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RE: Worst Sexual Experience - WOLVIE44 - 07-16-2016

i am premium from now on im only doing it with my friends that i know well thats it.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - OnlyRpGuy - 08-09-2016

Hey I like this subject, wanted to give a new breath to it, maybe people have some new stories?

Anyways, here is mine, it is my best and my worst experience so far. It's long but complete I guess. 
WARNING : it's also a sad story !

First the background : It was an usual day, I was trying to find a girl to chat with for the day with my alt. Then I found that girl. I started to text her, and she replied very gently, as I like. She said she was a slave, and wasn't allowed to talk to men or her mistress could beat her. So I decided to convince the mistress to let her free. After some talk, I finally manage to free the girl and she says she fell in love with me and want to stay with me forever.

Now the story in itself : actually this girl was very gentle with me, never met any nice girl like her. We decided to marry in-game and somehow we started the "nice RP" stuff. Eventually, she told me she really likes me, like for real and that she will block everyone else in the game just to keep talking with me only, which she did. At some point, we couldn't distinguish between RP and real feelings, that was some really good moments.
But then things started to go in the way I didn't want. So as I said, we kinda fell in love with each other, well, whatever right? She said she lives in the US and I am in France so we knew it was not possible but still we talked about what we would do IRL if we were happening to meet each other, we built a decent real love story.
Then she started to tell me her "IRL" story, which was really fucked up. First she said she had cancer and that she had to cure it, I felt very bad for her but still that didn't change my mind for her. Then she told me that she got raped, still IRL by a guy in her city just few days ago. Well, I tasked her to really be carefull, call police etc, but she didn't seem to be willing to, just asked me that she wanted to forget it. We also stopped having sex because she was "pregnant" in RP by the way.
But this doesn't stop here. At some point, she told me she got raped by her father when she was young too, I am sorry, but after all the crap that happened to her, and as I started to feel really bad for her, I thought about the fact she was just having fun talking shit about serious stuff, and trying to make me feel bad and desperatly trying to help her.

After 2 weeks of intensive chat with each other, I asked her some IRL infos, so maybe I could send her letters or as she said she was going to go to hospital soon, I wanted to send her flowers if that was possible, by knowing her adress. Well guess what, she didn't give me any info, she said she had no facebook, no phone, nothing I could rely on to keep contact beside the game. Then I turned mad, because I felt like she tricked me hard. I am sorry, I started insulting her of everything I had in mind, she asked me to calm down and that her whole story was true, and as I could not believe I just let her go. Obviously I regretted right after but I'm stubborn so I didn't talk to her.

Few days later we talked again. We said we missed each other and that we should be together again and create our love story like we were used to, because that helped her to feel secure and safe. In a way, I realized that she managed to keep me prisonned in her story, because I wanted her, but she was free to do what she wanted. I knew it, but I couldn't stop myself.

So the story comes to an end, when she gets less and less online. When we managed to catch each other, we asked how life was going, and the last thing she told me is that she was going to hospital in next January. It's been more than a month now I didn't see her. I knew that would come and when it happened I got pissed of the game and of the people playing here. I understood that the point of this game was just having virtual sex and all the bullshit going with, and that you could not meet real decent people, only mischievous minded people, I thought I could do a miracle here, well it seems not! So I decided to become a full RPer of almost anything, doing the devil's job, for women or men disguised in women, and I'm getting less and less online now.

I'll probably never know if her story was true, was it someone trying to have fun with my mind, or someone who was seeking some protection, forgetting about her IRL life and to feel secure and loved in an adult game? I have a lot of arguments that makes me me believe she was tricking me, and a lot to make me believe she was real.

All I got left of her is 2 pictures of her paintings anyways, when one day we decided to go on a external website to draw things in our minds, and she drew this. (yes I did the little orange fishes, and if you look very closely I was trying to figure out how to draw an animal on an other website ahah, and she did all of the rest LOL).

Sorry for the long text. So what do you think? Real? Fake? Wink still my worst,my best, my only and last real experience on this game.
If somehow, she reads this, hope you're doing well L.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - Silphy - 08-10-2016

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: She said she was a slave, and wasn't allowed to talk to men or her mistress could beat her. So I decided to convince the mistress to let her free. After some talk, I finally manage to free the girl and she says she fell in love with me and want to stay with me forever.

You convinced a submissive's dominant to just let her go? I hope people understand what D/s relationships are meant to be - certainly not something you WANT to be freed from! If this is true, then you saved her (and her Mistress) from a pretty shitty relationship.

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: First she said she had cancer and that she had to cure it, I felt very bad for her but still that didn't change my mind for her. Then she told me that she got raped,

I can agree with you here. It definitely seems unbelievable but not TOO much. The probability of being raped is about 1 in 5 in the US, and I believe roughly 50% (tipped towards women) of adults end up with a cancer diagnosis nowadays.

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: But this doesn't stop here. At some point, she told me she got raped by her father when she was young too

This is where it seems to get a little too convenient. I don't want to call her a liar, but this seems to make things too easy for her to draw pity in (and especially if she wanted to blur the lines between MnF and IRL). Of course, it's still possible - perhaps she lived in a particularly seedy city? A friend of mine grew up abused and raped by her own father, and because of the crime-ridden nature of her home town, was also raped in public-ish places (bars and the like).

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: I thought about the fact she was just having fun talking shit about serious stuff, and trying to make me feel bad and desperatly trying to help her.

It could have been either or. A desperate plea for help, or just someone who was enjoying getting pitied for something that didn't actually happen to her. Both are equally sad.

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: After 2 weeks of intensive chat with each other, I asked her some IRL infos, so maybe I could send her letters or as she said she was going to go to hospital soon, I wanted to send her flowers if that was possible, by knowing her adress. Well guess what, she didn't give me any info, she said she had no facebook, no phone, nothing I could rely on to keep contact beside the game.

This right here is the biggest red-flag out there. I can understand that, in most cases, most people just aren't comfortable revealing personal info on this place, and that's fine. But in this specific case, where it seemed that the both of you were exceedingly close, and especially right after starting such a pity-party for herself... it's iffy, at best. This is the point where nobody can blame you for believing she was playing you for a fool.

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: I'll probably never know if her story was true, was it someone trying to have fun with my mind, or someone who was seeking some protection, forgetting about her IRL life and to feel secure and loved in an adult game? I have a lot of arguments that makes me me believe she was tricking me, and a lot to make me believe she was real.

Your best bet at this point is to just... move on. It's nice to see that you consider both sides, though.

(08-09-2016, 03:53 PM)OnlyRpGuy Wrote: Sorry for the long text. So what do you think? Real? Fake?

I'd go with fake. There are just too many things to ignore.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - OnlyRpGuy - 08-10-2016

Hey thanks for your reply Silphy!

Yeah, I was guessing like you, fake. The only things that made me guess it was real were the drawings, but it's not something you could rely on, especially after she says she had no way to be contacted. The rest was bullshit in my opinion and she should have felt bad for this but whatever.
Well I moved on since then, I must admit I was new on the game and I didn't know how people were, also I am as sex addicted as love addicted, so when I mix this and come to this game, it doesn't look great! And yeah she was in a slave/mistress story before I talked to her, also I was thinking about the fact the mistress was her alt.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - Sharp - 08-10-2016

Only way you can ever be sure somebody is 'real' is to meet them in person. I generally trust people to be genuine when I talk to them, but there are some things that cause alarm bells to ring. But I wouldn't say that not giving their address, phone number or real name are such things. The story within your story became unbelievable long before 'she' refused to give you any means of contact. I've met people on here who have been through hell and back, and either they won't volunteer that information unless pressed to do so, or they will have plenty of great stuff to balance it with. Those most 'deserving' of sympathy (or 'pity' as many people wrongly call it) are often the ones that don't seek it.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - MariaT - 08-10-2016

Let's clarify some things, shall we? People that really passed by hell in life don't search for pity, because pity it's almost everything those people see in others eyes, so if someone with that background comes here, you can be sure, he/she wont tell you and if by any chance he/she tells you her/his story, it's only for two reasons;
a) he/she is a very strong person that put things behind his/her backs and move along, join this game to have fun, to meet people and is confidant enough to talk about is past as an example of overcoming (that's my case, the only difference is that I don't get involved with no one, even IRL I have some difficulties with that)
b) he/she have you as a dear friend, someone he/she can rely to, and feel confidant to 'open up', not for pity but for unburden with someone
It could be her case, she felt that way and then maybe you started with personal questions, asking personal details, and maybe she has frightened realizing that maybe things went too far, it's possible, although I have to admit, if things has passed as you said, she probably was faking, joking with you, a sick joke, nothing that I consider unusual, in fact I am used to see that happening, a lot!

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - Emmie - 08-16-2016

I admittedly only sifted through this, but I go by the motto "Innocent until proven otherwise." In the end, it's entirely up to each person wether to believe it's true or not, but I don't think it's fair to call someone a liar until you're 100% sure. A healthy dose of sceptisism is good, and I encourage it! But disbelief and saying someone is lying are two rather different things.

Honestly, I'd be happy if it was a lie. And just an opinion on the matter from myself. You can't know how someone else will act, we're all different. Some people find solace in sharing, some keep it in. There are as many differences as there are people on this planet.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - Cath - 08-17-2016

What do you prefer?
A. A beautiful lie
B. An ugly truth

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - Kallisto - 08-17-2016

I'd say, the options are more like:
1) An ugly lie
2) An ugly truth

I mean, in that specific case the only thing that is worse than lying about having been raped and living in the gutter is actually having been raped and living in the gutter.

RE: Worst Sexual Experience - Sharp - 08-17-2016

I've had people tell me about being beaten by their partners, being raped, having miscarriages, being intersex, attempting suicide, being abused as a child; you name it, I've heard it. And I wouldn't say any of those would be "ugly truths." People who lie about that kind of thing are either cunts or have other issues that need addressing. Those who really have gone through these things, I value the trust they place in me by sharing.

Perhaps though, before this thread is taken any more off topic, this discussion should be moved to a new thread. And I will try and get things back on topic, while linking back to this discussion.

I think I wrote about one experience in the Best Sexual Experience thread, regarding somebody I had instant chemistry with. Every second of our time together just felt perfect. It was even better the second time round. We bonded, grew close, identified with each other's experiences and inner demons. I cared about her, and wanted to protect her from what she'd been through should it ever happen again.

Much, much later, they came clean to me; 'she' was a guy studying behaviour of people on the internet. They had various avatars with different personas. Everything they had told me was a lie, while I'd shared some of my deepest, rawest emotions and experiences with them. The time we'd spent together went from being among my sweetest memories on MNF, to leaving the most bitter taste in my mouth.

I've had some dreadful RP partners. I've quit the bed because of their attitude, their (lack of) RP skills, or because it transpires we want to explore entirely different kinks. But I just shrugged and said "this happens." But finding out that somebody had lied so badly to me, and (how it felt to me) made a mockery of my own problems, is not an experience it's easy to move on from (because of the problems I do suffer from - don't tell me to "just forget about it" because I literally can't).