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  Server hopping tool
Posted by: Thrower - 09-09-2018, 12:53 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (9)

Am i the only one who thinks that we are missing a server hopping tool, so that we don't have to logout everytime we want to change a character

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  Minigame Suggestions Thread
Posted by: Overfiend - 08-23-2018, 12:33 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (95)

C'mon Let's play!

Welcome to the Minigame Suggestion thread.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss & gather minigame sugestions. There is a lot of content to consider in a minigame so here are a few guidelines to make this thread efficient & effective.

1. please use the following format when suggesting an idea. 
Name of game
Plot Summary (I recommend a low number of scenes maybe 3-5 max for ease of implementation)
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4 (If necessary)
Scene 5 (If necessary)
Other key details (if any)
Reward (if any)

2. Generally speaking, mini-games should allow you to have fun and make money.  This thread is intend to give people a place to discuss the content of mini-games, specifically, in detail. 

3. A Minigame could be very complex to implement.  Therefore let's try to keep the ideas simple & clear.  Members are asked to be respectful & open-minded about suggestions. At the same time, questions about your ideas should be geared towards refining it for a proposal to the devs

4. This is a suggestion thread. It does not guarantee that your idea will be added to the game.  The forum moderators & the suggestions thread leaders will do our best to make sure your voices are heard by the Devs. However the Devs ultimately decide what gets implemented.

Here is a list of general minigames comments
- more multiplayer games
- Provide a choice to play with NPC (single player) or play multiplayer with other avatars
- higher in game cash rewards
- sex scene at the end of the games or as an alternative to the cash reward

Here is a list of minigames suggested already

Idea #1: 
Name: Sperm Bank
 Location: MNF Bank 
Character(s): Male and Female avatars (For Free & Premium users) 
Description: A Sex scene where males can donate their sperm and Females can help collect sperm once a day and obtain a sum of money once a day. It kind of takes place of a log in reward. It will help boost your income without the risk of losing money gambling, farming avatars or competing at the stripper pole. It would also be great for Cum Fantasy RP or satisfying the morning wood. Mode 1: Have live sex with another player to assist males in donating & females in collecting sperm (similiar to shower sex) This would encourage live sex, social interactions and add variety to the daily grind of donating sperm. Mode 2: Pick an NPC partner. Either the Teller at the Bank or a new Nurse. 
Reward: Earn A sex pose after the first visit and some money with every visit

Idea #2: 
Name:Live Sex Shows 
Location:Wild West Cabaret 
Characters: Your Avatars
 Description:2-3 Avatars can perform poses and players can pay to view them and chat similar to pole dance Reward: Performing avatars gain a percentage of money paid as well as some bonus exp This encourages live sex, social interactions and satisfies the craving for voyeurism. Also tips can be as high or low as you want just like the stripper pole. It's up to the Devs whether which sex poses they'll allow. No risk in losing money but potentially lots of competition. It's up to the Devs whether it will be available for free users as well as premiums. Enjoy the show!

 Idea #3 
Name of your game/scene - Sex Exp Point exchange for In-game Cash 
Recommended location - Bank 
Character description - sexy Bank Teller and your Avatar 
Brief description - This is an NPC sex scene that allows you to exchange your excess Sex Exp Points for In-game Cash (for all users - free & premium). This is especially helpful for those that have collected more Sex Exp Points than they can use to buy sex poses. It also eliminates the need to delete a well developed avatar once they've earned all the sex poses because they can still use those poses to earn money. This also allows you to have sex anywhere & anytime with anyone and earn money. This promotes idea that - the more sex you have with other players, the more money you make. Scene 1: The Offer - the sexy Bank Teller offers you the opportunity to exchange your Sex Exp Pts for In-Game Cash. She tells you that you must prove your sex experience by having sex with her in the bank. You pick the amount of points to exchange. It can be set at a fixed amount like 500 pts for $500 and/or a 1,000 pts for $1000 Scene 2: Bank Teller Sex Scene - There should be a scene for male avatars and a lesbian scene for female avatars. It could be a new pose or a recycled pose (Dev's choice). Scene 3: Conduct the exchange - After you make her climax, the Bank Teller admits you've got plenty of sex experience and conducts the exchange. 
Reward description - 1. Decrease Sex Exp Points & increase In-game currency. 2. New sex pose after the first exchange Essentially it's encourages in-game sex. The more sex you have the more you can convert to cash. It should be available to everyone, all the time. It eliminates the risk of losing your hard earned money by gambling and the need to compete at the stripper pole. 

Idea #4 
Name: Strip Poker 
Where: Casino 
Modes: 1. Player vs Player (Money) 2. Player vs Player (Strip, loser gets sexed :3) 3. Player vs AI (Money) 4. Player vs AI (Strip, loser gets sexed :3) Also, we could just combine sexing and cash, but some people may just want to play for one or the other. This encourages social interactions both casual and sexual. It opens the door to hang out with your friends and have some fun. If your good at Poker then you can make a ton of money. If not then you'll be losing money but don't worry you'll have fun stripping and getting sexed.

Idea #5a & b
Name: Swingers hires sex for spouse
Where: A couple hanging out by the entrance to the suburbs 
Single player mode: Your avatar as the hired playmate male or female, NPCs as wife & husband. 
Multiplayer mode: player avatars join as the husband, wife, and hired playmate and they wait for other players to join like the Rodeo.
Scene 1: You meet a couple who is looking to hire someone to fuck their spouse for money. 
Scene 2: you agree, meet their spouse for dinner & seduce them
Scene 3: You fuck 1 spouse while the other watches in the background 
Scene4: You get paid and they both thank you 
Reward: Money. Maybe sex exp points. Maybe a new pose only after your first visit

idea #6
Name: Collector quest
Where: meet a shop owner 
character: single player mode or multiplayer vs mode
Scene 1: meet the shop owner who sends you on a quest to collect rare sex toys & lingerie
scene 2: you go back into the mnf world to collect the items. in multiplayer mode timer would start to see who is fastest
scene 3: you go back to the shop owner to return the items & he gives you a reward
rewards: you choose money or rare item. When you return to play again you can exchange the rare item you have for another rare item in rotation of 3-5 possible rare items to use in game.

Idea #7
Name: Virgin Island
Location: coastland or river border like the beach
Plot: You meet a pirate that tells you about the tons of virgins on Virgin Island. You take the challenge to fuck a bunch of NPC Virgins on the island. you go there & fuck them all in FFFM (for male players) & MMMF for female players
Playing modes: Single player male & Single player female
scene 1: Meet the pirate & accept the challenge to fuck a bunch of virgins on Virgin island
Scene2: you find the virgins hiding on the island before the timer runs out. gain points based on the number you find. They could be masturbating in hiding places
Scene 3: since they are curious about sex you fuck the virgins in FFFM or MMMF
Scene 4: collect a cash rewards based on the number of virgins you find before time runs out
Reward: Money collected and learn a new sex pose

idea #8
 Name: Anything you can do, we can do better 
Location: Suburbs
 Plot: You meet a pair of girls on a local suburban team like Soccer, softball, volleyball, tennis, golf, relay race,etc. they challenge you to a game and bet money. Every time you score on them your team earns money. If you get a high score then you get to fuck them in a group sex scene or 1on 1 sex scene depending on the playing mode 
Playing modes: 
NPC modes 
1 avatar vs 1 npc (1on 1sex scene),
 2 avatars vs 1npc (thresome sex scene), 
2 avatars vs 2 NPCs (4some sex scene), 
Avatar modes
 1 avatar vs another 1avatar (1on 1 sex scene), 
2 avatars vs 1 avatar (threesome sex)
 2 avatars vs 2 avatars (4-some sex scene) 
Scene 1: you pick your playing mode & teammate similar to the rodeo 
scene 2: you meet them & they challenge you 
Scene 3: you play & keep score & earn money 
Scene 4: You finish & earn a sex scene if applicable scene 5: have fun in a sex scene if you earned it 
Rewards: money based on score. A sex scene for high scores. A new sex pose that you can use in bed when you leave the Minigame

Idea #9
Name: cruising mnf 
Location: location starts in the northern most area like Temple & drives south to the beach 
Plot: Race through the world of MNF. Pass in game landmark sites along the way from each zone (Temple, museum, hotel, wild west, petnis forest, mnf bank, jail, etc). Get money for each checkpoint passed. Reach the finish line & fuck one of the hot flag girls on top of your fast car 
Player modes: Single player 
Scene1: agree to race 
Scene 2 race & enjoy the mns landmark sites while passing check points 
scene 3 finish race & collect money based on check points passed 
Bonus scene 4 sex with a hot flag girl 
Reward: money, sex with NPC & learn a new pose 

Idea #10
Name: Taxi POV 
Location: start in an urban area 
Plot: You drive a taxi from the point of view of the driver behind the steering wheel. you pickup passengers & drop them off. every successful drop off earns you money. the challenge is avoiding obstacles on the road as you watch the people you pickup have sex & masturbate in your large rear view mirror. Every person or couple you pickup performs a different sexual act. If you successfully drop off all passengers you should get a bonus sex scene with your final passenger. 
Player mode: Single player 
scene 1: agree to take the Taxi job 
scene 2: pickup & drop off passengers avoiding road obstacles while watching sexual acts in the rear view mirror 
Scene 3: complete the job collect your money 
Bonus scene: sex with a passenger 
Reward: money, sex with an NPC passenger & Learn a new sex pose

Idea #11
 Name: Fuck or no deal 
Location: casino or metropolis or suburbs or southern mnf 
Plot: this game is a parody for the popular Deal or No Deal game. Essentially you meet a pimp who offers you to choose 1 room number that you do want & a few room numbers that you don't want. He opens each door and reveals what's in the rooms that you didn't want. when the door opens you either find a girl that you can't fuck or money you didn't win. Then after each round of picking rooms the pimp offers a deal to pay to fuck a girl on display or no deal & keep playing for the prize in the room you originally wanted. if you survive to the end of the 3rd round then you open the door of the room you picked & find out if it's money to win or a girl to fuck. This is a win for the devs because I invites players to get more mnf money to gamble on a girl to fuck. It's also a win for players looking to find the door with a pile of cash. The NPC girls behind the door should be nude & masturbating seductively. 
Player mode: 
1. Single player Straight male with NPC girls to fuck
 2. Single player Straight female with NPC males to fuck
 3. Single player Lesbian with NPC females to fuck
 4. Single player Gay male with NPC males to fuck 
1. meet the pimp & agree to play 
2. play 3 rounds of fuck or no deal 
3. collect your cash prize or pay to fuck the NPC 
4. If necessary, fuck the NPC in 1 round. 
Rewards: money, fucking a new NPCc, gaining a sex pose from each NPC, maybe gaining sex exp points

idea #12a & b
Name: Tentacle Slayer Location: Shaman tower or petnis forest 
Plot: Your female avatar plays the role of a nude ninja with a sword that meets a mystic who needs a hero to retrieve a (A) Magic Wand Vibrator Or (B) Magic Tongue potion on the other side of the Tentacle forest.  Your Female avatar ventures through it slicing the penis tentacles along the way. when she misses the tentacles grab her & fucks her briefly until she fights them off. The player earns money for each penis tentacle it cuts off until it reaches either the (A) Magical Wand Vibrator or (B) Magic Tongue Potion
Player mode: Single player 
Scene1: Meet the mystic who tells about the magical item & accept the challenge 
Scene 2: Fight the tenacles or be fucked them
Scene 3: obtain the magical item 
Scene 4: Bonus scene have lesbian sex with the mystic. learn a new lesbian sex pose. it could be a new (A) FF wand vibrator pose or (B) FF oral sex pose
Reward: Money for tenacles cut off. Gain a new sex item & learn a new pose

idea #13
Name: Hot shot
Location: anywhere or maybe the Jail
Plot: Your male avatar stumbles into a ladies locker room shower or sauna.  The girls are masturbating in various poses so you roam around the room jerking off.  The goal is to shoot your cum on as many girls as you can but you have to aim to cum on their face, pussy, tits or ass to get points.  If you miss you don't get points.  Get as many points as you can before time runs out and the female security guard catches you.
Player modes: 
player mode 1: Single player with the Petnis. 
player mode 2: 2 player challenge.  Challenge another avatar to get see who gets the most points
If a player doesn't have one then the NPC encourages them to get one
Scene 1: meet an NPC girl outside the locker room that tells you about the masturbating girls inside who are hungry for cum.  Then agree to go in.
Scene 2: Play the game. Roam the steam room to find masturbating girls and cum on their face, tits, ass & pussy to get points
Scene 3: time runs out, collect your points & leave
Bonus scene: fuck the npc girl who let you in the locker room and learn a new sex pose.
Rewards: in-game cash based on number of points earned.

Idea #14
Make Brothel available for MM & FF use as well.

Idea #15
Erotic Nuru massage parlor (Inspired by Overfiend)
Perhaps the cabaret, casino, or surburbs since they not in use
The experience operates the same as the stripper pole.
Player clients visit an erotic massage parlor and they pick a player masseuse.   The masseuse has base set of nude body to body slide poses. The client can tip the masseuse during the massage.  Later a fuck masseuse pose could be made available. For examples of this style of massage take a look at Asian Nuru massage porn

Name of game: Fast fucking (inspiredy by Mr.  Elder Statesman)
Location: Suburbs
Game play modes
1. Single Male Player & NPC
2. Single Female player & NPC (See a female alternative below)
3. 2 player mode Male & Female players (See a 2 player alternative below)
Plot Summary:
You're driving in the Suburbs. You pick up hitch hiker girls.  In exchange for a free ride to her destination, she give you a blowjob while you drive.  Then you drive through the suburbs avoiding traffic accidents while she's giving you the blowjob.  The POV should be from the back seat so you can see both the blowjob and the Driver's window to navigate traffic.
Scene 1: Get in your Car in the Suburbs
Scene 2: Pick up the hitch hiker & make the deal
Scene 3: Drive, avoid accidents and get a blow job at the same time
Scene 4: Reach her destination & drop her off
Scene 5: choose to pick up another girl or end game
Reward: MNF cash, sex exp points & a new blowjob pose to use in bed
Alternative: There could be a male-male gay alternative where the Male player driver picks up a Male NPC who gives the driver a blowjob.

Single female player alternative
1. Single female driver picks up a male hitch hiker NPC. The female driver gives the hitch hiker a handjob while she is driving.  
2. Single female driver picks up a female hitch hiker NPC. The female driver fingers the hitch hiker while she is driving

2 player mode alternative
1. Male player being the driver & female player being the hitch hiker giving the blow job to the diver
2. Female player being the driver & the Male player being the hitch hiker getting a handjob by the driver.

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Lightbulb Hybrid Hairs [Poll]
Posted by: Corta - 08-19-2018, 12:26 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (12)

this is about pitching the idea of getting some hybrid hairs into the game.
I know making all-new content is a hassle when theres so many different poses to draw for.. so why reinvent the wheel every time?

I'd like to propose mashing up the old hairs for some fresh new looks!

heres a couple I've frankensteined together ~ I hope you like
[Image: Cortas_MnF_hairs.jpg]

and the best part is how easy this'd be to get working.
sure, the new hairs will need a few touch-ups for the poses.. but I think it's pretty neat for how simple it is

[Image: hairrips.jpg]
^ that's one of the cleaner collages, but these sprites are unedited. I havent drawn over anything in these shots
I've got all of this rigged up in a little bootleg I made a while back, so if anyone on staff wants the .fla, just get in touch with me Smile

so.. what do we think? Big Grin

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  Diana's clumsy attempts at Photoshop
Posted by: Diana - 08-13-2018, 12:03 PM - Forum: Drawings, designs and beautiful art - Replies (14)

hey guys! Maybe someone has already met me, I'm Diana from Italy  Wink
Since I want to expand my skills (and also be a little naughty), I picked up Photoshop for the first time some days ago and, as a form of exercise, I'm making some very clumsy custom poses  Big Grin
I'll post them all on my Twitter, but I'd also like to hear some comments and, why not, suggestions on how to improve! Just be patient with me, I'm an amateur  Undecided

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Posted by: Sapphire94 - 08-08-2018, 09:06 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (2)

So I just took a look at the new NPC scene you get by completely undressing the Flappy Petnis girl. It was pretty short but sweet and I can't say I didn't like the pose but it did leave me wanting more. It occurs to me that lately we just want more and more. I'm definitely on that boat of more content would make the game better but some thought also come to mind. The new Npc pose looked stunning graphic-wise and very smooth so maybe instead of looking for quantity, we could start looking for more quality. I used some of the first poses on someone recently and they were amazed saying, it's been a while since I've seen this. Got me thinking. The old poses are great in their idea but if they got touched up to look as good as the new ones (With some added variations as needed, maybe) things would be a lot better here. It would breathe new life into the game instead of just hoping stacking on new content will keep it going. I just wanted to hear some thoughts and expanded ideas on the theory.

When I say variation I mean, for example, The latest NPC pose doesn't have an anal variant. Why is that? Tossing in something like that could make the scene more fun for people. Also, instead of the flappy petnis, maybe she could use yours if you have one or use yours to initiate a DP scenario.

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  Sex Pose Poll 3Q18 - 4-some Carnal MNF
Posted by: Overfiend - 07-29-2018, 08:35 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (40)

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the first ever 4-some sex poll.  We are taking CARNAL ORGIES to a new level.

Please vote for 2 sex poses from the list below (because it's so hard to pick just 1).
There are a large number of possible variations for 4-somes so I tried to choose poses that are common, recyclable & gets every partner involved. I did not include MMMM & FFFF because MM & FF poses still need more development before introducing a 4 some.

I have contacted the Devs to ask them
"Is it possible to make a 4 some pose in the game?"
"Would you be open to adding it in the future?"
Their exact response was "the poses are very complicated to make,but we will consider it."

So let's get as many votes at possible to make our demand convincing to the Devs.  Thus this poll will last 30 days.

Please note that this poll provides feedback to the Devs regarding the demand for 4-some poses.  It does not guarantee that the winner will be added to the game.  If the Devs decide to add a 4-some pose to the game, it may take several months to update.  

4-Some Sex Poses

  • MFMF - Orgasmic Unity + extra male - It can be created by recycling Orgasmic Unity (Male controlled). Just add another male receiving oral from the top girl and fucking the bottom girl
  • MFMF - Rodeo & Doggy (female & male controlled) - 1 pair of MF in Rodeo & the other pair MF in Doggy style.  The girl in doggy style girl is licking the Rodeo girl & sucking the cock of the guy in Rodeo. This can be created by recycling the Rodeo & Doggy style poses.
  • MFMF - Femme Fatale & Share the Love 4-some (male controlled)- recycling the Femme Fatale pose but with a guy fucking the girl. The girl getting fucked in Femme Fatale is licking the pussy of another girl who is also sucking a cock in the "share the love pose".  It can also be drawn up using "Spooning" & "Pirate's Bounty". Essentially this can be any combo of recycled poses that show a guy fucking a girl and that girl is licking the pussy of another girl who is giving a blowjob to another guy.
  • MFMF - Double Fuck & Double BJ (aka Double Up) (male & female controlled) - a girl on her back & a girl in doggy on top of her in the same direction. A guy at their bottom can have the option to fuck either of them one in pirate (fuck bottom pussy & ass) & the other in doggy (Fuck top pussy & ass).  Options can be normal & hard pussy & ass fuck for the top girl & the bottom girl. While he fucks one girl animation should show him fingering the other girl.  The other guy is positioned at their heads getting a double blowjob from the 2 girls at the same time. The double blowjob should include varies combinations of licking & sucking from both girls.  The girls tits are rubbing against each other. The animation should show them kissing when they are waiting for action.  This can be created by recycling pirate & doggy and placing the doggy on top of the pirate then adding a cock at the by their heads to get a blowjob.
  • FFFM - 1 guy fucks 3 girls Reverse gangbang (male or female controlled)- a guy does the fucking, licking fingering of all 3 girls at the same time.  The guy can fuck in Pirate or Rodeo or doggy.  In Doggy the asses of girls would be stacked on top of each other so the guy can fuck the bottom, finger the middle girl & lick the top girl. In Rodeo the guy will be on his back getting fucked by 1 girl then licking the girl who is face sitting on him & the guy can finger the middle girl. In pirate, the girls can be side by side in pirate with their legs spread. He can fuck the one in the middle, finger a girl on a side and lick the third girl who is standing above him with her legs spread. The girls should rotate getting fucked by the 1 guy.
  • FFFM - Orgasmic unity & Muff dive (Male & Female controlled)- This recycles Orgasmic unity & adds a extra female to muff dive the bottom girl.  The girl doing the muff diving should show her face licking pussy with her heart shaped ass arched up.
  • FFFM - 4 hole stack & facesitting (Male Controlled) - 1 girl on her back like Pirate Bounty, another girl in Doggy on top of her in the same direction. Both of their pussy & ass face a guy that gets to choose the holes of the top girl in doggy or the bottom girl her back. While he fucks one the other gets fingered. Meanwhile the 3rd girl is face sitting on the girl her back while the girl in doggy licks & sucks their nipples. Options can be normal & hard pussy & ass fuck for the top girl & the bottom girl
  • MMMF - Airtight Gangbang (Male Controlled) - airtight with every hole filled - fucking pussy ass and blowjob at the same time. This could be a recycled "get on top" pose with 2 extra cocks. Or it could be a recycled "Full Nelson" pose with 2 extra cocks
  • MMMF - Blow Bang (Female Controlled) - the girl has a cock in her mouth & a cock in each hand.  And she alternates the giving a blowjob to each cock. Males are should be in control of the cumming. https://gifmixxx.com/aVgt
  • MMMF - Alternating blowjob & handjob while getting fucked (Male Controlled) - the girl has a cock her mouth & a cock in the other hand while she is getting fucked.  It could be a recycled "Share the Love" pose with an extra cock on the other side of her head.

Here are some additional photos

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  Forum Suggestions
Posted by: Emmie - 07-23-2018, 10:25 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (17)

A place where you can bring suggestions of what you'd like to see on the forum or from the forum moderators. Please keep it to constructive ideas or criticism.

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Lightbulb Security Questions
Posted by: Emmie - 07-23-2018, 02:21 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (19)

When you register to this forum, you're asked to answer a security question. This is mainly to stop bots, but seeing the amount of bots we've been getting recently, we feel like it's time to review those questions and filter out the ones that don't do their job, while adding new ones that will do it better. We already came up with a few, like "What does the M in MnF stand for?" or "If you are human, leave this blank!", but we could obviously use more, and some help coming up with simple but good ones. So if you have a question you think would be good at blocking out the bots, please post it here! Perhaps your suggestion will be part of the new security questions we add.

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  Sex Pose Poll 3Q18-prelim poll-gender combos
Posted by: Overfiend - 07-20-2018, 02:26 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (15)

Hello All,

This is a brief preliminary poll to see which type of gender combination should be the focus of the final poll.
The winner of this brief poll will receive a poll focused on its own sex pose variations which are listed below.

FF poses have been excluded from this poll because FF-Oral has already won the last sex pose poll. 
The Devs have been made aware of those results.

Please pick 1 gender combination. This poll will only last 1 week so vote now. 

Below is a list of sex pose variations collected so far.  
This list is also posted on the first page of the following thread.

MF Sex Poses

  • MF - Side Laying Doggy can be created by recycling Femme Fatale - switch the Female for a Male
  • MF - Standing Doggy - Arms pulls back - pulling hair back - lifting up 1 leg - she's facing a wall - his back is against a wall - She's laying with her stomach on the floor - Wheelbarrow carry doggy - standing Full Nelson headlock doggy
  • MF - Lap dance sex pose for the strippers in the Red Heat club on the couch
  • MF - Male carrying female during sex
  • MF - Scissors sex
  • MF - Craddle - both are seated and her legs wraps around his - a romantic pose with kissing & fondling
  • MF - Froggy style - female squats down over him
  • MF - Nursing Handjobs - female strokes his cock while he sucks & licks her breasts. including caressing, hard groping, licking, sucking, pinching, rubbing the nipples
  • MF - Spank & fingering pose - bend her over his knees so he can spank & finger her
MM Sex Poses
  • MM - mutual masturbation - 2 guys stroking each other's cock
  • MM - Oral pose can be created by recycling Blowjob - Switch the female for a Male
  • MM - Doggy pose can be created by recycling Doggy style - Switch the female for a Male
3-Some Sex Poses
  • MMF - Doggy Style & Blowjob can be created by recycling Doggy style - add another male to for a blowjob - it can also be created by recycling the blowjob pose an adding a man to fuck her from behind.
  • MMF - Full Nelson Threesome can be created by recycling Full Nelson - add another male fucking her pussy
  • MMF - Double penetration can be created by recycling the girl on top pose & adding a male behind her to fuck her ass
  • FFM - Girls riding triangle - 1 girl fucking straddled on top fucking his cock and other straddled on his face receiving oral
  • FFM - double blowjob - 2 girls sucking 1 cock - girls alternate between sucking, licking & stroking the shaft
  • FFM - DP strapon threesome - 1 girl fucks her ass with a strapon while the guy fuck her pussy. The guy & strapon girl can switch holes.
  • MMF - alternating blowjobs - 1 girl sucking 2 cocks - she strokes one cock while sucking the other, then alternates
  • FFF - Oral & fingering threesome (no toys)
  • FFF - strap-on threesome - 1 girl with strap-on fucks a girl while the girl getting fucked licks another girl
  • MMM - Threesome
4-Some Group Sex poses
  • MFMF - 69 4-some can be created by recycling Orgasmic Unity - add another male receiving oral from the top girl or fucking the bottom girl
  • MFMF - Rodeo & Reverse Cowgirl Group Sex (Female controlled)- girls can be Side by Side or facing each other
  • MFMF - Pirate's Bounty & Doggy style group sex (Male Controlled)- girls can be side by side
  • MFMF - Rodeo Group Sex - girls can be Side by Side 
  • MFMF - Double doggy style group sex - girls can be side by side or facing each other
  • MFMF - Pirate's bounty group sex - girls can be side by side or on opposite sides upside down licking each other's breasts
  • MFMF - 1 pair of MF in Reverse cowgirl & the other MF in doggy style with the doggy style girl licking the reverse cowgirl girl
  • MFMF - Oral - a circle of blowjob to pussy licking to blowjob to pussy licking
  • FFFM - Reverse Gangbang - guy on his back, 1 girl riding cock, 1 girl face sitting the guy getting her pussy licked, 1 girl getting fingered while she licks & fondles the other girls breasts.
  • FFFM - 4 hole reverse gangbang - 1 girl on her back, another girl in doggy on top of her. both of their pussy & ass face a guy that gets to choose the holes of the top girl in doggy or the bottom girl her back. meanwhile there's a 3rd girl face sitting on the girl her back while the girl in doggy licks & sucks their  nipples. Option can be normal & hard pussy & ass fuck for the top girl & the bottom girl
  • FFFM - Oral reverse gangbang -  guy on his back while 1 girl face sitting getting her pussy licked by him, 1 girl sucks his cock, & the 3rd girl licks her pussy doggy style
  • FFFM -  girl power reverse gangbang - guy on his back while 1 girl face sitting getting her pussy licked by him, 1 girl sucks his cock, & the 3rd girl strapon fucks her doggy style
  • FFFM - DP reverse gangbang - a guy & a girl with a strapon DP pussy & ass fuck a girl in the middle while a 3rd girl gets her pussy licked & fingered
  • FFFM - Airtight reversegang bang - 2 girls with a strapon fuck her pussy & ass while the guy gets a blowjob. Everyone with a strapon or dick rotates to get a chance to fuck her. it will require 2 premium girls.
  • MMMF - Gangbang - airtight with every hole filled
  • FMMM - Blow Bang - the girl has a cock her mouth & a cock in each hand.  And she alternates the giving a blowjob to each cock. Males are should be in control of the cumming. https://gifmixxx.com/aVgt
  • FFFF - Lesbian oral & strap-on - a variation could be 1 girl face sitting on a girl on her back who is also getting her pussy licked by a girl getting fucked by a strap on doggy style.  then they rotate.

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Music Music to my ears
Posted by: MissCarmen - 07-15-2018, 09:04 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (6)

Heart                                     Heart                                     Heart                                      Heart                                     Heart                                    Heart                                       
Editing for a better reading experience, please stay tuned. 

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