked me to do a little turn, I guess to see if I had the "look" he wanted, then asked, "How do you feel about tastefully nude scenes?"

"If it helps the story progress I don't have a problem with them," I answered. Charlie hadn't said there was any nudity in the story, and I hadn't read anything about it in the script. He really threw me off was when he asked me if I could dance seductively, like a stripper. I lied and said that I could.

The director looked at the rest of the people at the table then announced, "Well, I think we have our lead. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded their head or verbally gave their approval. While everyone shook my hand, an aide, a nice woman named Ginger, went into the waiting room and announced the auditions were over. Then Bob, the production assistant that had run the lines with me, handed me the real script.

"Sorry about the script thing, I didn't want it to be leaked before we'd had a chance to at least choose the cast," Ron explained. "There's been a lot of buzz about this project and I want to keep it under wraps for as long as possible. You'll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement as well as the usual contract, we'll send the contract to your agent to go over but you can't leave with the script until you sign the non-disclosure."

My head was swimming with all the stuff I was being told. I tried to remember it all but was sure I was going to forget something. I quickly read the non-disclosure before signing it and was happy they gave me a copy for my records so I could read it over again later, it would be too late to change anything but at least I would know what I could and couldn't do.

They brought in the leading man and some of the others playing key roles so that we could all meet each other. Ginger went over the production schedule with all of us and gave us packets that included forms for us to fill out with measurements and passes to the studio so we could get wardrobe, make-up and hair sorted.

When I got home, I started to panic. Not only did I need to learn a new script in four weeks, I had lied to the director of my first movie role about knowing how to strip. I didn't know what I was going to do. I called my best friend Rudy; he always knew what to say to calm me down.

After I explained what I had done, he laughed. "What about that Lisa girl? The one you met when you first got to town. Isn't she a stripper? Maybe she could teach you enough so you don't look like a fool?" he suggested.

"Doh!" I replied. Of course! I hadn't talked to Lisa in a few months but she'd be the perfect person to help me out. I hoped her cell number hadn't changed.

I ended the call with Rudy then nervously dialed Lisa's number. After a couple of rings, she answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Lisa, it's me Deb," I replied. We did the usually pleasantries and caught up a bit.

"Can I ask for a big favor?" I asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You aren't my type!" she joked.

"Ha-ha," I replied sarcastically. "But seriously, I landed a role for a movie, which is great, but it requires me to be a stripper."

"Wow that is great! When do you start? What can I do to help?" she asked enthusiastically.

I was so embarrassed about having to ask her to teach me how to strip and mumbled my request. "What did you say?" Lisa asked.

I cleared my throat then said more clearly, "Can you ... um ... teach me how to be a ... a ... stripper?"

Lisa laughed then said, "You're a sexy girl so the look won't be hard for you to achieve, but most girls fail because they can't get over the mental thing. Remember you're getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers that are usually intoxicated; that can really be rough on some."

"I know I can handle it, hell I've been seen on national TV wearing a banana suit! I think I can deal with the 'mental' thing. Besides, it is for a role and not a career change," I replied.

"So when do you start?" Lisa asked.

"We start shooting in four weeks."

"Well, I think I can teach you in that time to be moderately good, and if being a movie star doesn't work out for you, you can always fall back on exotic dancing for a living."

"That'll be the day," I said laughing then arranged to go over to her place the next evening.

It was around seven when I arrived at her place. I had brought a small gym bag with me stuffed with all sorts of lingerie and workout clothes. I had also brought knee high leather boots with insanely high heels similar to what the wardrobe sheet said my character would be wearing in the movie. I wasn't used to wearing heels in general so high heels like these boots were going to be an adventure.

When I pulled up in her driveway, which was in the expensive part of Beverly Hills, I looked up at the house and was still amazed by the grandeur of it. Lisa owned the big Victorian house, which included a traditional cobble stone chimney located on the far end of the house. It was a chilly night and small wisps of smoke rose from the chimney's top.

The front yard was meticulously manicured and it had a large willow growing in the center of the yard with a swinging bench dangling from its branches, which reminded me of the south. As I walked up the cobble stone walkway towards the solid oak door with black iron trimming, I was reminded just how much money Lisa made taking off her clothes. It was ridiculous but proof of her abilities.

I nearly turned and ran back to my car, I didn't think I would be able to follow through on this, but I took a deep breath and grabbed the large iron knocker. I hit it against the door a few times then waited. A few minutes later Lisa opened the door. "Hey Deb, come on in."

I stepped past her and walked into the huge foyer with the giant cascading chandelier which was dimly lit. "Thanks for letting me come over," I said as she closed the door.

"Hey, no problem. I'm always willing to help out a friend if I can. It's been a long time since you were last here. I have a few new goodies to show you."

As I followed Lisa into the living room I checked her out. She was about four inches taller without heels and lean but muscular, which couldn't be hidden by the cut-off sweatpants and loose fitting T-shirt she was wearing. Her long sandy blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, which accentuated her long neck and slim face with high cheekbones. I was amazed at how smooth her skin was, especially with just the little bit of make-up she had applied.

"Yeah it has been a long time. Between work, classes and auditions I barely have time for myself," I replied as I sat down on the couch. Lisa brought me a glass of wine then sat down on the other end of the couch.

"When was the last time you were here anyway?" "It was your Fourth of July party."

"Oh that's right. Didn't you get really drunk that night?"

I gave Lisa a "don't remind me" look and replied, "Oh I wouldn't say drunk ... shit-faced would be a better description!" I turned red in the face as I remembered what I did that night.

"Well whatever you want to call it, I just remember you being caught in the bathroom, on your knees servicing... well, let's just say a couple of men were very happy that night!" Lisa said with a devilish smile.

"Fuck you!" I replied with a laugh. "Besides if I remember right you made a few men happy as well!" Lisa laughed. "Yeah, that and even a woman, if I remember correctly. One thing I did learn about that night is never mix your booze with top shelf grass!"

"Amen!" I said laughing. "Well, you were the one doing perverted things even before you were properly drunk."

"You say that like it's a bad thing! Besides, unlike someone I know, I enjoyed my 'guests' one at a time!" Lisa replied with a giggle in her voice.

"What can I say? They were both really cute and I couldn't decide with one I wanted, so I decided to double my pleasure!"

We chatted a bit more about what had been going on in our lives, then Lisa asked me more about the movie role I'd landed. "I can't tell you much about the movie, I'm under a non-disclosure, but I can tell you I'm playing the role of a stripper and will have to actually strip down for the movie."

"What kind of stripping? Classy stuff or down and dirty?"

"I don't think she's working in a classy place," I answered.

"I see. Well, it doesn't make much difference. You need to learn the basics then we can work on form," Lisa replied. "Are you ready to see the new addition?"

"Sure!" I replied and stood up. Lisa led me down the hall towards the kitchen then stopped at a door that was cleverly concealed. She opened it and led me down the flight of stairs to her basement, which opened up to a big open space with a big flat screen TV and a massive audio system. There were also plush leather movie-style seats in one area, an area with and exercise equipment towards the back, and a small kitchenette. The room was bigger than my entire apartment and a lot more posh than anything I could hope to afford. I'd been down here before and it didn't look any different than I remembered.

"Over here," Lisa said as she opened a door at the back of the room. I stepped past her and was greeted by a small elevated "stage" that had a long brass pole mounted in the middle that ran from the floor to the ceiling. Along the edge of the stage were four over-sized velvet-covered chairs and there was a small bar running along one of the walls that was stocked with every liquor imaginable.

"Whoa! Is this a strip club?" I asked in awe.

"According to my accountant and the IRS, it is a "training room" and therefore I can have guests and serve alcohol but not declare it a business," she answered with a devious smile. "I occasionally have clients willing to pay me top dollar to perform for them and some of their friends in private so I need to have a place to take them. The club won't allow it there anymore. There's an entrance on the side of the house so they can come and go discretely. But enough about my commercial ventures, you came here to learn the trade of the exotic dance so let's get started."

We spent several hours learning the basics, focusing on stretches to make moving around the pole easier and some simple moves. We quickly moved onto more advanced moves and soon added some choreography. By the end of the first week I was doing things I'd never imagined and feeling sexy doing it.

As I watched her demonstrate the moves on the brass pole, I began to understand why people would pay a lot of money to watch her move. To tell the truth, I found myself getting a little excited watching her, which kind of shocked me. I never thought that I would be attracted to a woman, even though I'd had a few drunken experiences with other women. Something about watching Lisa do her thing on the stage was very erotic and turned me on.

I can't explain why I did, maybe it was me being so sexually free or watching Lisa dance, but whatever the reason was, I would go home feeling so turned on that I would have to masturbate before I could fall asleep.

When I was comfortable enough with the pole, we moved onto dressing the part. Lisa explained that part of being an exotic dancer was "the look" and footwear was a big part of it. "The wilder the better," she said then helped me pull on the knee-high boots I'd brought with me.

I wasn't used to wearing more than a one-inch heel so I was really unsteady on my feet. She helped me walk around the dance room until I was more confident then let me move around on my own. "You won't know you're comfortable in them until you can run around the room without breaking your ankle," she told me.

By the third day of wearing them, I was able to walk around without losing my balance and by the end of the week; I was jogging around the room. Lisa borrowed some other shoes from a girl at the club who wore the same size as me and I learned to walk on platforms and stilettos, so I could safely dance in anything they might throw at me. In a little under two weeks, I had become comfortable dancing. I even started to do performances in costume. The fully dressed rehearsals were a little odd. I felt silly dancing in front of Lisa but I also felt incredibly sexy.

I watched her face as I danced and a few times, I could have sworn she was really enjoying the show. A small part of me liked dancing for her and I found myself wanting to please her. I wanted make her green eyes turn smoky because she was turned on by my moves.

It was the Thursday before my first day on the set and I had just finished another dance for Lisa. I walked through the curtains, as always, and heard Lisa clapping and hooting. I smiled as a sense of pride overcame me. I had impressed "the professional." I walked back onto the stage and did a little curtsy.

"That was hot! You nailed it!" Lisa said as she came onto the stage with a robe for me to slip on. "I think you are ready to perform in front of others now!"

"Others!?" I said with shock in my voice.

"Well yeah, what do you think is going to happen when you have to strip for you movie?"

"Well ... um ... I guess that ... no that would be silly. Oh I think that ..." I stammered as the reality of the situation slammed me hard.

"Oh, I see you just made the connection! You know every assistant director, every prop-man, every intern and any guy with a pulse will find an excuse to 'help' shoot those scenes, and probably a few women looking for some tips."

"Oh my god! I didn't think about that! What am I going to do?" I cried. My hands had started shaking and I was getting woozy. We had been so focused on my learning how to dance, walk in the clothes and learn to undress that I'd almost completely forgotten the reason for it.

Lisa smiles and hugged me. She said, "I figured you didn't take that into consideration so I made arrangements for you to put on a show here tomorrow."

"Wha...? You want me to dance in front of strangers? Have you lost your mind?" I demanded. "Well Deb, think about it, how many of the film crew are you really going to know when you get naked as you dance around a pole on the set day after day? Besides, you'll be fine. There will only be about a dozen or so people here and I will be here too. You don't have to worry about some creep doing something they shouldn't be doing and we'll split the profits 50-50."

I thought about what Lisa said. I wondered if I could strip in front of other people or if I would freak out and run away, ruining my chance to break into movies and achieve my dream. I realized Lisa was right and I had to "test" myself by getting naked in front of strangers in her private club.

"Can I have a shot of whiskey for encouragement?" I asked jokingly.

"Oh no, there will be no drinking until the last person leaves. If you can't perform sober then you can't perform at all. It is a good practice so you can protect yourself if you ever dance professionally."

"But I thought you said these people were okay?" I asked.

"Oh they are but as an exotic dancer you have to keep your wits about yourself at all times. Only cheap hookers and sluts dance drunk or stone, we high class dancers always have control of the party regardless of what we are doing on stage. It is one of the unbreakable rules and they will know if you're liquored up."

Again, I had to think about it. I looked her in the eye and asked, "So do you really think I can handle this?"

"Oh girl this is easy! Acting, now that's hard!" Lisa answered and we both laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll do it. When is it going to happen?" I said.

"Saturday at 8 p.m.," Lisa said as she handed me a set list. "Go home; practice the moves in your living room. You don't need the pole for most of this stuff. You want to make sure your timing with the music is perfect, and then I want you to get a good night's sleep. Sleep in late on Saturday morning if you can. You want to look bright-eyed and bushy tailed for the show."

When I got home, I was filled with nervous excitement. I laid down on the bed and masturbated like I had every night since I'd started working with Lisa. This time, though, I was so turned on at the prospect of dancing for others and possibly turning on Lisa at the same time it took about half as long to reach orgasm. I laid there for a while enjoying the aftershocks I thought about Lisa. I wasn't sure how to describe how I felt about her. If I hadn't known better I would have thought I was developing a crush on her, but I wasn't gay so it couldn't be that.

I shook my head then I got up to take a shower. As I was toweling off, I decided I wanted to dress in something a little sexier than my normal cotton shorts and old T-shirt. Wearing sexy clothes would help put me into a better mind set for when I was dancing. I pulled out a silk pair of black boy shorts and matching cami then slipped them on. I crawled into bed and enjoyed the feeling of the soft clothes against my skin as I fell into a deep sleep.

The next day I did exactly as Lisa told me. I spent the day working on each of the two songs in the set. We'd practiced them over and over in the hidden room and it was almost like second nature as I moved around the living room in time with the music. By dinner I'd been practicing for eight hours and decided it was time to take a break.

Lisa was going to be doing a show at a club in a nearby city that night. I decided to go in disguise so I could watch her in her element. I had never actually seen one of her shows. Maybe I could pick up a few things that she hadn't showed me or thought about showing me.

I got to the club just before her show was to start. I sat in one of the darker corners so I could watch her without being seen. The lights dimmed and several red lights flicked on and fog covered the stage. Lisa sauntered out in a pair of six-inch leopard-skin heels and a leopard-skin dress that clung to every curve of her body. Her hair was teased to give her a wild look, which was accentuated by the tribal make-up, and she was wearing nails that looked like claws.

She moved around the stage like a cat, rubbing her body against the pole. I found my body reacting strongly to what she was doing. Lisa pulled off the dress revealing a skimpy thong and push-up bra in a leopard-pattern. When she pulled off the thong, she flicked it into the crowd and it landed on my table. I blushed as I picked it up and held it, watching her gyrate around the pole completely naked.

When the music ended, the waitress brought me a second glass of wine and collected the thong. I couldn't believe how turned on I was and I couldn't understand it. I wasn't gay. Or was I? The next song started and another girl came onto the stage to do her thing. She was pretty and had a nice body but I had virtually no reaction to her. I was so confused. I watched Lisa second song then went home so I could get to bed early, like she'd told me.

As soon as I walked through my door I started to undress and by the time I was in my bedroom I was naked. I laid on the bed and started to touch myself, imagining that it was Lisa's hands. I caressed and massaged my breasts, teasing the nipple as I replayed the first dance she'd done. She had been so sensual and sexy.

By the time I let my right hand slide down over the swell of my stomach to crotch, I was soaking wet. I dipped my finger into my pussy and scooped out some of the juices to spread over my clit. I lightly rubbed around the hard nub as my other hand continued to play with my breasts.

I paused for a moment as I wondered what I tasted like. I'd never actually tasted my own juices and the few times I'd been with another woman I had been too drunk to remember what they tasted like. I tentatively licked the tip of my finger and discovered that it didn't taste badly at all, and then I licked my finger clean. It felt deliciously naughty as I re-dipped my finger then licked it clean again.

"Mmm," I moaned loudly as I sucked on my finger, imagining it was Lisa's. I slipped my fingers between my lower lips and rubbed my clit faster and harder than before. I suddenly needed to cum. It didn't take long before my hips lifted off the bed and my body shook with the most intense orgasm I'd ever had.

The aftershocks of the orgasm slowly faded away as I laid there looking up at the ceiling. "What is happening to me?" I wondered. If I wasn't in love with Lisa I was definitely in lust with her as evidenced by the juices that had soaked my panties while I was at the club and were still dripping from my pussy not to mention the best orgasm I could remember having. I faded to sleep thinking about Lisa and had erotic dreams about her all night.

When I woke up late the next morning, I got out of bed and took a shower. I waxed my legs and pussy so I was completely bare then I treated myself to brunch at a nearby diner. I wanted to eat while I still had the stomach for it; I knew I would be too queasy later to be able to eat.

I showed up to Lisa's house at 7:30 so I could get ready for my "act." I had decided to go as a schoolgirl, with a plaid miniskirt and white blouse with a skull and cross bone crest with the bottom of the shirt tied into a knot. The shirt was unbuttoned and showed off a hint of my lacy white bra and my ample cleavage. I also put on a pair of knee high socks with a red strip around the top and a pair of highly polished black shoes, with clunky high heels that gave me a bit of that "innocent" look that guys liked so much.

I pulled my hair up into a bun then slipped on a jet black wig that had straight bangs and a part down the middle. I divided the hair and gave myself two pigtails, one on each side of my head. I painting my lips black and put on a heavy coat of eyeliner, which made my blue eyes stand out. Lisa even helped me put a temporary tattoo on my left butt cheek of a little devil with a pitchfork. I looked in the mirror in Lisa's changing room and giggled to myself, I looked like a sexy school girl from hell that was about to kill you with my sexy ways. Lisa assured me this would drive the customers wild.

Just as I was finishing the final touches, I heard a gentle tap on the door. I turned around and saw Lisa standing in the doorway. "You look amazingly sexy and innocent," she said as she looked me over from head to toe. She was wearing her own version of a naughty school girl outfit. Her outfit was very similar to mine but her skirt was black and much shorter than mine and her top was see-through. She was wearing a black lacy bra under her shirt. I guessed she had on a pair of matching panties.

I blushed slightly and replied, "Thanks! You look great too. I just hope I remember to breathe while I'm out there. I'm a nervous wreck!"

I wasn't 100% truthful though. I was a little nervous but I was more excited and turned on by the idea of dancing for the strangers, and for Lisa but I couldn't tell her that, at least not yet.

Lisa gave me a warm hug then whispered, "You will do just fine and don't worry think of this as just one of your movie roles."

Then she pulled away from our hug and moved her hands to my hips. "Let me tell you secret. I was nervous the first time too, but I did just fine and now I have this wonderful house and the best job in the world. Just remember what I taught you and the guys are going to have a few drinks in them by the time you hit the stage."

Then Lisa did something that caught me completely off guard. She leaned in and kissed my lips softly.

Her kiss seemed to be like magic. It calmed me down immediately and I felt at ease. I pulled her close and kissed her back, pressing my body against hers. Her lips were so soft and full against mine and I felt a shiver of lust flow through my body.

"Are you cold?" Lisa asked.

I looked at the floor and hoped she didn't realize that her kiss had excited me a little. I answered, "Yeah just a little, I'm not used to walking around half naked."

She laughed. "You'll get plenty hot when you go on stage with the lights and cat calls." Lisa looked at the clock on the wall then said, "The show starts in about 10 minutes, I'll leave you to finish getting prepped. Break a leg!"

"Thanks!" I replied. As she left the room, I couldn't help noticed her bottom. I had seen her naked or half-naked body many times over the last three weeks but this was the first time I'd really noticed how perfect it was. It was the kind of round bottom that begged to be spanked and then nibbled on.

"What are you thinking?" I asked myself then shook my head to clear my mind. The clock on the wall chimed. "Come on girl, get it together. This is just learning my role as a stripper and that's it!"

I tried to convince myself that my little "fantasy" was just a mixture of the excitement of the moment and the special attention I was getting from Lisa, since it had been a long time since I'd gotten any sexual attention from anyone. I quickly made my way out of the dressing room and took my position behind the curtains.

Within seconds I heard Lisa's voice over the small P.A. system, "Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Miss. Chievous!"

The pulsating beat of the song that Lisa and I picked out for my first dance as a stripper started playing and my heart started racing. It was a hard driving rock song from a group that was popular in the 70's. I tapped my foot as the song geared up and on the second guitar rift, the curtains parted and I found myself faced with a sea of eager male faces. They started to cheer and howl, which really boosted my ego, and I started to dance.

As I strutted across the stage, I worked the crowd by playing with the hem of my short skirt, flashing them a hint of my black silk T-back panties and my fake tattoo on my milky white bottom. I made my way to the center of the stage and started to work the pole.

I hooked the back of my right knee on it and reached as high as I could with my right hand and spun around the pole, while sliding down the metal rod at the same time. Once my bottom touched the highly polished stage, I let the pole go and slid forward on my back so my legs were pointed straight forward. As soon as I came to a stop, I pressed my knees together and with my left hand pulled them closed to my chest and with my right hand, I teasingly covered the space between my cheeks so I would make the audience beg for more.

The crowd cheered and I felt so alive. I felt empowered and in charge as I continued with the routine. After I teased the crowd some more, by bending my knees and swooping them down in a swinging motion, I planted my heels onto the floor. Then I slowly spread my legs, exposing more of my groin to the crowd and I cupped my breasts.

While I played with my breasts, I began to thrust my hips upward in a motion that emulated being fucked hard. While I thrust my hips skyward, I took my right hand and slowly moved it down my body until my hand covered my silk covered pussy. I acted like I was playing with myself for a few seconds, while I made a face that looked like I was about to cum.

When I was sure that the audience was happy with my fake masturbation act, I rolled onto my belly and pushed myself off the floor. Then with one quick tug on my blouse, I pulled my top off my body and threw it out into the crowd and then worked my way out of the tight plaid skirt I was wearing.

Once I was I let my skirt hit the floor I worked the pole a little more, showcasing the acrobatic moves Lisa had taught me and grinded my crotch against the thick rod. I didn't plan on doing that but it felt right and the crowd ate it up. The moment of truth arrived and I needed to decide if I could I get naked in front of these people. My heart raced, the music and the cheer of the crowd seem faded and everything was spinning around. I guess my subconscious took over because within a second my ears were assaulted by the loud applauds of the crowd as I saw my bra go flying in the air, leaving my large breast, light brown areolas and erect nipples exposed to the crowd.

All that was keeping me from being a respectable lady and a stripper was the T-back panties I was wearing. I teased the crowd by working the floor and pulling my erect nipple to my lips in a mock sucking action as I built up the courage to remove the panties. The song was nearing the end and I was forced to make a choice.

I knew I had to give the crowd what they had come to see so I turned away from the sea of faces and cocked my hip then slid the panties down over my firm ass. As soon as the fabric hit the floor I stepped out of them and jumped onto the pole. I wrapped my thighs around it and hung upside down.

The crowd went nuts and people were throwing money onto the stage. The song came to an end and I slid off the pole. I bowed to the audience then disappeared behind the curtain. My pulse was racing and my body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't believe I'd actually done it. I had stripped for a room full of strangers and they'd loved it. I was floating on a pure adrenaline high.

"Wow you did great!" Lisa said excitedly as she ran towards me. She hugged me then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You were outstanding! I have never seen a girl act as professional as you did for being her first time on stage!"

I blushed, mainly because I was naked and I was being hugged by a woman that I'd fantasized about as I masturbated for the last three weeks. "Thanks, but I don't know Lisa; I still don't think I had it down. I feel like I could use a little practice."

Lisa gave me a sheepish smile and said, "Take a few minutes to put on your next costume and I'll entertain them with a short song then you can do the second song."

Lisa shooed me towards the dressing room then I heard the music start. I rushed to put on my next outfit—a slutty dress with a sheer thong and bra set underneath and a pair of thigh high boots with six-inch heels. I quickly washed off the old make-up and applied red lipstick and eye shadow that matched the dress.

I hurried out to the stage so I could watch the last bit of Lisa's dance. She was so fluid in her movements and I felt like an elephant in heels in comparison. The music ended and the crowd cheered as she slipped behind the curtain.

"Break a leg!" Lisa said as she gave me a quick once over then went back to the stereo system. "Welcome back Miss. Chievous!" she announced and the music for the second song started playing. I followed the routine exactly as Lisa had showed me and when I was done the crowd cat called and cheered.

I was about to leave the stage when a man in the back yelled out "Encore!"

Lisa gave me a thumb up and put on a song that we'd used during our practice and I improvised a dance, using the pole to attempt a few advanced moves. The money continued to fall on the stage long after I bowed and disappeared behind the stage.

"Thank you for coming to my special show," Lisa announced. "Please place your glasses on the bar as you head out. Have a great night!"

I could hear the crowd dispersing as I pulled on the undergarments, T-shirt and jeans I'd brought with me to wear home and washed off the make-up. I removed the wig, setting it on the foam head on the table then brushed out my hair. My hands were still shaking when I made my way back to the main room.

Lisa was wearing a robe and sat on one of the velvet chairs. She was sipping some vodka straight up.

"Wow what a night! Can I have a drink now?"

"Yeah, help yourself," Lisa replied. I poured myself some vodka too then sat in the chair next to Lisa. My feet where throbbing from pain and I knew I was going to hate life tomorrow when my muscles had a chance to relax, but right now I was still high from the rush of it all.

"How do you do this every day?" I asked as I rubbed my foot.

Lisa laughed and replied, "Back when I was doing it six days a week I only managed to survive because of my youth and strict vitamin and dietary restrictions. I had to take care of my body like it was a car. Now I only dance on the weekends at the clubs and hold special shows here a few times a month."

"Do you charge the guys who come here?"

"No, that would mean I was a business. Instead, they throw a lot of cash on the stage, which are considered donations and are perfectly legit."

I shook my head and giggled, "So you found a loop hole then?"

"Yeah, thanks to my very creative and very ethical accountant."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the quiet. "So I have to ask, how did I do? Did I make a convincing stripper?" I asked.

Lisa nodded her head. "Oh yes, yes you did. Any of the clubs I work at would be thrilled to have you. The only thing we didn't have you do, which I'm sure disappointed some of the guys, were lap dances."

"You give lap dances?" I asked in surprise. "I thought those were a no-no!"

Lisa turned her head and smiled. "They are at some clubs but most of the ones I work at allow it when there isn't a show going on."

"Well, I don't need to know how to do them for this role. She doesn't give lap dances, at least not as part of the story," I replied. Then my curiosity got the best of me. "Could you show me how to do one?"

Lisa stood up and walked to the bar then refilled her glass with vodka. "Are you sure you want to know?"

I swallowed hard but nodded my head. My body was tingling in a different way and I forgot all about being tired and sore.

"You have to act like the person that you are dancing for is the only person in the world. You have to tease them and make them want you and you have to use more than your boobs to do that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's like foreplay without having sex, know what I mean?" Lisa asked as she set her drink on the bar. I shook my head, and blushed at my cluelessness.

She smiled then stood by the couch in the back of the room. "Come sit over here, it will be easier."

I moved to the couch then leaned back and waited for her to start. I watched Lisa slip off the robe she was wearing, exposing her nude body, and studied her body more closely as she walked away from me towards the sound system. Her bottom was tight and seemed to defy gravity while her cheeks were slightly parted. Her skin was smooth and perfect; I couldn't find a single blemish anywhere on her body. Her long blond hair flowed like she was standing in front of a fan and looked almost ethereal. What really caught my attention, though, was how she smelt. She wore a perfume that was light and sweet and I tried not to be noticeable as I inhaled her aroma, which caused shivers to run throughout my body again.

I couldn't figure out why I was having these feelings or why my body was reacting the way it was and it was scaring me a little. Was I attracted to a woman? These questions and many more ran through my head and I thought for a moment I was going to have a stroke, but I calmed myself down and rationalized that all these thoughts were just because I was a little drunk and had spent most of the night stripping and thinking about sex.

Lisa pushed a few buttons on the sound system and a deep sensual song began to play over the speakers. She walked slowly and seductively towards me. "Remember, when you dance for someone, you need to keep their eyes focused on you. Make them feel like they are the only person in the world that matters, understand?" she asked me.

I nodded wordlessly as I watched her cross the room. I could tell she was in her zone and she was making me feel like I was the only person that existed in the world. Chills began to race across my body and I started reacting sexually to her again.

Lisa was only five feet or so, from me when she started to get on her hands and knees to crawl the short distance between us. When she was at the edge of the couch she whispered, "I want you to pay close attention on how I move."

At first, Lisa continued to crawl on the floor in front of me, occasionally striking a sensual pose on her back or belly, allowing me to examine her lovely body from all angles. I would see a teasing hint of the side curve of her breasts or, when she would pivot on her firm bottom and spread her legs, I would catch a small glimpse of her groin that was bare.

While I watched Lisa slither on the floor, I subconscious bent my left knee and softly caressed my thigh. I didn't realize that I had started to touch myself until my fingers stroked my soft skin just above the waistband of my form-fitting jeans, making goose bumps rise all over and my nipples grew stiff with excitement.

"Oh, that is so pretty," I said in a soft moan.

Lisa smile and slid her body towards the couch I was on, in a sexy snake like manner and tauntingly rubbed the side of her face against my right leg. More chills covered my body and I felt the heat between my legs rise.

While my body began to betray me, Lisa had crawled onto the couch and moved her upper body between my legs. Her head was even with my hips and she tilted her neck forward, allowing her hair to fall on me. Then she began to rock her body slowly back and forth, causing her hair to softly tickle the exposed skin on my thighs and belly.

I giggled a little when Lisa's hair touched me but then I let out a soft moan after the sensation of being tickled was replaced by the most erotic feeling I had ever experienced. "Oh wow, I can see now why people like this," I said softly.

Lisa looked up me and hushed me then continued her erotic dance. Before I could say another word, Lisa had bent her elbows and pressed her soft breast against my hips. Then in a fluid motion, she slid up my body, dragging her breasts along the skin until they were pressing against my breasts.

Lisa was lying on top of me and her sensual lips were just a breath away from mine. Her hips were in between my legs she gyrated her lower body, letting her pelvis bone tease my pussy by softly grazing it. My nipples were now fully erect and straining against the soft fabric of my own bra and they were becoming more sensitive each time her breasts move against them. Without any thought, I bent my knees up and then I wrapped my calves around her lower back, helping her rock back and forth.

Lisa was turning me on as I had never been turned on before. I was confused; one part of my mind was screaming that this is wrong. I knew I shouldn't be attracted to a woman and should push her away but my body was telling me the exact opposite. It was telling me to explore, let my hands touch her, let my lips taste hers and let our bodies grind against each others.

My nipples were begging to be touched through my shirt, I could feel my pussy begin to open and become slightly wetter each time Lisa grazed it with her body, little tingles of excitement would radiate outward from my pussy and flood my body.

Her lips were dangerously close to mine when she whispered, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

I kept my eyes locked onto hers and nodded, "More than I thought I would."

Then Lisa pivoted her body on top of mine and slid down my body, just low enough so her head was just slightly below my head. Her lower back was pushing against my groin, while at the same time she continued to grind against my breast with her upper back making more tingles spread out from my nipples.

Lisa slid her hands down and gently grabbed my wrists and guided them onto her flat belly. Lisa's skin was soft but firm and I could feel heat coming off her. Once my hands touched her body, Lisa let my wrist go and said in a low moan, "You can touch me anywhere you want."

My heart skipped a beat and I felt my breath become short and shallow. Nervously I let my hands glide over Lisa, first I caressed her stomach, then the side of her hips and finally I was touching her lower stomach, just above her pussy.

A soft moan escaped from Lisa's lips and it shocked me how turned on I became, knowing that I was having an effect on her.

After what seemed like a lifetime of slow sensual touching and grinding, Lisa turned back over and faced me. Again our breasts were pressed against each other and she was smiling deviously. Lisa slid her knee between my legs and allowed her crotch to rest high on my right thigh. The heat that was coming out of her was intense and I could feel dampness through my pants being spread on my leg as she rocked her hips.

I studied her face, her lips and she looked like she was lost is a sea of desire, it was once of the most erotic things I had ever witness.

"Kiss her, kiss her..." kept running through my mind and I was scared to listen to the voice, but lust over took common sense and I found myself lifting my head and gently pressed my lips against hers. The kiss was warm and soft, unlike any kiss that I have ever shared with a man. I felt my body shake from a million different emotions, the two biggest feelings being lust and fear.

"What am I doing? I'm not a lesbian, am I?" A flood of similar questions flooded my mind again as I kissed Lisa, then I felt Lisa return my kiss all the doubts and concerns were replaced by the warmth of her soft kiss and the feel of her hand as she stroked my cheek.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it felt like a lifetime. Lisa was the first to break the kiss and she looked into my blue eyes. "I think your lesson about lap dances are done," she said then paused as she brushed my hair off of my face. "Are you okay with this?"

I knew what "this" was and to tell the truth I wasn't a hundred percent sure if I was okay with it but Lisa was so beautiful and she had aroused me more than anyone had ever gotten me before. I caressed Lisa's face and said with a soft smile, "I'm scared and very nervous but yeah, I'm okay with this."

Lisa's smile grew larger and I could feel her heartbeat through her chest and her body shivered from her own emotions then she leaned in and kissed me gently on my lips. We lay together on the couch at first just tenderly kissing each other and letting our hands explore each other's flesh but slowly our kisses became more passionate. My lips parted and I began to probe Lisa's mouth with my tongue, she responded by opening her lips and letting her tongue dance with mine.

At first, Lisa's tongue was hot and it gingerly explored my mouth but as we continued to kiss she probed deeper into the warm recesses of my mouth. We were soon kissing each other deeply which made me moan softly.

My hands slid down Lisa's back until I felt her firm bottom and I used my fingernails to tease her. She broke our kiss then bit the nape of my neck causing me to take in a deep breath and my body tensed up, making me dig my nails into her warm skin. "Oh my god," I groaned through my teeth.

Then Lisa lifted herself off my body and stood up. She reached down with her right hand to help me stand. "Follow me," she said in a sultry voice.

I took her hand and let her help me stand. I was a bit unsteady on my feet from the lust coursing through my body. Lisa pulled me close and held onto me, hungrily kissing me as she walked backwards out of the room and across the rest of the basement to the bottom of the stairs. She then turned around, while holding my hand, and led me up the stairs.

While we walked up the stairs, I stared at Lisa. I knew if I could let go I was going to experience something magical but I still had my doubts. Was I doing the right thing or was I letting my animalistic lust control me? By the time we got to the top of the stairs I knew that I was going to give into the feelings.

Lisa quickly led me up the stairs and down a long hall to her huge bedroom. There was a large four post, king-sized bed against the far wall. It was covered with a deep red silk comforter and a dozen matching throw pillows. The rest of the furniture around the room was made from beautiful teak that looked like it was made in the late 1800's.

We stood next to the bed kissing and exploring each other's body when Lisa pulled back slightly and pulled my T-shirt over my head and then reached behind me to unhook the clasps of my bra. Lisa's delicate fingers skillfully began to unfasten the clasps, one hook was undone and I felt my heart jump again. The second hook was unfastened and I began to feel weak in my knees. Then the last hook was unclasped and I could feel the fabric prison falling away from my breasts. I seductively held my bra against my chest and sat on the edge of the bed before I slid back completely onto her silk comforter.

The lights from outside flooded the room, giving Lisa an ethereal glow. Her body begged me to touch it as she looked lustfully at me and I couldn't wait any longer to be with her. I lifted my hand up and gave her the "come here" motion. Before she crawled onto the bed, she slowly ran her hands up her body teasingly.

When her hands reached her breast, she gave them a slight squeeze. Her breasts were full, large and she had small pink areolas with little button-like nipples. I leisurely slid my bra off seductively and felt the cool air against my breast. My nipples were stiff and begged to be kissed.

Lisa inched onto the bed and she kissed her way up my legs and belly. Once she had reached my breasts, she flicked my nipple with her moist tongue. The sensation sent a massive wave of pleasure through my body and I made a gentle hissing sound. Lisa took my nipple between her lips and sucked on it gently, causing me to arch my back and grab the back of her head. After teasing the first nipple, she moved to the other and sent more waves of lust flooding through me. My pussy ached and leaked sticky fluids onto my panties.

While Lisa took turns on my nipples and kissing me deeply, I felt her drag her fingernails down my naked body to the waistband of my jeans. Lisa unzipped them then tapped my hip so I would lift my ass up off the bed so she could slide them down. She tugged them over my hips with the panties I was wearing and left them resting around my thighs. Then she traced her fingers up along the bare inner thigh. When she touched my pussy for the first time, I moaned loudly, "Oh ... my!"

Lisa's fingers split the cleft of my soaking pussy lips. Her touches felt hot and bolts of raw desire emanate deep inside of me. She used the sticky juice that poured out of me and lubed her fingers with it. She used her index and ring finger to spread my lips apart then used her middle finger to tease my swollen clit.

I dropped my chin to my chest, closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. My breathing became labored as I breathed hard through my nose. Lisa kept licking my nipples and occasionally bit them while she continued to play with my clit.

My body started convulsing and I made soft groaning sounds. "You're going to make me cum," I whimpered softly.

Lisa replied in a soft voice, "Good, I want you to."

She pressed faster and harder on my rigid clit and hungrily sucked on my nipples. I grew more sensitive with each passing second. My pussy was swollen and oozing hot fluids, my nipples were so stiff that they hurt and every square inch of my body was covered in a fine layer of sweat.

"Oh... fuck..." I said through gritted teeth. "I can't... hold..."

I started to cum on Lisa's hand. The orgasm started in the pit of my belly then rushed to my engorged pussy on its way to my clit. There was a hot wave of bliss building around it that radiated back through my whole pussy. The inner canal of my pussy began to rhythmically contract and a torrid of liquid oozed out of out of me and run down to the crack of my ass and onto the comforter.

I didn't think I was ever going to stop cumming. I arched my lower back and met each thrust of Lisa's fingers with my hips while I thrashed my head about and moaned out loudly, "Oh fuck... don't stop! Please don't stop!"

Lisa's fingers took turns rubbing my clit and plunging deep into my tight, dripping pussy. "Oh yeah that's it, give it to me!" she said then sucked hard on my right nipple.

I bucked wildly under Lisa for several minutes. I moaned, then screamed and the cursed then after the last hard contraction of my inner pussy, I fell limp against the bed, only occasionally shaking from an orgasmic aftershock in my quivering pussy.

Lisa leaned down and softly kissed my lips and cheek. "Are you okay?" she asked as she caressed my cheek.

I giggled a little and looked into her beautiful eyes. "I'm more than okay."

I lifted my head up and kissed her deeply. As our tongues dance in each other's mouth, I rolled Lisa onto her back and slithered on top of her body. I kissed her lips and then her neck until she was squirming underneath me. Lisa breath was shuddering and her hands ran up and down my spine, making my pussy tingle again.

I kissed my way down Lisa's body until I got to her breasts. I took her left nipple in my mouth and sucked on it hard. Lisa reacted to my lips and tongue by moaning and grabbing the back of my head. "Oh my god, you're driving me wild!" she hissed.

I looked up at Lisa's face and lustfully looked into her eyes while I continued to suck her nipple and softly pinched her other nipple. As I played with her nipples, I slid my body between her legs and rested my hips on her groin. I could feel her wetness against my body and the extreme heat radiating from her pussy. Feeling how turned on Lisa was made me even more aroused and I had this uncontrollable urge to taste her and make her cum with my mouth.

I kissed my way down her body over her ribs and belly. Even though I had seen Lisa's shave pussy many times before it looked so different just inches away from my face. Her pussy lips were puffy and glistened in the glow of the light from outside. Her clit was swollen and erect, and it seemed to be begging me to suck on it.

I slid off the bed and removed my jeans the rest of the way then returned to my position between her legs. I teasingly kissed her inner thighs as I worked my way up to her pussy. I felt her body react to my exploring mouth as she writhed and her skin erupted in a wave of goose bumps. I used my right index finger and parted the cleft of her pussy, as she had done to me earlier. The aroma, a mixture of sweet sweat and lusty musk, that wafted up from her pussy made my head swim.

"Please go down on me..." Lisa whimpered.

I looked up Lisa's body and she looked back at me with half opened eyes filled with lust. I kept my eyes locked with hers as I lowered my head towards her soaking pussy. I extended my tongue and lightly touched the flesh at the bottom of her tight hole.

I ran the tip of my tongue up her pussy, causing her lips to part, until I reached her stiff clit. I was pleasantly surprised on how hot and soft her pussy was against my tongue. Lisa's reaction to my mouth on her pussy caught me off guard as she ran her fingers through my hair and pressed my mouth tight against her pussy.

Lisa's head fell back onto the bed and she began to play with her own breasts, with here free hand, and moaned loudly. Her pussy oozed out a thick stream of sweet juice onto my lips and I greedily lapped up every drop. There was so much of it that some of her sap coated my chin and spilled onto the bed.

As I ate Lisa's pussy, I slipped a finger inside her pussy and felt for the small bundle of nerves inside I knew was there. It didn't take me long to find her engorged G-spot. I licked and sucked hungrily on her clit as my finger massaged the magic area inside her clenching pussy. I grinded my crotch against the bed, letting the silky material of the comforter rub my clit.

It wasn't long before I felt Lisa's pussy muscles begin to contract around my finger and more of her sweet sap ooze out of her and onto my tongue. "Oh my... god... I'm...cumming!" Lisa cried out.

Lisa's body bucked wildly and it was all I could do to keep my mouth on her. As I sucked on her clit harder, she arched her lower back. Lisa drove her heels into the bed and wrapped both of her hands in my hair, holding my head in place.

With one last shout, Lisa's pussy sprayed my face and covered my chin and hand with her sticky cum. Lisa kept calling out to god and thrashed about like she was on fire. My own pussy was twitching and my juices oozed onto the comforter.

When Lisa was calmed down from her orgasm, I softly kissed my way up her body until I reached her full lips. "So, how did I do?"

Lisa kissed me deeply and replied, "Oh god ... I think you did an amazing job. I think you almost killed me."

I giggled as I blushed, then said, "I'm glad." I gently nibbled the nap of her neck and massaged her body with mine. While I rubbed myself on Lisa, she ran her hands slowly down my body then felt her slide one of her legs between mine. Our lips met again in a soft kiss that quickly deepened as Lisa positioned herself between my legs.

I moved so my pussy rested against hers, the first time my pussy had touched another. Feeling her wet smooth pussy lips against mine was the most intense sensation I had ever felt. Slowly, Lisa began to rotate her hips underneath me and I followed her lead. I broke the kiss off so I could watch her face as we slowly grinded against each other.

My nipples were hard and danced against hers as tiny waves of pleasure shot from my breast throughout my body. Then she lifted her hips and pressed her pussy hard against mine. "Oh my," I moaned.

"Mmm," Lisa replied.

Looking into Lisa's eyes, I could see her passion building and it turned me on more. I loved the way my clit felt against her wet pussy lips and the way her whole body moved under me. Soft sounds escaped through her gritted teeth. I wished that this moment could last a life time.

As we glided against each other, I felt my pussy begin to tremble and my breathing became short and ragged. I knew I was going to cum again and soon. Lisa's eyes focused on mine and she bit at her lower lip. She grabbed onto my bottom and helped me grind harder against her body.

"Oh... my... I'm...g-g-going to..." Lisa whimpered and then her eyes roll into the back of her head. As she grew closer to her orgasm, her head tilted back and her jaw dropped, letting erotic sound escape from her mouth. My body started to shake as my own orgasm began.

We squirmed against each other and our breathing became more and more animalistic as we got closer to our shared orgasm. I felt my body tense up and my pussy leaked more of its sticky fluid onto Lisa's groin. Her body grew stiff and she ran her fingers up and down my spine, scratching at my soft flesh sending more chills throughout my body.

We bumped and grinded against each other and Lisa's body erupted first. In a quick motion, her head lifted off the bed and her eyes sprung open as her mouth opened and she grew very quiet. Her body was so tense that she didn't breath for several seconds then her body began to go limp as a steady moan escaped from her lips and filled the room with erotic sounds.

I started to cum seconds later and every square inch of my body was alive with pleasure. My lips parted and I moaned, "Oh god... I can't hold it...any...more!"

My pussy convulsed hard and began to pour my hot cum onto Lisa's groin and bed. My body shook violently on top of Lisa as I threw my head back and cried out her name.

For several minutes we gasped for air, but as the last of our orgasm finished we grew unusually quiet. The only sounds that fill the room were out combined deep breaths and occasional smacking sounds from the little kisses we gave each other. Eventually I slid off Lisa and laid beside her quietly. She rolled onto her side to face me.

"That was so intense. Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm good. I never would have imagined being able to feel like that, at least not with a woman," I confessed.

"I know you're not gay," she replied as she pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me.

"I am really confused. I know I'm not gay but I think I'm falling in love with you and have never been this sexually aroused by anyone else."

"So, where do we go from here?" she asked.

I looked into her eyes and answered, "I don't know. We can worry about that tomorrow. Right now I just want to enjoy this feeling and fall asleep in your arms."

Lisa kissed me softly, and then said, "Okay."

It has been over year's worth of tomorrows since that night. I made the movie, which was a total flop, and decided to give up on becoming a famous actress. Instead, I found a home behind the camera as a director creating documentaries and even won a couple of awards on my projects dealing about the adult entertainment industry.

As for Lisa and I, we began a relationship after a bit of soul searching on my part and we are now partners. I moved in with her about six months later. Next spring we plan to go to New Hampshire to get married in a small civil ceremony with just a few close friends.

I still don't consider myself as a gay person. I think the heart rules the mind in the matter of love and you can't control who you fall in love with, regardless of their gender—you have to keep your mind open and accept what you've found. The only thing I know for sure is that through the storms of life, Lisa has been the only one to help me navigate through the chaos and I couldn't ask for a better co-pilot.

The End

RE: Lesbian Story - Cath - 02-24-2016

Oh my god! You put your heart on it, right? Because it's biiiiig! And I like it!

RE: Lesbian Story - Phyllis - 02-24-2016

(02-24-2016, 06:14 PM)CBM97 Wrote: Oh my god! You put your heart on it, right? Because it's biiiiig! And I like it!

Thank you

RE: Lesbian Story - Kyrios - 02-24-2016

Thanks for sharing this. I've not finished yet, but will be. You write well!

RE: Lesbian Story - 823 - 02-24-2016

For a story as richly detailed and good as this, I lament the fact that the thread is titled "Lesbian Story" – this also leads into my only gripe with it, and I see it more as a comical touch, that the narrator has this internal crisis about being a lesbian or not. Oh, the false dichotomy of being straight or gay...

Really, though. Overall I thought The Audition a great story, and the climax was extremely hot. I think the dialogue exchanges impressed me most, how natural it felt to imagine the conversations. I really enjoyed it!

RE: Lesbian Story - Simple Tania - 02-25-2016

I like the story so far, and pretend to read it to the for the plagiarism is bad, but I leave the responsibilities for those who practice.
I agree with you Soju, no harm done just saying in the end that this story was written by someone else...

RE: Lesbian Story - Simple Tania - 02-26-2016

and let's move on, i'm loving your story so far, the only fix I do, is that you should have used a few stops on the narrative, using chapters for example, as this would have made it easier to read and track when we have to stop, that's all
Phyllis or heatround, I think you are a very good writer, you write with your heart and you know how to create empathy between the character and the reader, because I'm here cheering for her to be successful...

RE: Lesbian Story - Phyllis - 02-26-2016

(02-26-2016, 03:34 PM)Fenix-TS Wrote: and let's move on, i'm loving your story so far, the only fix I do, is that you should have used a few stops on the narrative, using chapters for example, as this would have made it easier to read and track when we have to stop, that's all
Phyllis or heatround, I think you are a very good writer, you write with your heart and you know how to create empathy between the character and the reader, because I'm here cheering for her to be successful...

Thank you. *S*