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  Party webpages?
Posted by: Manx814 - 04-07-2023, 11:24 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - No Replies

Hello all!. I have see in profile of some players, webpages to do certain things. Like RP, or mabey a exposition for group of girls to "rent", etc... But still not saw what i want, some web, or mabey information, to know schedules to enter and enjoy a party.

I can enter enter to the game at 8 am (ingame time), so its hard for me found a party at that hour. So i want to try new things to search it.

BTW, google seems not help me...

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Exclamation HELP!!
Posted by: Mitsudo - 03-28-2023, 01:24 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (8)

My account has been blocked and I dont know why!!

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  There’s no need to notify someone when they’ve been ignored
Posted by: Yelah - 03-13-2023, 07:44 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - No Replies

Seriously, why is this a thing?

Every once in a while I’ll encounter someone in Wild West who thinks they’re hilarious and won’t shut up. I always end up putting them on ignore and that’s it. Just now I had some asshole who thought it would be funny to follow me around and keep standing me in front of me.

Why do people need to be notified that they’ve been put on ignore? For that matter why should people see that you’ve ignored them when they click on you? All this does is open the door for harassment.

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  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me delete friends quietly :(
Posted by: Sasso - 02-05-2023, 04:32 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (1)

No offence but I'm not sure why it was a good idea to send a message to someone saying they've deleted you off their friends list. It's very awkward to log in to that message, especially if you still see them around sometimes. And I really want to thin out my list, but the one time I did delete someone they messaged me to whinge about it. It's time this got changed to just quietly removing friends.

If this actually has been changed ignore me for being dumb, I haven't been online that much lately, but it was happening untill recently atleast.

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  Pussy Stack - who can afford it
Posted by: Alexa_Darkness - 12-27-2022, 11:26 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (2)

So MnF Club have just released the new Pussy Stack pose... but did you know its not affordable for Female Avatars.  For a level 22 Female with all the poses, you run short of EXP points.  Whereas if you are Level 22 Male with all the poses, you still got ample EXP points to spare after buying the pose

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  Cancel/Undo the acquired futa poses?
Posted by: cumchantress - 12-26-2022, 08:05 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (3)

Hello everyone!

I had this thing going on in my mind for a while now. I can't remember the last time I used any futa poses on someone and since I don't use it anymore, Is it possible to undo/cancel the acquired poses and get the exp points back to the active user?

The primary reason would be, there are few of my friends that complain that they have been falling short of exp points and unable to acquire the new threesome pose.

I would welcome everyone's opinion on this.  Smile

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  Selfish greed
Posted by: Cath - 11-11-2022, 01:00 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (2)

Short story in first person

Here I was, standing in front of his door. Despite everything that had happened between us, I thought that nothing really changed...

I remember when we first met, I was this stupid and naive girl that thought that she could change the world. I know I'm not smart, nor strong. But at least giving a helping hand to someone in need was something within my reach. So I helped him during a bad moment in his life.
With time, his situation improved, I was there to witness his growth and it made me happy, I felt like I amounted to something. Watching his glow up with me, I felt special. Eventually, I'd hang out with him at his house. Well, he still lived with his mom, but she was a good woman, raising her kid all on her own. So he helped pay the rent with her. That was something I respected about him.
One thing led to another and, when his mother would go to work during weekends, we'd hit it off. Like he liked to say, we "smashed". It was always funny to ask the other if they wanted to "smash", it made us laugh. We usually did it in the living room, on the couch. Despite being one year older than him, he was always the one on top, dominating me and making me unable to walk straight after that. On the rare occasion when I was on top, he'd give me more punishment, I never rode him, he just pumped me from under me. I loved when he made me feel like a sextoy, I loved knowing that he was getting pleased with my body. I loved feeling useful. We'd "smash" for a couple of hours. And I was a screamer, so my crotch wasn't the only thing that was sore afterward. I knew he loved when I expressed how much I loved getting "smashed". Being loud wasn't such a big deal back then.
A few years later, he found himself a girlfriend. At first, I was very happy and supportive of him. I even met her, she was a couple older than him and was an alright gal from what I could see. I still visited him during weekends, only hanging out and laughing at memes. It was... nice. I was surprised when he told me that he hasn't had any sexual acts since then, not even masturbating. I didn't question him too much about, after all it was his own life. As for me, I kept myself busy, compensating for the lack of "smashing", only doing it solo. But as their little couple was going strongly, I saw him less and less, and I didn't hide my disappointment. I couldn't even hang out with him during our weekends, since he was visiting his girlfriend. But I knew that I was being selfish, I was always possessive of the people I liked and maybe that was his way to punish me.
Then one day he sent me a text, saying that they broke up. I was in middle of a university lesson, I stormed off and called him, worried about him. I was willing to rush to him to comfort him, but he said that he was doing fine, that he just needed to talk about it a bit. I was a bit happy to learn that I was the second person he had shared the news with, the first being his mom. I was a monster for feeling happy that I was his second person in mind, I was happy that he reached me to share his wound. At least I was also sad that they broke up, holding a grudge against his ex. I was probably acting like an older sister during that moment.
Time passed and everything went back to normal, for the most part. I was a bit surprised when he named his kitten after me, and was a bit bothersome when we'd "smash" and the little pet would rub against me, sometimes staring at me. It was a bit of a turn off when we stared at each other while I was getting butt fucked. One time, that little shit hissed at me when I was screaming his name. I always preferred dogs anyway.
But recently, something happened in his family, forcing him and his mother to host an uncle who was barely older than me. I didn't see him much, but I came to despise him. From what I learnt during outdoor escapades, the uncle was a deadbeat. Refusing to work, nor contribute to the house chores. He was supposed to look for a new home, but hasn't done much. It was irritating me since that uncle would laze in the house, sleeping during the morning weekends. Our little routine was greatly perturbed, no more couch sex, and no more foreplay either, since I was a screamer. Despite my aversion to blowjobs, I once tried to give one, only to be almost caught by the uncle who was walking around the house. I thought about bringing to sex in the bedroom or at my place, but it wasn't the same. Our "smashing" sessions were a casual occurrence, it would happen if the both of us were feeling like it, and changing places to do it would immediately kill the mood.
The last time we had a clear window to fool around, I couldn't get wet, even with a bit of stimulation, I couldn't. I wasn't excited and I was frustrated. It threw him off and I quickly left. From that point, we started drifting apart, the situation worsened when we got conflicting schedules and too much work on our own side. We texted less and less. I tried to keep the relation as best as a I could, but I felt guilty. Was it because I never confessed to him? Was it because I got to care less? I only fooled around with him, thinking that it would have been fine. But the recent events led to more frustration, leading to deprive me from excitement, from arousal. Did I still want him after our dry incident?

And so, back to the present, I stood there, in front of his door. I took a deep breath and rang the bell. It was time that I opened to up and shared my feelings.

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  Cath's VN series
Posted by: Cath - 11-08-2022, 11:22 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Hello there, general Kenobi!
This is the end of the "Cath's VN ending" series, created by my intention of eventually creating my own visual novel. While it wasn't stated in the first story, all characters are over 18. But you usually over 18 when you enter college, and even more when you start your second year.
I'd like to thank you for reading my smut, I'm still not confident enough to post smut on another platform, so you get to see my bad writing.

So, did you enjoy my stories? If so, which one was your favorite, and why?
As always, feedback is really appreciated. You don't know how many people I had to ask to get some.

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  Cath's VN ending G
Posted by: Cath - 11-08-2022, 09:47 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (1)

This is the last entry of my non existent VN, coming out when I find an old sick rich person to marry.

Secret Ending G - shady dealer (faithful client ending)
+ Alternative secret Ending G - rebound girl (ending, should you fail to romance the other characters)

Being in college wasn't difficult once you know where your classes were and who to ask for help. The Fixer was one of those people, for the right price or item to exchange, you could hire their service and get things that weren't readily available in college, or that would help you in a pinch, like a lighter. When they were wearing a school backpack, you could buy bigger items, such as alcohol bottles. That individual was more like a shady dealer since they never shown their face, hiding behind a white face mask and a cartoon-ish hood that hid their eyes, not to mention the voice modifier. They would be found in secluded areas, except for one place that was the smoker area. That meant that you had a good chance to meet them when going to talk to either Liz or Mia. Your first encounter with the individual would happen during your first visit in the non gendered bathroom on the third floor, they would come out of the third stall. They'd greet you non nonchalantly before washing their hands and opening their black parka, revealing different items. They proposed to sell you some items in exchange of money or valuables. Being a walking convenient store, you would often require their services, be it for romancing characters, quest lines, or boosting your stats. Some expensive items could be obtained by giving a service/ getting a fetch quest. The more interaction you had, the more reputation and affection you'd get, eventually getting discounts or services free of charge. Neat.
Since their gender was unknown, you wouldn't really know if they were flirting or having a bit of banter with since you were trying to romance girls. So, with high enough affection, you'd get called "Honey", "Lover boy" or even "Darling" when max affection. Should you explore the mall during the evening, you could find the Fixer in a Wok to Walk, getting some take-away and leaving promptly.
Why did you pursue the Fixer? Was it because they were reliable? Was it because you were curious? Or was it because you wanted some freebies?

Ending G - shady dealer
To get this ending, you'd have to complete every fetch quests and have bought all the items and services proposed, so you had to spend quite a lot of money, with some returns on investments. As you talked more and more with the Fixer, you learnt that they became quite dependent on you and that they'd give you discounts and freebies (of low value) whenever you'd take pictures of cute dogs you'd find around the college. So dog hunting was an easy way to quickly raise your affection. With high enough affection, you got their phone number for emergencies, and you got to visit the Fixer hangout. It had a couple of people dressed the same way as your own Fixer, which made you wonder if you actually were talking with the same person you had first met. Well, that was until you learnt that each year had a new dealer, that followed the same class. You might have wondered if you got into some kind of cult when they gave you a face mask. That item would unlock you the special services such as cheat sheets, information on specific people, or getting home deliveries to your own flat. Neat.

After completing your last quest, the Fixer would invite you to go eat out. Should you refuse, they would still hold the offer (can never close this path). So when you eventually accepted, you followed them to the Wok to Walk and they offered to pay for your food.
"Yeah, don't worry, darling. Consider it a date." they said, probably jokingly.
Once your order ready, you were asked if you both could eat at your flat, since your home was closer. Hoping in your car, you had a silent and awkward drive. It was pretty difficult to read their mood, since you couldn't see their face. You were pretty glad to finally arrive home.
"I don't usually do this with a client, but I fancy your presence."
Sitting at the table, you then realized that you were finally going to see what your Fixer looked like. Removing their hood, they had a brown ponytail, their eyes were hazel and their skin was tanned. You realized that your Fixer was a girl all along (shocker! amarite?) when she removed her mask, which had a voice modifier in it. She did look like someone you may have noticed in class.
"Is something the matter, darling?" she asked when she noticed your surprised expression. "Eat up before it gets cold." she said before eating her food.
You followed her example, eating silently while trying to remember the name of the girl in front of you. Awkward. You'd eventually remember someone that looked like her at the back of the class, wearing plain clothes and looking like any NPC in a college setting. While she wasn't as beautiful as the other girls (that you can romance), did look pretty.

> "So, you're Shelly, right?"
Looking pleasantly surprised, she stopped eating and nodded with a happy smile.
"That's right. I've been observing you since the beginning. You looked quite interesting, I must say. I'm surprised you decided to stick with me for so long. Are you looking for a refund?" she joked before finishing her food.
Once you were both finished, Shelly put down her backpack and removed her parka, still filled with various items, and asked to know where your bathroom was. She quickly came back after changing her clothes, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, her barely existent chest having gained a few cup to reach a C cup. Now she really looked like Shelly from class.
"You've spent quite a lot of money on, right? Since you're my best customer, I guess I could make it worthwhile. There's an open air theater where we can watch movies in your car. You up?"

> "I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe another time?" [postpone the date, you can initiate it back while skipping the reveal]
> "We aren't that close, I don't like doing it." [decline]
"Sure, I understand. My offer still stands. You know where to find me if you ever change your mind." Shelly replied before gathering her stuff and leaving.
> "Sure, let's do that." [accept]

"Cool. Don't worry, I'll pay for the expenses of the date, darling." she said, grabbing a leather jacket from her backpack. "There's a romantic movie scheduled tonight, perfect for our first date, eh?"
Despite having quite an assertive personality, Shelly seemed to be an alright gal. Driving and taking her to your first movie date in an open air theater was pretty new for the both of you, and as promised, she paid for everything, popcorn, drinks, even the gas for your car. As for the romantic movie, you both decided to say that it was boring, but since you paid to get there, you might as well spend your time wisely.
"Say, [name], have you been enjoying yourself during college?" she eventually asked, eating some popcorn.
You said yes, that it was pretty fun. There were rarely dull moments, especially when you had a quest. Shelly seemed relieved.
"So, with the end of the third year approaching, what are you going to do next? I think I'll do like the other fixers and join the local newspaper agency. Or maybe I'll open a flower shop, who knows?"
You don't know yet. Or maybe you do. Shelly understood your silence and leaned closer to you, resting her head on your shoulder and one hand on your chest.
"Remember when you bought my premium services?" Shelly asked. (this service allows you to get physical special services from the Fixer, you might used it to get injury treatments and maybe a shoulder massage)
You replied with a yes, which made her giggle before caressing your torso with her delicate fingers.
"Would you like to get some right now?" she casually asked.
You probably guessed where it was going, so you nodded. Shelly slid her hand in your pants, gently jerking you with her expert fingers, adding a few wrist twists. Enjoying your car handjob, you closed your eyes to take in the sensation. She was very gentle and yet it was giving you more pleasure than when you did it yourself. Rubbing your dick, sometimes fondling your balls, sometimes using the palm of her hand on the top of your tip. She clearly knew what she was doing. You felt the weight of her head disappear, only to feel her tongue on your tip, licking it like a lollipop. You opened one eye, meeting her gaze as if she was waiting for your approval. You gave it by rubbing her back, prompting her to delicately suck your cock, her head bopping, barely visible from outside of your car. While it wasn't a road head, getting a blowjob in the middle of an open theater was exciting. Caressing the back of her head, Shelly purred on your manhood. She took it all to the back of her throat, you could feel the back of it with your tip as she gagged on it. With her tongue, she licked the base of your cock before raising her head, breathing heavily.
"How was it? Want me to continue, darling?" she asked, looking flustered.

At that moment, she looked so hot, making you want to kiss her, but you remembered that she just choked on your dick. Instead, you caressed her cheek, both of you smiling. She got up from the passenger seat and carefully maneuvered to straddle you. Her face was so close to yours, you could feel her hot breath, that smelled like mint. You guess that she got some before blowing you. You gazed in her eyes, you saw love in her look, it wasn't lust and that fact made you hug her tightly. She smiled and rubbed your back, while moving her hips against your erection. The fabric of her jeans didn't bother you.
"Now, now. Look at what you made me do." she giggled. "I almost fucked you in public. Thankfully I don't wear a skirt." Shelly said before getting back on her seat.

You were visibly disappointed that you didn't get to finish and she noticed, making a cute face with an "aww" before getting back to blowing you, this time, it was more vigorous, sucking you avidly and making lewd wet noises. Using her hand, she jerked your shaft while she was sucking and licking your tip. When she was taking your length in her mouth, she'd fondle your balls. And with your moans become more and more audible, you knew that you were close. Your throbbing dick was about to explode at any moment, which was the signal to plunge her face on your manhood, releasing your cum once you hit the back of her throat. She purred with satisfaction. She wiped the cum of her lips once you were done. She gulped and opened her mouth to show that it was empty.
"Satisfied or refunded." She laughed before tidying her hair. "Once this movie is over, you'll get round two. Preferably not in public, I don't like to give free shows." she smiled, resting her head on your shoulder as if nothing had happened.

You definitely liked her way of thinking, but as you came to frequent this merchant, you knew that giving something in return. Putting your hand on her thigh, you tested if she was receptive and she was, looking pleasantly surprised of your initiative. Opening her jeans and sliding your hand in her silk panties and feeling the wetness of her slit. That was a good sign. You noticed that she was smooth down there, like it was freshly shaven. Rubbing her pink button, pressing it and occasionally sliding his finger between her lips. You played with her like she played with your dick, making her squirm and let out cute moans. You explored her thoroughly, making her little cunt contract around your fingers when she came. Shelly held your arm as her body was flooded by the warm sensation of climaxing.
"I'm so going to fuck you tonight, darling." she declared, her eyes filled with eagerness.

Luckily for you, the end credits were rolling out and so you quickly drove back to your flat. She pulled out a toothbrush and proceeded in washing her mouth with a wink. She wasn't a fixer for no reason, she was clearly prepared. Once you closed your door and locked it, you began making out with Shelly, who was caressing every inches of your body while twirling her tongue in your mouth. She tasted like mint. Embracing her, you slowly made your way to your bedroom, removing each other's piece of clothing, dropping her jacket in the hallway, dropping your shirt at the door of the living room, throwing hers on the couch, undoing her silk bras and leaving them as you entered your bedroom. While she sat on your bed, unzipping your pants with expert fingers, Shelly was already reaching for your manhood, stroking it through your boxers. You pushed her to lay down, removing her jeans and witnessing her drenched silky panties. You smiled contently at the sight, making her blush as she wasn't used to seeing you so confident.
"H-hey, darling. I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, you'd like to spice things up?" She stuttered, looking vulnerable.
You asked her what she meant by that. She hesitantly got up and left the room, leaving you confused and with your dick out. She quickly came back with a tube of lube while wearing a set of lingerie composed of bras and thong that didn't cover her naughty bits, and some garter belt with stockings.
"Y-you bought so much stuff from me that I... I thought you'd like to see me in something sexy for you." she stuttered, acting differently than usual. "And maybe doing some anal? That's totally fine if you don't want to, of course!"
Anal it was. Shelly got on all for on the edge of the bed, you applied a generous amount of lube on her asshole, spreading it with your finger. She squirmed during the whole process, her toes curling and extending as you played with her ass. You tested its efficacy by inserting your finger, making her gasp.
"W-was that your dick?!" she asked.
You chuckled and replied with the truth. She gulped and grabbed a pillow, ready to bite it.

Since it looked like it was the first time doing anal for the both of you, you proceeded carefully. Guiding the tip of your cock against her tight hole, pressing against its entrance. You expected some resistance, but you easily slid in. You only had your entire tip inside that Shelly squirted her pussy juice on you like a sprinkler. She let out sexual moan as she curled her toes and muffled her voice with your pillow. You slowly kept inserting your rod, feeling every inches of it getting choked by her asshole that she contracted. It became tighter and tighter as you progressed, until your entire hilt pressed against her rear. All while Shelly was muffling her moans. Her hole was so hot inside, and she was choking your rod with her muscles. With your hands on her hips to help you, you began moving backward, feeling like you could orgasm at any moment. You had to use all your willpower to get back a few inches before moving forward, repeating the back and forth motion as slowly and gently as possible. She felt good. She said something under her breath, you could faintly hear it. She said it again, a bit louder. You kept going at the same pace, making sure that the both of you were getting used to the sensation. Shelly's muscles relaxed a bit and she removed the pillow from her mouth, turning to you with a look that you knew too well coming from her.
"I love you, [name]. You make me feel special." she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You're my darling, and no one else is."

She got you emotional with her crying. You felt like kissing her, but the position didn't allow it, so you gently caressed her back and her smooth rear. It made her purr and dry her tears. You kept gently fucking her ass, keeping the same pace despite getting used to the sensation, being slow and steady. She appreciated it, purring and giving you those loving gazes. Feeling close, you warned her about it.
"Despite being a fixer, I don't do ATM (ass-to-mouth). You can finish inside, darling." Shelly softly said, having regained a bit of her usual composure.
You obliged, you kept going at it until you came in her ass. She did gasp from the unusual sensation in her gut but quickly chuckled. Finishing inside her felt unreal, because a few hours ago, you thought that she was a man. You were glad that you were wrong. After a quick shower together, you spent some time cuddling in your bed. It felt nice holding someone in your arm as you fell asleep. You quickly woke up, feeling her body pressed against yours, looking at you expectantly.
"Was I... good enough for you, darling?" she asked with sad eyes.

> "Always has been." you replied with a gentle smile.
She straddled you and leaned in for yet another kiss, pressing her chest against you. You could feel her fast heartbeat, feeling so close and intimate with her, even more than when you were making love to her from the back.
"I'm glad." she softly said with a smile. "Do you want a little bit more before sleeping? I'm still afraid of not pleasing you enough, darling."

> "With you in this position, there's no way I'd refuse."
"You make me happy, [name]. I'm glad that you trusted me, that you always visited me, and that you traded with me. You made our moments priceless, and that's what I love about you." she confessed, caressing your face, her eyes filled with love.
Coating your cock with her juice, she quickly got you hard. She shyly smiled and felt relieved that she could still get you hard. Inserting your manhood inside of her in her usual delicate way, she rode you softly, moaning in the same way. Leaned over you, you could feel her hot breath on your chest. She closed her eyes as she gave you pleasure with her body, giving herself to you as you gave yourself to her, with your time, dedication, and your money. But it wasn't about money anymore. Shelly finally got something she always desired, something that couldn't be bought. It was your love, something that you proved when taking her anal virginity, and when making sure that you weren't hurting her for you own selfish pleasure. Just like how you took her from behind, that being slow and steady. She rode you softly, sensually, breathing heavily and looking gorgeous while doing it. She arched her back, giving you a full view of beautiful body, of her well drawn curves and her well shaped breast. Every time she sat on your crotch, she'd let out a quiet moan. Every time she sat on you, you could feel her weight on your hips. Every time she sat on your manhood, you could feel her muscles contract around your member. She was like an angel riding you. Her sight made you quickly reach your climax and she knew it as she heavily sat on your manhood when you came, making sure that not a single drop of your seed would spill out. You shared a loving kiss, your lips locking with the other's for a blissful eternity. Shelly fell asleep on top of you, exhausted. You held her close and soon joined her in her sleep, both feeling fulfilled and content.

Congratulations : You got yourself a devoted fixer girlfriend. Apparently, your first date and night together was enough for her to change her attitude in class, sitting beside you and openly talking to you. Though her Fixer duties weren't over yet, she still had clients, but that didn't mean you wouldn't help her, mainly so that you could both to spend your time together. With the money she earned, she'd often invite you to her favorite fast-food, and occasionally to five stars restaurants. She always proposed to cover your expenses, but respected when you declined her help. The only times she'd insist was when you had to pay your rent. She eventually asked you if she could move in to your flat, you accepted and she was overjoyed, jumping in your arms. Living there as a couple until graduation, that was when you proposed to her. Getting married a few years later, you moved to a slightly bigger appartment. Some of her old habits were hard to let go, so she ended up opening up a convenience store with your support, often frequented by new fixer in the college that sought her guidance, but also being visited by former fixers. You were quite surprised to see the director of the local newspaper agency coming to your humble store. All that aside, Shelly was still a gentle soul in bed, sometimes asking for something spicier, with blindfolds, or new types of lingerie. The only time she acted wild in bed was when you put handcuff on her, she acted extremely lewd, moaning obscenities. It all got tamer once you had your first child.

Link for the other endings : A B C D E F G

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  Cath's VN ending F
Posted by: Cath - 11-07-2022, 10:01 AM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

Hello hello! How's No Nut November going for you? 

Ending F - Alpha girl (hard to reach)
Winda was a leader, an athlete, and most importantly, a popular girl in the college. She was an ebony with a toned body, earning her the nickname of 'Amazon' by her peers and the people in the college's track and field club. Winda was rarely seen without her clique of girl friends, meaning that approaching her was pretty hard, and talking to her was even more difficult. Your first encounter with her was during your first visit at the track field. It was one of the rare place where you could catch her alone, so only near the end of the afternoon. She was wearing her sport clothes and had just finished her training. She greeted you casually, asking you to hand her the towel next to you. One of the only ways to hang out with her was to join her club, or wait after her training. You could also catch her at the fitness club during the weekends. It goes to say that frequenting her would mean that you'd workout a lot and raise your strength stat. Eventually, you'd learn that her dream would be to either become a pro athlete or to open her own fitness center. Despite being very popular, she didn't have a bad attitude when not on college ground, she was genuinely nice and cool. If you raised enough her affection, you could go on dates ("as training buddies") in a diner. You would learn that she was bullied back in high school, and that was the reason why she became stronger while staying humble and kind, all while bring up others to become their better self. The only problem was that her clique had some toxic people that her naive self couldn't chase away, fearing to become like her bullies.
Why did you decide to romance her? Was it because you're into sporty girls? Was it because she was cool? Or was it because you like challenges?

The end of the third year was near, and through the numerous dates, you got closer and closer. Maybe it was time to finally ask her out? Apparently, your constant need for post-workout drinks and food pleased the Fixer who eventually told you:"You might as well go out with her, you'll bring me more profits. I'll hook you up with a necklace when you decide to, free of charge. I can distract others if you get me items on this list.". So you ended up getting yourself a free golden necklace with a small diamond in the pendant, it looked pretty expensive. Its description said: "adds 10% success chance in romance attempt". But the Fixer did warn you that you'd have to return it if you ever get rejected.
You approached Winda as she was about to enter the girls locker room. Oddly enough, the other female athletes weren't present during today's training, but you could have guessed why. You waved at Winda who noticed you and waved back with a smile.
"[name], how are you? I'm about to get changed. Since there's no one else, I guess it won't hurt if we talk inside?" she said, thumb pointing at the locker room.
You nodded and followed her. She seemed to have pushed herself pretty hard, being drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, while still maintaining a content smile on her face.
"You look like you want to ask me something, go on, shoot. You know I don't bite." she joked.

> "Winda, I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time. Would you like to become my girlfriend?" [Success : 70% without added bonus ]
> "All this workout made me feel exhausted, I wouldn't mind chilling with you more, but as a couple." [Success : 60% without added bonus]
> "You're an aspiration to me, nothing would make me happier than becoming the one that'll always be by your side." [Success : 80% without added bonus]

"That sounds pretty sweet, actually. I'd love to, but how settling it with a race? If you impress me, I'll give you a reward worthy of your efforts." Winda said, giving you a confident look while extending her hand to you.
Time to impress your crush! [this might be a good time to save] To win, you'll either have to beat her or barely lose the race (finish after her with 5 seconds max), after all she is a star athlete.
Thankfully, you won on either condition. Winda was indeed impressed by your performance, laughing while sitting on the ground.
"Looks like the student as beat the master! I'm more than impressed! Alright, get your reward in the locker room, boyfriend." she said with a teasing smile.
She made you sit on the bench in the center of the room and stood in front of you. After wearing the necklace you gifted her, she slowly started swaying her hips, sensually showing her curves, caressing her stomach and chest while looking you straight in the eyes. It looked like you've earned a lap dance. She kept dancing, then straddled you, rubbing herself against you, pressing her chest against your face. You could feel her softness, arousing you and giving you an erection. Winda grounded on your lap, rubbing against your bulge. She proceeded in sensually peeling of her drenched track and field shirt, her boobs dropping gracefully on her chest. You could see that she was hard, her tits pointing menacingly towards you. She saw your hungry look and grinned, she got up, showed her back and bent forward, all while giving you a sly smile. With her toned ass sticking up in front of you, she peeled down her short, its fabric sticking to her skin, covering her crotch until the last second before being completely down her knees. You fought the urge to not jump on her, ready to eat her glistening pussy. And as if she read your mind, she started swaying her butt, up and down, up and down. Hypnotizing you with her well shaped buttox. And like an idiot, you followed her movement with your head, nodding in rhythm.
"Ready for your reward?" Winda asked coily.

> "You look so tasty." [false sense of choice]
> "You've got such a nice pussy." [false sense of choice]
> "Your asshole looks tight." [false sense of choice]

"Slow down, cowboy. I'm the one giving you the reward." she said before jumping backward to land on your lap. "Let's see if you can outlast me this time." she laughed before pulling out your dick.
Forcing you to lay down on the bench, she began grinding her well lubricated cunt against your shaft, not intending on getting penetrated, she slid her wet pussy on your dick, basically jerking you with her lower lips. Her wet kiss and the succion was mind blowing, as she was sliding back and forth, rubbing herself against you, her hips moving with expertise. You couldn't help moaning, to Winda's delight. As to restrain yourself from ejaculating, you focused on the pendant swinging from her neck, trying to get hypnotized by something not sexual. She eventually came on your cock, finally putting and end to your edging. Her love juice covering your aroused dick, and creating a puddle on the floor under the bench. She leaned for a kiss, pressing her hard nipples against your chest, poking you. You embraced her, wrapping your arms behind her back and shared your saliva with hers. It felt nice to finally hold her. She didn't feel like an unreachable goal that you kept chasing after, you were by her side. The moment of bliss was short lived when you heard people outside the locker room, their voice getting closer and closer. Thinking fast, you took Winda to the showers, huddled together, both breathing fast, from the rubbing session and for the fear of getting caught. Soon enough, you heard girls entering the locker room, complaining about the smell of sweat and wondering where Winda was.
"Hey, Fixer, have you seen Winda?" a girl asked.
"She's obviously not here. She probably went home already." the Fixer replied, sounding a bit annoyed.
You'll probably have to pay for the extra service, next time you'll see the Fixer. Your thoughts were interrupted by Winda's breath on your dick, her very hot breath. She winked at you as she began sucking your dick, realizing that she had a tongue piercing, giving quite the new sensation when she licked your rod, swallowing the entirety of your manhood. You had to bit your lips to not make a sound while the gaggle of girls were still complaining about not finding Winda to the Fixer. The athletic girl found your struggle amusing and gagged on your cock, making not so subtle noise that your ally on the other room had to make distraction for. You knew that you'd get in trouble if it kept going, so you did the only thing you thought would be useful. You grabbed her head and proceeded in facefucking her, to her pleasant surprise. That was obviously a bad idea since she made more gagging noises, sexy noises. You felt close and let go, allowing her to breathe. She gave you a malicious look before plunging her face on your throbbing dick. You instantly came down her throat, her tongue coaxing you to fill her stomach with your seed. The sensation was yet again mind blowing, making you roll your eyes in pleasure. You felt spent and Winda looked pleased. She got up and leaned against the wall, spreading her legs and her pussy lips with her fingers.
"They're gone. Now claim me like you just did. Show me how wild you can be." she teased, her pussy still dripping from all the excitement.
You decided to take her up, rubbing your dick back to have an erection. You rammed her cunt from behind, making her gasp before chuckling.
"Come on, big boy. Fuck me like there's no tomorrow." she said, looking at you smugly.
You grabbed her hips and used them to pound her, slapping her ass from time to time, pinching her hard nipples. Her body was fantastic, her curves were delicious but not as much as her drenched pussy. She came on your dick with force, moaning your name and making sexy noises with her mouth. Taking her doggy style wasn't enough for you. You made her stand up and face you, she looked at you with eyes filled with lust as she seductively bit her low lip. Carrying her on your hips, you proceeded in making her bounce on your dick, showing your strength. You enjoyed her satisfied face, and her boobs jiggling as you made her hop on your manhood. After a good while, you felt a bit tired and decided to put her down again, but you weren't done yet. You entered her while she was standing up, holding up one of her leg for an easier access. Your thrusts were quick and hungry, your moans were shorts. Despite your aggressiveness, Winda looked at you with a loving smile. She had come yet again, enjoying getting ravaged. She held your face and kissed you yet again, not a lustful or sexual one, but a one filled with love. Her lips softly pressing against yours, a contrast to your bucking hips that were ramming her hole. That one interaction finally made you cum. You may have spent almost an hour fucking her, almost numbing your groin inside her well lubricated walls. You came inside of her before your legs gave in, only be held so that you wouldn't fall. You were still inside of her as your cock was shooting its semen.
"Hey now, I don't want you to get hurt after all of this. I'll hold you as long as you want to."
And so you spent long minutes, hugging each other, your dick still inside of her even after flooding her womb. It was a bit weird to feel your dick getting soft while still inside her love cave. You eventually broke off the embrace and got dressed. You realized that despite having stripped down, she had been wearing your necklace from the start.

Congratulations : You've got yourself an athletic girlfriend! With you by her side, she finally managed to get rid of the toxic people in her life without feeling guilty. It allowed people to finally talk to her without fearing to be judged by said toxic people. Also, she was really happy with your gift, always wearing it wherever she was, even during your bedroom activities. You did notice that she was slightly into femdom, usually getting on top of you and subtly commanding you to please her, either with your tongue or dick. That didn't bother you, and hey, that meant seeing more of her well toned body, right? Since she wanted to still do track and field for a couple more years, getting pregnant was big a 'no-no', so there were days when you had to wear a condom. But living with her was nice, eating healthy, doing sport, and having some healthy rivalry with her. It made you push yourself to become better.

Link for the other endings : A B C D E F G

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