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Faces - Printable Version

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RE: Faces - Retired-Fire-Fighter - 06-28-2019

I always notice a ladies eyes first, especially, big blue and green eyes.

RE: Faces - Elder Statesman - 07-03-2019

Thats a real BIG cock! Big Grin

RE: Faces - Overfiend - 07-06-2019

Hi Mr Statesman,

I will be including this thread along with the results of the FFFM & FFM polls. so keep the variety of new faces coming.

RE: Faces - Elder Statesman - 07-08-2019

I m on a business trip this week,
but I will add some new faces coming weekend! Wink

RE: Faces - Sapphire94 - 07-09-2019

I'm seeing a lot of female expressions but where are the guys? It's no fun for anyone if the guys in-game don't have more facial variety too.

RE: Faces - Elder Statesman - 07-09-2019

Yeah, youre right!
But in most of the poses, you cant see the face of the guy... Undecided
When I m right, there are only two poses, in which you can see the face of the guy?
(and one threesome)
But feel free to post some examples!
I would like it!

RE: Faces - Elder Statesman - 07-14-2019

As I  have promised,
some lovely girls in their climax! Smile

RE: Faces - Overfiend - 07-14-2019

here's a few more
[Image: SabrinaBanksPHD_2.gif]
[Image: th?id=OGC.f8e7ab4d52025e52285f04511328dd...8%2fl5eeng]
[Image: tumblr_nv6m7uuFhV1rq93veo1_400.gif]
[Image: tumblr_nss9xj2NRj1uqk00xo1_1280.gif]
[Image: th?id=OGC.4607e71f39ae5c8637b3dff711135e...ZpY2qKMR7w]
[Image: tumblr_ne0jp1Rus41tghbqho1_500.gif]
[Image: th?id=OGC.df987074989359dd91f076758e7756...dsoGjt%2bg]
[Image: LittleFickleAtlanticbluetang.gif]
[Image: Sabrina+Banks+Nature+Walk+Takes+X-Rated+...7%2529.gif]
[Image: th?id=OGC.fe43973806c97a1ac701eba0ddb763...%2bmx%2fVA]

[Image: th?id=OGC.4a7b3dfd150c7597067122be275d93...2jVA5Jvr1Q]
[Image: th?id=OGC.c7b322b82c477d2144e4c2b2958e5e...iR0zSGbm7g]
[Image: th?id=OGC.63e8b00243de3ea2d903b5ad3af86e...XTH%2bRKpw]
[Image: th?id=OGC.5e554eb125d226579f35220d2d6b6e...P1EjZr3NDQ]
[Image: PeskySomeAnkole.gif]
[Image: th?id=OGC.9c80843422c057aaa690d0e913d6f1...bQLKuzhL9w]

RE: Faces - Overfiend - 07-16-2019

[Image: Jenna_Jameson_Jenna-Jameson-GIF-Porn-Doggy-Style.gif][Image: th?id=OGC.bf8f9eaff01fcf9f7c4237cab2d339...%2f07fqYIQ][Image: JJ1st11OC.gif][Image: th?id=OGC.d9cb4c724bf5a093d2dc7a836906ca...XUtH3UdQtg][Image: th?id=OGC.b884ea1769a2bf432c94795464cc46...GJrY8zMXMw][Image: 7065653.gif][Image: tumblr_inline_nuywfjrXnQ1sx15t9_500.gif]
[Image: small_2130-jenna-amp-maryjane.gif]

[Image: th?id=OGC.4b849a21779b90cbe165c1ec0ecc6c...F0Z%2bSkkg]

RE: Faces - Elder Statesman - 07-17-2019

Some more girls in sweet fear!  Big Grin