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Longing for an illusion |
Posted by: Fernins - 08-02-2017, 09:43 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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Was a night of longing, of desire and dreaming
I was thinking about our kiss
How I missed those sweet lips
How tantalizing your body looked
My mind drifts away thinking about you
About that wonderful smile
Can't seem to shake the feeling
Of being in disarray
I close my eyes, I see your face
I'm dancing close to you
And you lean on me
You say this night is one to remember
I'm able to sense your nice smell
I hold on to you
Saying "I'll never let you go"
To which you respond with a tender kiss
Movie night |
Posted by: Fernins - 08-01-2017, 08:48 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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It's Friday night, the usual day for me and some friends to hangout
But this time I had to leave them, I had a movie night planned with you
Sure they did joke about it, but they knew I wouldn't leave them if it wasn't important
So I set out to your home, talk a bit with your parents and they decided to have their own couple night out
As we were discussing, you came downstairs all wrapped up in blankets
Feeling a bit tired, so I simply picked you up on my arms and led you to the living room
You sneezed a bit, but I was able to see your beautiful smile
A small vitory, the night was promising
I had chosen a few movies, some old some new
I was surprised that you haven't seen a old romantic one
So that's what we saw, as I held you tight and close to me
What a joyful, warm and heart melting moment
We watched two more movies, well I ended up sleeping half way through one of them
When I woke up, you just bumped my shoulder looking mad
I could only laugh at that and say sorry
You let that one slide, but you had to pinch my arm as a punishment
We talked a bit, fooled around, I kept hugging you
As a way to heal you, you said "you're so silly"
We kissed a few times, I brought you to your room
Said my goodbye, wishing for your recovery and saying I would be there for her always
Know by heart |
Posted by: Simple Tania - 07-31-2017, 09:50 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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Know by heart
Each line of your face,
Each shadow of your voice
Each move that you do,
Each silence and each noise
My love, know you by heart
I know each alley you hide
I know your best and worst
I know more that I wanted
I know in detail, I’m cursed
Each whim of yours,
And what you don’t say
I know your omissions,
And when you delay
So please my love, I beg
Don’t leave me apart,
I’m not the crazy one
I just, know you by heart
Boring, busy and worrying day |
Posted by: Fernins - 07-30-2017, 04:56 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (2)
Another boring day of classes
Another busy day trying to understand some major concepts
Lunch time arrives, this time you're busy with work
So I go with some friends to that bar we once went
We discuss some stuff from class
Joke about girls and I just tell them to be patient
Remembering what once was told to me
" The same way you're running to meet her, she (whoever she is) is running to you too"
We talk a bit more about silly stuff, future plans
Get back to classes
And end the day as usual
Back at home, after dinner
I get on my computer to talk to you via skype
I haven't seen you in a few days due to your work
And I was planning to go out with you
But my plans were not going to work
That day you were feeling a bit down
With fever and when we skyped you had a blanket over your head
You were having some kind of drink
To help you with the problem
Nevertheless, you looked so beautiful and cute
I had to joke a bit to lighten up your mood a bit
So I decided to plan a movie night for the next day
To be with you and help in whatever way
A moment |
Posted by: Simple Tania - 07-30-2017, 04:45 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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A timeless road…
A discreet advert
A closed flexion…
A blankness alert
A faraway town…
A weathered vest
A divine rainfall…
A ceaseless quest
A banned night…
A deserted beach
A furtive heave…
A soundless reach
A shared secret…
A sheltered dune
A naked passion…
A sparkling moon
A shooting star…
A distracted look
A close weeping…
A caress overtook
A pervious light…
A serotinous laud
A sore that hurts…
Not inside, abroad
You asked for a moment
You grabble to my word
You suppress in the time
Because time is blurred
You fade into the world
You blandish my torment
You lose yourself to me
Because I’m the moment
BDSM room competition for Krischan |
Posted by: Willy_for_Boobies - 07-28-2017, 08:48 PM - Forum: Drawings, designs and beautiful art
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Because Krischan cant open a thread i do this here for him. (If he dont want this i will delete this thread.)
Krischan wrote: original posting
50.000 Competition!!!! Create me a BDSM Room!
We will vote all together for 1,2 and 3rd place.
1rst: 25.000 gamedollar and a second mandate for a BDSM Room for else 25.000 Gamedollar just for me.
2nd: get 15.000 Dollar
3rd get 10.000 Dollar
i cant post a thread by myself, as it have no button. but i am wellknown and honest, and i mean it serious. so, people.. go on and do it!
ending time of competition is 08.08.2017 at 08.08 am gametime
So i think we can collect the drawings here in this thread.
For voting i think i will open then a new poll ;-))
To look inward, To grow outward |
Posted by: Fernins - 07-28-2017, 05:19 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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What makes a man recognise his mistakes
Is it the realisation of how wrong things go
The thought process that leads to it
Or is it both that makes it and turn it into growth
Is it enough to acknowledge the mistake
To say sorry and move on
Or should one work everyday to compensate for the errors of ones way
Sure the first sounds easy and less troublesome
But it's the latter that hardens one's will
Makes a broken heart into a steel and warm one
Turns little kids into fine, mature and sympathetic adults
The path which is the safest is sure to be fun
But only lasts for a few brief moments
The path which barely few take may seem bound to hurt
But it's the most rewarding, fulfilling and lasts a lifetime
Wishful thinking, or being a plain fool |
Posted by: Fernins - 07-26-2017, 12:30 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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Have you ever wonder about suffering, about this all consuming feeling of loneliness
Why does it have to be?
Why does it need to spread?
Why do why need to feel it, to turn around and react?
Suddenly the world seems so full of itself, so full of shit
Why is it that I need to wage wars, to create conflicts where there's none
Why are we so hellbent on this addicting and poisoning feeling
When all that's needed is to talk
Not just talk, but be heard, understood
Not just hear, but be open-minded and polite
We can, and will always disagree
But couldn't we care more about the people in need
Instead of holding on to a grudge that no one remembers anything about?
Shared Blanket |
Posted by: Simple Tania - 07-25-2017, 07:34 PM - Forum: Creative writing
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Sometimes you’re brut
Grumpy, rough, uncouth
An insensitive, an ungrateful, a rude
Mean and uncool
You’re stubborn as a mule
But deep down, you’re perfect for me!
Sometimes, I also have a bad temper
And I know I take everything ahead of me
Sometimes you’re unbred
An idiot, a chucklehead
It takes a lot of patience for you!
Nerd, smart-ass
Uncertain and lazy-ass
But, no doubt, you’re perfect for me!
Sometimes, I also have a short fuse
And I always reply to everything venting
And for these and others,
We almost don’t even notice
The times that we,
On the couch leaned
Our feet intertwined
Our cheeks bonded
The two tightly rolled
But brutally in love,
We share the blanket without incidents.