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Gangbangs Organisation
I agree, but i see problem is that they can interfere also in bad way so its kind of risky.
Yeah there's always that. I guess it just up to the people if they want to risk it or not.
Everybody has to speak up for themselves and im willing to try it, we could arrange some time and place but need to set limits i guess. By that i mean that i can see 5 people play together but when there will be lot of people (saying about 8 and more) chat start being rather nonsense mess and everybody will have problem to track whats happening.
The last one I setup was in a room. I had guys lineup and when it was their turn they hopped in. Threesomes preferred. Someone else I talked to that runs them said stick to 2 to 3 rounds top. Give participants a 5 min spaced interval so no one's waiting too long.
Quote:The last one I setup was in a room. I had guys lineup and when it was their turn they hopped in. Threesomes preferred. Someone else I talked to that runs them said stick to 2 to 3 rounds top. Give participants a 5 min spaced interval so no one's waiting too long.
oh that sounds like fun to^^
someday i would like to try that and the rp gangbang^^
I talked about it before:  

(08-20-2016, 10:43 PM)Willy_for_Boobies Wrote: . As said before in this thread (when i remember right)....
.. unfortunately there are no gangbang poses ...
... you can only play gangbang ... in public chat, so all can read what the others do or say .... and react and play ...
.... some use a room to play undisturbed, some play in public rooms like the cabaret or the cave or other places ;-))

.....  at the poles you could talk and play with the dancer a niice gangbang scenario (if she likes and allows it ;-))   ) and then have niice moves to see ...

;-)) i wish you a good and funny play ;-))

Some of my nicest gangbangs i did at cabaret and shooting range (with audience ; and none of them was disturbing our play ) ;-))
And in cabaret i watched some remarkeable plays ;-)) ( up to 5 dicks in an ass ) ;-))

We arranged server, place and time here in forum (the first times),
( some like an "open invitation" )
and had someone in game we could ask if there were short term changes.

Later, when we knowed us better, we arranged some gangbangs directly with Personal Messages ;-))
[Image: detail.gif]
Well how did you arranged it because some people i saw arranging stuff right here in forum, therefore we can do same just tell server and server time also name of character if its different than on forum and hop in.

PS: I guess that best it would be if female does it because they are stars in the gangbang so its quite impossible without them.
;-)) everything turns on the woman ;-))

My first roleplay-gangbang was with QueenExcellia (16-Feb-2016)  in cabaret 
I read and followed this thread until the server place and time were set ( i didnt post at this time ;-)) .. )
luckily i meet her in game and she friended me ;-)) so i could follow her as the place had to be changed ;-))
.. and on the other side Kyrios tried to maintain connection ...
( you can read from the beginning .. and see how much posts and messages were needed)  ;-))

The best would be if some interested women would suggest server, place and time here to find (new) gangbang partners ;-))

(- low traffic server like tight lipped, pink taco or nether region ;
 - place: like cabaret or cave, perhaps shooting range ,
 - and the time they would be online )

It could be adapted later ;-))

This thread can be also a starting point only ;-))
;-)) if people are acquainted in game they could make their own schedule ;-))
[Image: detail.gif]
You sayed it for me, thats exactly what i ment so i ladyes dont be affraid to give out some info and some guys will catch up Wink
hey im in to it , just pm me time and server ...

x) sins??

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